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Rock Climbing : News : Press Releases : The Climbing Zine Volume 4, Live on Kindle

The Climbing Zine Volume 4, Live on Kindle

Submitted by admin on 2012-04-24

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Benighted Publications is proud to announce that The Climbing Zine, Volume 4 is now live on Kindle. Additionally our website, is also live.

The theme for the fourth volume of The Climbing Zine is Back to the Essence. Here's a look at our writers, and their pieces:

We are proud to present Mike Reddy’s incredibly brave and honest piece, The Long Way Back, which covers his journey of getting back to climbing after a nearly life ending fall. Even with his doctors saying he would never climb again, Reddy has been determined to do so, with help from the inspiring and empowering organization, Paradox Sports. Mike also contributed valuable editing services to this volume.

We also have a piece from Jesse Zacher titled Blackened, documenting his climb of The Hallucinogen Wall in the Black Canyon. This is Zacher’s first appearance in this publication, and his words beautifully dance with the pure essence of climbing. There’s nothing but brutal honesty in his prose as he takes the reader to The Black, and reveals what surfaced during his adventure.

Cliff Cash is back for this issue, with a fiction piece titled, Trim Season and The Mushroom Wall. Cash tells a cautionary tale about several climbers who get involved in the marijuana business to fund their climbing adventures. Also in the story, the trio of Cliff, Jack and Thurgood, have a psychedelic filled adventure on the made-up route, The Mushroom Wall, in a place that is out of this world, the Black Canyon.

Luke Mehall, our publisher, writes about a winter climbing season in Indian Creek, Utah, one after he lost his job, and moved to a new home (Durango, Colorado) to make a fresh start. The story ends with a first ascent of an off-width route that makes him question the pursuit of new routes at The Creek.

Our final contributor is Scott Borden, who writes about the essence of climbing from a biological standpoint. He writes that our urge to climb, and how good that makes us feel, is imbedded into our DNA. His piece, Sending the Double Helix, is sure to stimulate the remaining brain cells left in every reader’s mind.

We’ve also added a new section to our zine: What We’re Reading, a space for reflections on classic climbing literature, new and old. In this initial installment we look at Jennifer Lowe Anker’s Forget Me Not.

Volume 4 can be found on Kindle here:

Our website is at:

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