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Rock Climbing Calendar : Talks and Slideshows : Kobie Boykins: Exploring the Red Planet

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Kobie Boykins: Exploring the Red Planet

Presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures Tickets/Info: or (805) 893-3535 National Geographic Live NASA Engineer Kobie Boykins Exploring the Red Planet Sun, Nov 23, 3:00 p.m., Campbell Hall “I honestly feel that we will have a person standing on the surface of Mars at some point in time, because there is something that is innate in human beings… that need to explore.” – Kobie Boykins Few events in the last decade of space exploration have captured the world’s imagination like NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. The recent landing of Curiosity, aka the Mars Science Laboratory, made headlines after it turned up evidence of life-supporting conditions on Mars, including water. Kobie Boykins has a boundless enthusiasm for unraveling the mysteries of outer space, and Mars in particular, that’s infectious. The NASA engineer helped design solar arrays for previous rovers and now supervises Curiosity’s mobility and remote sensing teams. Join Boykins for an engaging evening exploring the Red Planet, with an update on the very latest chapter in the ongoing story of Mars exploration.

Submitted by: artsandlec
Views: 986
Added: 2014-10-08
Events ID: 853

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