Gear and Reviews

Cadillac Quality: A Review of Misty's Classic Harness - 2005-11-15 by holdplease2
Whitewalls, Convertible, Satellite Radio... What Features Doesn't Misty's Cadillac Harness Have?
My Shoe Experiences - 2005-11-11 by climbaddic
Climbing shoes I have tried...
Review: The Yates Screamer - 2005-10-23 by holdplease2
Ironically, the Yates Screamer epitomizes both raw, gut-emptying, pants-filling terror... and thoughtful foresight.
Adventures in Gearland - 2005-08-17 by j_ung
J_ung's online journal of gear and debauchery (hey, you never know) at the Outdoor Retailer 2005 Summer Market in Salt Lake City, UT
Homemade Double Gearsling with Loops - 2005-07-24 by slacklinejoe
A step by step on making a convertable double gear sling that goes from double to single. I put this together while nursing injuries and I've been quite happy with the results: a comfortable, well designed gear sling.
Energy Bars Exposed! - 2005-03-15 by J. Young
What the energy bar industry doesn't want you to know about energy bars: Most of them taste bad!
Maculated Returns to Salt Lake's OR Show - 2005-02-13 by maculated
Maculated gets jiggy with gear, folks, and beer. She returns to Salt Lake City to cover the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market Show for 2005. It's a gear orgy and you're invited.
Advanced Ice Screw Sharpening and Care - 2005-02-01 by Jason Hurwitz
This all started when MotherSHeep asked about sharpening ice screws. These techniques, done properly, will have your screws working like NEW and lasting a VERY long time! I don't have a camera right now, so I rendered them in CAD. Enjoy! -Jason
Long Version of the Arborwear Pants Article - 2005-01-18 by maculated
Climbing has gotten popular enough that options abound to satisfy our wildest dreams:so why is it that if you talk to anyone for any length of time, climbing pants is an inescapable topic?
Gear list for ice climbing - 2005-01-17 by adoubleyou
If you like check lists as much as I do, you might find this article helpfull. Thanks to some people from I made a list with all the gear you might need for ice climbing.
Special Bosch Drill Price - 2004-11-30 by russman
This is a special deal for members. Order your drill today and mention you got the info from us here and get a Special Price.
Evolv Shoes Gear Review - 2004-10-07 by rrradam
Evolv sent members of various shoes for a Gear Review.
A Dirtbag Climber's Spin-Off Hobby: Making Your Own Rope Bag - 2004-07-15 by tattooed_climber
The title says it all, thinking Rope Bags were over priced inspired me to do this project, and then in turn, write this article. Some skill with the Machine of Sewing is required as will as some thought and/or imagination.
How to get quality gear for less. - 2004-02-15 by maculated
maculated - the official definition of penny pincher - guides you on a whirlwind tour in order to find the best gear at the lowest prices.
Splitter Gear 2&4Cam Review - 2002-12-27 by rrradam
Splitter Gear has provided me with a set of their innovative new 2Cams and 4Cams for a Gear Review here at Myself and several users have used these at The Gunks, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Yosemite, and several
Shoe Thread Index - 2002-09-23 by colin
This is a collection of a small portion of shoe threads found on this website. Before posting a new thread regarding shoes, please look here.
Cam Geometry 101 - 2002-08-25 by apollodorus
This short article explains cam geometry, and briefly how they work.
Stick or Slip - 2002-06-28 by joemor
a brief guide to improving the performance of your climbing shoes grip.
Buying your first trad protection? - 2002-05-23 by joemor
A basic guide to the pro that will become the backbone of your rack.
Gear to get you on your way - 2002-04-21 by maculated
New to climbing? Here's a guide advising what to purchase to get you on your way.
Bargain Shopping Done Right - 2002-04-13 by maculated
Advice for making your rack and other climbing paraphenalia as painless to your pocketbook as possible.
Some guidelines to care of gear - 2002-03-06 by cass
Some general guidelines to care, use and cleaning of Rope, Harness, Slings and Karabiners
Buying Climbing Shoes -Part 2: Assessing Your Climbing Shoe Needs - 2001-08-30 by fiend
A look at what shoe features you need for the different types of climbing and what to think about when sizing them.
Guide To Buying Climbing Shoes -Part 1: Shoe Construction - 2001-07-15 by fiend
Help with purchasing the right climbing shoe for your needs.