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Rock Climbing : Articles : General : Because I can

Because I can

Submitted by brin_long on 2006-02-06 | Last Modified on 2010-02-26

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There is certainly much recent and some past history of bickering within the climbing community. No mystery, human nature. The problem is the type. An attitude which preceeds for example, certain visiting foreign regulars to the states. The product is that people have become conditioned to and expect to hear whining and complaining.

Followed by pathetically feigned indignation. This smug indignation I suppose is an attempt to shrug off the attitude by playing it down as if meant in fun. But it isnt really is it. In reality it comes across as some serious, jealous frustration. A very different characteristic of one who covets what they know, with a degree of intollerance for those who expect it to be imparted upon them for the asking. Understandable. You learn the hard way why give it away. Bad manners to ask. Here is 'A' similar concept. When you hear the word 'conquer', consider the source. Then consider the examples set by past Empire's, who's existance was based on the philosophy that, 'If it is there it is ours for the taking', simutaneously underestimating the task before them. A disasterous tactic historically and a very trecherous, not to mention controvercial approach if carried over in Mountaineering. This presumptious practice is an inheirant characteristic of those whos approach to Alpinism is considered ethically controvercial.

Many follow-on side effects show the poor manners toward the indigenous peoples as much as the mountain. (the unfeeling monster that it is). When I hear boasting such as, ''Because it's there'' and you know the individual genuinely meant it, I feel like I need a bath. I grew up and learned the strong values as a teenager, laid down in pre-1970's California. Still practiced today I see, for the most part. No nonsence and down to earth.

Waiting for knowledge and learning HOW to earn it was important. Still is. And again, 'Couquer', wasn't even part of the vocabulary that I remember. But teamwork was and is. It is also very obviously possible to exercise the solo diciplines and stay in touch with the team concept . Plus the skill levels are enormous. As are the accomplishments. I try to maintain a sense of homour, pay attention to detail, and climb ''Because I can''.


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