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Rock Climbing : News : Competitions and Results : Fusion Photo Contest

Fusion Photo Contest

Submitted by admin on 2010-05-07 | Last Modified on 2010-05-17

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• Grand Prize Winner: The Grand Prize Winner of the FUSION PHOTO CONTEST will receive FUSION products valued at $800 with the addition of having their photo submission on the front cover of FUSION 2011 PRODUCT CATELOG.

• 2ND Prize: 2nd Prize Winner of the FUSION PHOTO CONTEST will receive FUSION products valued at $300 with the addition of having their photo submission within the FUSION 2011 PRODUCT CATALOG.

• 3rd Prize: 3rd Prize Winner of the FUSION PHOTO CONTEST will receive FUSION products valued at $100 with the addition of having their photo submission within the FUSION 2011 PRODUCT CATALOG.

The contest begins at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on April 30, 2010 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2010 (note that the original deadline of May 31, 2010 has been extended).

To enter submit a photograph of you climbing, hanging, rappelling, bouldering and scaling the routes of your choice. You may enter up to three (3) photos in the contest. The photo must be 300 Dpi in the following formats: .bmp, .tiff, .png, .raw. Submit photos to with “FUSION PHOTO CONTEST” in the subject line.


Disclosure information: Fusion Climb Disclosure

Although at this time user do not need to vote for the best photos I encourage all users to participate with their photos doing what they enjoy.

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9 Comments CommentAdd a Comment

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Quote: To enter submit a photograph of you climbing, hanging, repelling, bouldering and scaling the routes of your choice.

Just a photo of me is "repelling" enough...
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Well spotted ;) *Fixed
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My mistake, thank you for the correction, excuse my Engrish, i meant to say "rappelling" all your base belong to us!
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So fusion is giving the equivalent of $400 or less of GEAR (remember, retail pricing does not apply to them) for the use of a photo for the cover of their catalog.

I hope you get 5000 ass shots.
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For what it's worth, there is a thread concerning this company ([url];post=2304082;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;#2304082[/url])

Summary of thread: Fusion Climb is a company which has shown to have poor, possibly dangerous design issues, misleading advertising, and outright fraud in the past.

I personally wouldn't touch their products with a 10 foot stick, and would be highly embarrassed to have any photo of mine associated with the company in any way.
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We extended the contest to June 30, 2010. We have received some really awesome pictures so far! Thank You! Keep sending your submissions, this is getting intense.
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I currently own and use a lot of fusion gear, and it's all great quality. I had heard of the controversy, but now many of their products are certified and tested. It is some of the nicest gear you can get for the price.
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 2010-06-01 that means many OTHER of their products are therefore NOT certified or tested? Is this like a "touch of pregnancy", with equally disastrous results if you're not informed about which ones are certified or not?
Sounds HIGHLY dubious to me...and as for that comment about "for the price" much is your life worth, or your partner's life you're belaying?!
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Hi Fusion Clibm.
Matt T here, the guy who won first prize. Not heard from you since then - are you going to send me any gear or what.
(I have tried contacting you in a less open forum but no luck!)

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