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Rock Climbing : Help : Supporting Partners : How do I access my Old email?

How do I access my Old email?

Submitted by admin on 2006-11-13

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Your old email account will still be accessible for a limited time. Use the settings below to either download all your old email into your desktop mail application, or set your old account as a "remote POP" in the new Mail application. Doing this will import all the email in your inbox into your new web interface.

Note: - Remote POP via the web interface will not download email that you may have sorted into folders, only those in your inbox. You need to access and download those with a desktop mail application.

In short: - You log into your old account just like you did before, only the domain name has changed, and you will not be able to send mail from there anymore.

Old Email POP Settings

  • Username: YourUsername
  • Password: YourPasswordForRockclimbingDotCom
  • POP3:
  • Port: 110

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