Rock Climbing : Search Results
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Articles > Training and Technique
Feeling Safe is Dangerous - 2005-08-17 by arnoilgner
You think staying in your comfort zone keeps you safe. No so. Only by getting out of your comfort zone and into risky situations do you understand risks properly.
Why Are You Taking a Risk? - 2005-08-17 by arnoilgner
Complimentary article to "Feeling Safe is Dangerous". Looking into the climbing mags for examples of why climbers take risks.
Help! My Power is Leaking! - 2006-01-15 by arnoilgner
We all have ample amounts of power to climb, but we tend to waste it. Our power leaks away due to disempowering behaviors. By understanding ways we waste power we reduce those leaks and are better able to focus on the task at hand.
Motivation Justification - 2006-03-17 by arnoilgner
Where does your motivation come from, sending routes and ticking them off your list OR from what you learn from the experience? Sit back, read, and see how you may be justifying your motivation.
Serious Fun - 2006-03-17 by arnoilgner
Can you have fun and still be serious and disciplined about climbing? Top climbers seem to be able to. --This is a companion article for Justification Motivation. This article looks into the climbing magazines for examples of motivation.
Balancing Act - 2007-04-18 by ARNO ILGNER

Learning How to Learn - 2008-03-20 by ARNO ILGNER

Deliberate Transitions are Ambiguous - 2008-07-01 by ARNO ILGNER

The Mental Toughness Error - 2008-11-14 by ARNO ILGNER