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Rock Climbing : News : Press Releases : In Munich the 2020 Dream NF Forum

In Munich the 2020 Dream NF Forum

Submitted by admin on 2011-11-28

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The IFSC convened a key meeting with all National Federations in regard of its pursuit to see Sport Climbing being included in the Sport Program of the 2020 Olympics. The meeting was held November, 19 2011 at the Alpine Museum, Munich, Germany and organised by the IFSC with the support of DAV, the German National Federation.

Over half the National Federation Member Presidents attended meeting while the balance participated via Live Streaming on IFSC.TV. This was recognized as a huge step forward for the IFSC and NF’s, being able to participate in real time at such meetings. A representative of the Athletes' Commission was also present. "It is fantastic to see how our National Federations are positively responding to this initiative. They are all willing to support Sport Climbing realize our dream of being included in the Olympic Games 2020"­ - said IFSC President Marco Maria Scolaris.

“The DAV are extremely pleased to extend our support to the IFSC and our fellow National Federations. This forum is an important coming together for Sport Climbing” said Guido Kostermeyer, DAV Vice-President, and former German champion.

The purpose of the meeting with the National Federations has been to create a collaborative platform for sport climbing opportunities. The IFSC and the National Federations can share their capabilities and capacities, in terms of ideas, activities, networking and financial support to achieve its 2020 objectives.

Being on the short list for inclusion in the program of the XXXII Olympiad in 2020 has meant an accelerated program for Sport Climbing. Starting from the development of closer relationships and cooperation with National Federations, improvement in Sport Presentation, changes and improvements to the Competition models, and increased of stability and levels of sponsorship income.

As a first outcome the IFSC and National Federations committed to promote Sport Climbing, its Olympic values, and its unique standing in the sporting community with a united, strong and consistent voice across the five continents. Most of all the National federations committed to sharing resources and services with the IFSC.

"In this meeting we climbed the first section of a hard route, and we prepared the next one". - concluded Marco Scolaris.


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