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Rock Climbing : Articles : Introduction to Climbing

Introduction to Climbing

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The First-timer's Guide to Winter Cragging - 2014-12-25 by Paul Nelson

The First-timer's Guide to Winter Cragging Want to climb in the winter? Can't afford to fly to Thailand and don't want to climb ice? Read on.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Votes: 2 | Comments: 2 | Views: 14342

The Climbing Dictionary: Slang Edition - 2014-10-17 by Paul Nelson

The Climbing Dictionary:  Slang Edition already has one of the internet's best dictionaries of climbing terminology. Here's our Urban Dictionary version!
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comments: 0 | Views: 15149

The Dead Horse Graveyard: the Ongoing Climbing FAQ - 2009-02-17 by admin

A catalog of many of the questions and topics that have been posed way too many times in forums.
Views: 24779

Ice Climbing 101 - 2007-11-30 by Christopher Perkins, AMGA TRSM

Ice Climbing 101 The snow is flying and you don’t ski. Your recent send of “Interloper (5.12a)” gym route left you with sort of an empty feeling. You are seeking adventure, and dammit, and your nubs don’t work too well on rock when its 20 degrees out. Where do you go now?
Average Rating = 4.05/5 Votes: 20 | Comments: 8 | Views: 30500

Start Here Part 2: The Essentials of Gear - 2007-09-17 by Clinton Andersen

Start Here Part 2: The Essentials of Gear We follow Clinton Anderson's journey into the world of rock climbing. This second article in our series focuses on essential gear to get started.
Average Rating = 4.03/5 Votes: 31 | Comments: 22 | Views: 75220

Start Here Part 1 - 2007-09-08 by Clinton Andersen

Start Here Part 1 In a world where rock climbing seems like a secret society one wonders how to exactly get started. Clinton Andersen, one of our members, share their experience in the first of a multi-part series.
Average Rating = 3.59/5 Votes: 29 | Comments: 19 | Views: 72811

Diccionario de la Escalada - 2006-12-01 by Giancarlo Costagliola

La jerga de los escaladores se puede poner compleja! descífrala con este diccionario!
Average Rating = 4.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comments: 0 | Views: 49620

Climbing Dictionary - 2006-11-12 by ddt popular

A glossary of climbing terms.
Average Rating = 4.43/5 Votes: 23 | Views: 197008

Difficulty Grades and Conversions - 2006-11-12 by ddt popular

Table of rock climbing difficulty grades and conversions.
Views: 177608

Because It's There - 2006-10-18 by arjyamaj

Here's an introductory look at why people take up mountaineering as a hobby/sport, particularly in India...
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Vote: 1 | Comments: 2 | Views: 19302

Start Climbing - Part 1 : Introduction & Overview - 2006-10-18 by trevor popular

This is the first piece of our multi-part introduction to climbing. Read all about the different kinds of climbing and what keeps us climbers going.
Average Rating = 4.23/5 Votes: 60 | Comments: 28 | Views: 207606

Start Climbing - Part 2 : Get Started Bouldering - 2006-10-18 by trevor popular

The second part in the "Picking up climbing series". This time, I'll teach you some bouldering tricks.
Average Rating = 4.23/5 Votes: 26 | Comments: 11 | Views: 120966

Start Climbing - Part 3 : Basic Indoor and toproping skills. - 2006-10-18 by trevor popular

Get started climbing with this series of articles for beginners. From bouldering to leading, I'll teach you the basics. This week we'll cover basic indoor toproping skills.
Average Rating = 4.18/5 Votes: 17 | Comments: 6 | Views: 110120

Guide to the New Gym Climber - 2006-06-06 by ctardi

New to gym climbing? Or climbing in genearal? Give this a read!
Average Rating = 2.88/5 Votes: 26 | Comments: 7 | Views: 81395

Climbing Ropes Explained - 2001-10-17 by rck_climber popular

Static vs Dynamic, fall ratings, half ropes, dry treatments, it's all here.
Average Rating = 5.00/5 Votes: 6 | Comments: 14 | Views: 130224