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Rock Climbing Calendar : Talks and Slideshows : Paul Nicklen: Spirit of the Wild

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Paul Nicklen: Spirit of the Wild

Presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures
Tickets/Info: or (805) 893-3535
National Geographic Live
Wildlife Photojournalist
Paul Nicklen
Spirit of the Wild
Sun, Jan 11, 3:00 PM, Campbell Hall
Sponsored in part by Sheila & Michael Bonsignore

“They say I am a street photographer for the underwater world. I get dangerous animals close, personal, and intimate.” – Paul Nicklen

After spending his childhood in an isolated Inuit community in the Canadian Arctic, Paul Nicklen has spent his entire lifetime honing the skills needed to capture what many consider the finest images of the world’s most remote places. He routinely spends months braving extreme conditions to get unforgettable images of creatures most of us see only in zoos, if then. He’s traveled deep into the forests of British Columbia to track the ghostly and elusive spirit bear, and has gone face-to-face under Arctic ice with emperor penguins, polar bears and walruses. Join this visionary photographer for a gripping encounter with the wild spirit that animates our world.

Submitted by: artsandlec
Views: 906
Added: 2014-10-29
Events ID: 854

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