Wolfden Rock at FDR State Park, GA
by Dusty Fuller
IMPORTANT NOTICE, November 25, 2006, from Dusty Fuller, F.D. Roosevelt State Park Manager in Training:
To Whom it May Concern,
The information on climbing the Wolfden rock formation at F.D. Roosevelt State Park was brought to our attention by a park guest who asked to climb. We would like to make it known that rock climbing in any form or fashion is prohibited in our park at this time. We are developing a plan of safe and regulated usage of our park's limited climbing areas, but at the present time any climber will be issued a citation by park law enforcement. More information on our park can be found at www.gastateparks.org and choosing a site from the pull-down menu. If you have any questions of comments, please email at this address (fdr_state_park@dnr.state.ga.us) or call the park office at 706-663-4858.
I hope that this will clear up any confusion, and we look forward to being able to serve the climbing community.