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Know Your Land, Pt. 3: Climbing on Private Land - 2015-01-14 by Paul Nelson

Know Your Land, Pt. 3:  Climbing on Private Land Many of us may bristle at the prospect of sacrificing our freedom to climb on private land. But do you know what? Many of the best areas, especially in the Southeast US, are not public. Here's your guide to these areas.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 0 | Views: 13444

Know Your Land, Pt. 1: Climbing on Federal Lands - 2014-12-18 by Paul Nelson

Know Your Land, Pt. 1: Climbing on Federal Lands This is part 1 of a three part piece on the types of land ownership that affect climbers.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 15752

Geology for Climbers, Part I: Igneous is Bliss - 2014-11-01 by Paul Nelson

Geology for Climbers, Part I: Igneous is Bliss This is the first part of a three-part article series that will outline different geological types of rocks throughout North America, and the techniques and gear that are best to climb them.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Votes: 3 | Comment: 1 | Views: 11747

The Best of the Worst: Five Gumby Climbing Videos and What We Can Learn From Them - 2014-10-02 by Paul Nelson

The Best of the Worst: Five Gumby Climbing Videos and What We Can Learn From Them In the era of camera phones, GoPros, and YouTube, it seems like the internet is flooded with footage of climbers making mistakes and getting hurt. Here are some of the internet's best, or worst, depending on which way you look at it.
Average Rating = 4.43/5 Votes: 7 | Comments: 4 | Views: 11289

Naked Disco Dance Party in J-Tree - 2012-08-01 by Luke Mehall

Naked Disco Dance Party in J-Tree It is two o’clock in the afternoon on a warm spring day in the desert. “There’s a naked disco dance party tonight,” Holly says. Normally naked and party could be inviting, but in the climbing world the chances of a decent ratio of sexes is slim.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Votes: 2 | Comment: 1 | Views: 12932

Pavane- A Requiem for Shady - 2012-07-12 by Michael Gray

Pavane- A Requiem for Shady A southern rock climber bids farewell to a friend who dreamed of the big stone.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Votes: 4 | Comments: 9 | Views: 10372

An End to the Drought - 2012-06-20 by Michael Gray

An End to the Drought A southern climber comes west, and finds a lost world.
Average Rating = 3.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comments: 0 | Views: 7672

Rock climbing in Donegal, Ireland. - 2012-05-21 by Iain Miller

Rock climbing in Donegal, Ireland. The county of Donegal sits in the most North West point of the Republic of Ireland. What Donegal provides for the visiting rock climber is more rock climbing venues, routes and unclimbed rock than the rest of Ireland combined.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comment: 1 | Views: 9455

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon Part 3 - 2012-04-26 by Luke Mehall

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon Part 3 Mark’s surgery in Vermont was successful, and soon after he returned to Colorado for radiation treatment and his final semester at Western State. Mark faced this challenge with the same determination and courage I had witnessed in his climbing. Never did he submit to negativity.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 0 | Views: 10987

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon : Part 2 - 2012-04-04 by admin

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon : Part 2 We would make about thirty more trips to Escalante Canyon, our new winter climbing home, over the next couple years. Mark was as fun to drive in the car with, as he was to climb with. He was what mountain folk would call always psyched. He had a childlike lust for life. I was an old, tired soul in need of a friend like Mark.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comment: 1 | Views: 10993

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon : Part 1 - 2012-03-20 by Luke Mehall

Wide Eyes, High Times and Hard Times; a Story of Climbing with Mark Grundon : Part 1 Say a prayer for those you love and everyone else. That’s what I’ve written on my sleeping pad, and the last words I read before going to bed. The first person I pray for lately is my friend Mark Grundon.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 11018

A Climber in the Winter of his Content - 2012-02-13 by Luke Mehall

A Climber in the Winter of his Content I’ve spent so many cold, lonely winters without climbing in the heart of the Colorado Rockies I guess I deserved this one; a winter when I escaped to Indian Creek, Utah, the crack climbing Mecca of the world as often as I could.
Average Rating = 3.67/5 Votes: 3 | Comments: 9 | Views: 12571

Climbing on the Costa Blanca Spain - 2012-01-23 by Mark van Jaarsveld

Climbing on the Costa Blanca Spain One of the joys of living in Spain for me is my ability to rock climb throughout the year, particularly in the winter months,..
Average Rating = 4.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comments: 3 | Views: 6983

Learning to lead, old school. - 2011-11-23 by Tim Shea (Floridaputz)

Learning to lead, old school. My climbing friends and I would spend the long summer days at Taylor Falls, Mn. climbing the humble rocks, turning even the smallest problems into great adventures.
Average Rating = 3.00/5 Votes: 2 | Comments: 11 | Views: 8730

This is Buildering - Part 2 - 2011-10-26 by admin

This is Buildering - Part 2 Conditions in the winter were far from ideal for buildering in Normal; ice and snow made climbs more difficult and cold temperatures made it harder to grip holds with numb fingertips. But it made sense during the winter.
Average Rating = 3.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comment: 1 | Views: 12274

This is Buildering - Part 1 - 2011-10-21 by admin

This is Buildering - Part 1 In the deep of the twilight, the night, buzzed on something, spirits, smoke, the usual, a change occurs: an athletic alchemy, different urges, some of the chances and opportunities of the night have passed, with no possibility of getting laid, you’ve stayed up too late to get really good sleep, some sense to experience more, and not just sit around and talk about things
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 10559

The Czech Paradise Sandstone Climbing - 2011-09-05 by Vaclav Novotny

The Czech Paradise Sandstone Climbing Trad sandstone climbing in the central Europe.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comment: 1 | Views: 7309

Adventures with Two Tent Timmy - 2011-04-28 by Luke Mehall

Adventures with Two Tent Timmy Immerse yourself in a thrilling account of friendship, life, death and of course climbing. Luke Mehall brings us another excellent article, following his popular "Painted Wall" piece.
Average Rating = 4.75/5 Votes: 4 | Comments: 11 | Views: 8101

Raising - 2011-01-28 by Vaclav Novotny

Raising Raising is a climbing technique which from time to time is used while climbing routes in Czech and German sandstone climbing areas. It's a human pyramid which is created from a minimum of two people and is used where there is no other way to climb the upcoming part of the route
Average Rating = 4.67/5 Votes: 3 | Comments: 2 | Views: 8409

2.8 Kids with a White Picket fence and the Company Car - 2010-12-08 by Tyler Beaver

2.8 Kids with a White Picket fence and the Company Car My feelings on adrenaline, 2.8 kids, lifestyle choices, awe-inspiring moments, and a quote from Teddy.
Average Rating = 1.95/5 Votes: 22 | Comments: 38 | Views: 8744

Sandstone Crack-climbing - 2010-10-07 by Vaclav Novotny

Sandstone Crack-climbing The article and pictures about sandstone crack climbing inspired by climbing the cracks in The Czech Republic sandstone craggs.
Average Rating = 3.40/5 Votes: 5 | Comments: 14 | Views: 12903

Rock Climbing is Sexy - 2010-07-13 by Sara, TheClimberGirl

Rock Climbing is Sexy Apparently, climbing is sexy. Climbing is "the sexiest sport from a female perspective," according to a study reported in the book "59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot" by Richard Wiseman. A whopping 57% of women find climbing "attractive" in members of the opposite sex. Nearly as interesting to me, as a female climber... 41% of men state that the activity of climbing makes a woman more attractive.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 10089

Squamish - The land of cracks and slabs - 2010-06-11 by Ian Martin

Squamish - The land of cracks and slabs A short introduction to the climbing around Squamish from a travelling rock climber.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comment: 1 | Views: 6648

Rock Climbing in Nepal - 2010-05-03 by Madan Prasain

Rock Climbing in Nepal If you want a cliff hanger experience in Nepal, the Kathmandu valley perimeter offers some hair-raising spots. There are some terrific, dizzying places for those who get their kicks from crawling up vertical cliffs. If you are not making it to some of the kingdom's high peaks, here's another opportunity to get a high. Of late, rock climbing has found increasing popularity among the tourists coming into Nepal as well as for local enthusiasts.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 8506

Types of Climbing - A Brief Description - 2010-03-29 by Jeff Thibeau

Top-roping. Leading, Bouldering. Sport Climbing. All of these terms fly at you pretty fast when your the new guy or gal in the gym, surrounded by more experienced climbers. Knowing the difference between the types of climbing is like knowing the difference between chocolate and vanilla ice cream. Some people like to lead climb and some strictly boulder. So lets briefly explore what all of these terms mean so you can pick your favorite flavor.
Average Rating = 0.00/5 Votes: 0 | Comments: 2 | Views: 36612

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