Forums: Climbing Information: Regional Discussions: Re: [1959] Rappelling Injury at Birdsboro Quarry: Edit Log


Oct 15, 2008, 8:17 PM

Views: 16751

Registered: May 9, 2008
Posts: 273

Re: [1959] Rappelling Injury at Birdsboro Quarry
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1959 wrote:
The dude was on a less than 30' line....that's 30 feet to the anchors...MAX. He rapped off the end?!? of his line!?!
Apparently he's fine, gashed his eye and cracked 2 ribs. Someone got spooked and called emergency services because he couldn't "walk" out to his car.
I wasn't there but that's what I got.

Analysis: Gym climbing hardman got sandbagged by rap maneuver....wept like a pre-schooler after seeing the drippy red stuff, the sobbing hurt, so he gasped for mommy to make it all better again.
Result: FIASCO....
Empathy: Light
Sympathy: None
Lesson: Some people ain't supposed to climb

Here is a fact for you Internet tough guy... you are wrong, again.

Fact is your earlier post was not correct and anybody that was at the quarry that day and saw the accident provided you with the wrong information. At least understand what is being discussed before you give your uninformed opinion. Anyway, after taking a fall from above your height, it is standard protocol to immobilize the victim and stabilize their spine. The jackass that thought he should suck it up and walk out was exactly that a JACKASS.

May you be fortunate enough not to make any mistakes for the rest of your life and be accident free. As stated earlier if you want to have a 1:1 discussion on this, please feel free to PM me. If not STFU douche.

(This post was edited by GeneralZon on Oct 15, 2008, 8:25 PM)

Edit Log:
Post edited by GeneralZon () on Oct 15, 2008, 8:25 PM

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