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Jul 2, 2002, 1:02 PM
Post #1 of 61 (2254 views)

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Cragging with canines?
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We have a pooch problem at Reimer's Ranch in Austin, Texas. It's like the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven" there! But that isnt the problem. The problem is that most of the dogs are OFF leash. This causes a problem when a new dog stroles up and the German Shepard, that has been there for an hour already, see that he now has to share his space. They bark, they fight, they piss everyone off! I think that bringing your dog can be fun and it's a chance for the pooch to get outside and enjoy the same aspects of nature that us humans enjoy...just bring a freakin' leash for him!


Jul 2, 2002, 1:09 PM
Post #2 of 61 (2254 views)

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see also Previous topic
(which has been locked)


Jul 2, 2002, 1:11 PM
Post #3 of 61 (2254 views)

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And if you could teach a sheep to belay, all your problems would be solved, eh ?

Dogs at crags = bad.

Unless they are good dogs.

There IS a difference...


Jul 2, 2002, 1:18 PM
Post #4 of 61 (2254 views)

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Ya, no dogs at the crag!!


Jul 2, 2002, 1:23 PM
Post #5 of 61 (2254 views)

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yeah and then you get off the climb and step in their sheit with your brand new climbing shoes and it gets all over the leather and you have to wash them and then you can't weart them till they're dry...

keep dogs at home!


Jul 2, 2002, 1:28 PM
Post #6 of 61 (2254 views)

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i am totally agree with you above.
what i thought is:
people should meditate that
can they responsible to the dog
and to preserve the environment
before they go to those places
with their joy.

Partner jammer

Jul 2, 2002, 1:35 PM
Post #7 of 61 (2254 views)

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A dog may be your best friend, but it can't climb. I have a golden retreiver who goes with me just about everywhere, except to the crags. When I'm training at my local bouldering area, he is more then welcome to come, but at the local climbing area, he stays home. There is nothing worst then unknowingly stepping in dog s--- and trying to climb. Talk about a slip up! Lets face it ... dogs can't climb, belay, give any beta and so on ... so why bring them?


Jul 2, 2002, 1:37 PM
Post #8 of 61 (2254 views)

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I see no problem with bringing your pup to the crag as long as it is well mannered (no barking or biting or no stepping on ropes etc), well taken care of and cleaned up after, and well controlled (ie. on a leash). I have been to sights with pups that are well behaved and I think it is a delight to have them there.

[ This Message was edited by: sarhawp on 2002-07-02 06:37 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 2:02 PM
Post #9 of 61 (2254 views)

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IMHO Most dogs (that a climber would have) are outdoor pets - keeping a pet locked indoors all day is a terrible thing to do -they need fun and exercise like the rest of us. I have a husky who goes just about everywhere with me - why can't I leave her at home? Because she's my pal and a joy to have around! She is never off leash, she poo-poo's before we go so that's no problem (I'd pick it up if she did go in the woods, and she is well-behaved - staying right by the belayer. If she was a biter or mean I wouldn't bring her. But what's the problem with me having my dog at the crag if she is not being a bad pet? (I'm talking about toproping or bouldering - don't bring a dog if you're doing a multi-pitch, leaving a dog at the bottom of a climb is more cruel than leaving the poor thing inside all day) If you don't like dogs find somewhere else to climb other than right next to me, it's that simple.
With all the dog restrictions we dog-owners have to deal with in the cities (no dogs at beaches, no dogs excercised in places other than dog parks etc. etc.), I think that if it's a good dog and a safe place to bring them - the crag should be no problem.


Jul 2, 2002, 2:26 PM
Post #10 of 61 (2254 views)

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So your dog is able to boulder? Oh yeah and dogs don't take shits at the bouldering area right? Your post is pretty damn hippocritical if you ask me!

Dogs were wild animals before we tamed them, they deserve to roam where you roam. Think about all the wildlife YOU disturb on a daily basis doing simple things such as driving your car. Dogs may distract you when you are climbing but I can tell you for a fact that people are the biggest distraction at the crags not the dogs...after all most of them hoop and holler more than most dogs bark and I've stepped in trash from humans a million more times than some dog shit. Everyone needs to look at the bigger picture, the world was not put here for enjoyment solely so quit trying to act like it. Next people will be talking about getting rid of "those damn birds" all they do is squawk and s--- all over the place, and the f$%kers are building nests all over the rock! Where you see me, you'll see my dog!



Jul 2, 2002, 2:27 PM
Post #11 of 61 (2254 views)

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At certain crags in SA, where muggings and armed robberies have been known to occur, it would be wise to have a big-assed hound around to scare off the would-be-thieves.

One of our top climbing spots, Waterval Boven has become quite the hangout for muggers. They will stop at nothing to get your gear so that they can sell it.

In situations like this, I think it should be acceptable to have land bound protection in the form of huge teeth!


Jul 2, 2002, 2:27 PM
Post #12 of 61 (2254 views)

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 I agree with all of you guys, specially with texasclimber, at Barton Creek Greenbelt we have the same problem with dogs. I think that it isn't dogs' fault, it's owener's fault.
I don't have anything against dogs, but some time they can be annoyance.

Climb safe and hard!!!!


Jul 2, 2002, 2:38 PM
Post #13 of 61 (2254 views)

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As do we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Jul 2, 2002, 2:43 PM
Post #14 of 61 (2254 views)

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If people don't object to domesticated animals at the crag I've decided to start riding in on horseback. I'll also get a mule to pack all my gear.

Long approaches no longer a problem.

[ This Message was edited by: cedk on 2002-07-02 07:45 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 2:50 PM
Post #15 of 61 (2254 views)

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Woodse-I am just like you. I bring my dog just about everywhere and my dog, like yours, is not any problem at the crag but in reality 90% of dogs at the crag are a pain in the ass. And it is usually the owners fault. If I am either belaying or climbing I tie my dog up away from everybody else so that she won't bother them even though she usually just lays in the dirt and goes to sleep anyway. I do this so nobody will be bothered by her. But I have seen people come to the crag with 3-4 giant dogs running free and annoying everybody, stealing lunches, attacking other dogs. And the people who brought them are in the middle of climbing and/or belaying so they can't control their dogs. So unless your dog is Lassie and obeys your every command or your dog spends most its life in a deep coma like sleep don't bring it to the crag.


Jul 2, 2002, 3:07 PM
Post #16 of 61 (2254 views)

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I get really tired of people being so intolerant of other people and the way they live.

A few points....

If your crag has a no dog policy, respect it.

But if not, then I have as much a right to bring my dog as you do to climb there in the first place.

I agree that you need to be responsible for your pet, and control it, and if you can't, you should leave it at home. And if you notice someone that isn't doing this, say something to them.

But I take my dog climbing all the time, and she is very well behaved (because I took the time to train her in the first place).

What it comes down to is having respect for the place you climb, and the other people there. Which means both having respect for those that want to bring their dogs, and for those that wish you wouldn't bring your dogs.


Jul 2, 2002, 3:29 PM
Post #17 of 61 (2254 views)

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I have to agree with Dan, I spent a week at Red Rocks with Mike Strassman and he had his dog with us every day. She was well mannered, well trained and was a joy to have around. No barking, running, chasing animals and was not a problem at all. Mike had her well trained. On the other hand I have seen dogs that run around, barking, growling at everyone, getting in the way and are a general nuisance. If your dog can't be controlled don't bring it to the crags and if you do bring it, clean up after it.

Climb On

* And if they have a rule about "No Dogs", follow it!

[ This Message was edited by: coach on 2002-07-02 08:31 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 3:34 PM
Post #18 of 61 (2254 views)

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Well said dan and woods! I agree that some dogs are a nuisance, and that is indeed the owners fault, not the dog - but people can be a nuisance too! Uncontrollable dogs and areas not allowing dogs? then don't bring them! That's the bottom line. Fact is most crags will begin to develop no dog policies in the near future - every place else seems to be, and dogs will have to become an indoor animal because so many people complain... dogs are hunters by nature, so yes they 'annoy' the other wildlife - it's called the food chain and biology, it's part of life. Then again pretty soon more and more crags will be closed to those 'pesky climbers' who ruin the rock and stink up the place - or so the land owners claim... Every argument has a side

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-07-02 08:36 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 3:55 PM
Post #19 of 61 (2254 views)

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Every dog owner's side is:

DOGS AT CRAGS SUCK, except my dog.

Face it, even if your dogger IS in a coma, you are part of the problem...


Jul 2, 2002, 4:08 PM
Post #20 of 61 (2254 views)

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DOOSH AT THE CRAGS SUCKS - except if you ask him.


Jul 2, 2002, 4:11 PM
Post #21 of 61 (2254 views)

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Also remember that if I step in dog s--- at the crag and you have a dog with you, I'm going to assume it was from your dog and clean my shoes on your fleece jacket when you're not looking.

Partner jammer

Jul 2, 2002, 4:22 PM
Post #22 of 61 (2254 views)

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Woodse ... Bite Me! If being, as you hippocritical, is your diffination of being conciderate, then thanks! Where I pratice bouldering is in an area where nobody else goes ... therefore, if the dog dumps, then he dumps. Where I climb is a different story. Before you slam someone, you should understand the message ... PM them ... it's not a way to make friends, Bubba


Jul 2, 2002, 4:24 PM
Post #23 of 61 (2254 views)

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From the smell in the room, howitzer, it is apparent you have an aversion to doosh anywhere...

Seriously though, the worst part about dogs at the crug is that I continually have to be walking this big husky back over to the gumby wall...


Jul 2, 2002, 4:40 PM
Post #24 of 61 (2254 views)

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Check where that smell is coming from dooshwad, I think you confused me with you girlfriend for a minute. And don't you worry about my husky -- she's not at the boulders cuz I'm not, and she won't go near guys who commit beastiality.


Jul 2, 2002, 4:46 PM
Post #25 of 61 (2254 views)

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I keep my girlfriend VERY clean, as you might imagine. I am her mamacat.

Thank god you don't boulder... the last thing we need is more people clogging up the v0s.

Tell us again how YOUR DOG doesn't contribute to the problems that dogs at crags create...


Jul 2, 2002, 4:47 PM
Post #26 of 61 (2164 views)

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I am with you Woodse! Humans try to put themselves too high above other species:roll2: ...when in fact maybe it is US (Humans) that are the ones that cause the most anoyance...not the 4-legged pooch wondering around the crag. I have seen the same thing time and time again at crags all over the west...cigarette butts, soda cans, water bottles, just plain crap! All left by HUMANS not DOGS. AND as far as the noisy dog barking...someone should record the sounds of "Anywhere USA" crag, I bet you would find that the loudest noise would be from HUMANS not Canines. As long as the pets that are at the crag are social...they should be free to hangout!!!


Jul 2, 2002, 4:53 PM
Post #27 of 61 (2164 views)

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I know Doosh! I wouldn't want to clog up the VO's you're still working on there, bro! I never said that my dog is not a problem for others, I said my dog is well behaved - so what is the problem exactly? I don't always bring her, I'm just saying it shouldn't be an issue because the land is there for everyone to use and that includes folks with dogs.
I think people like you are much more of a nuisance, but unfortunately you're still allowed at the crags...

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-07-02 09:54 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 4:55 PM
Post #28 of 61 (2164 views)

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I usually bring my dog with me when I climb. She is also a husky and loves the outdoors. I don't follow her around with a pooper scooper because, frankly, we are in nature, and what is more natural than poo?! Since she does not evacuate anywhere near the climbs or trails (my pup knows there are some things we just keep private) I don't worry about it. It's out there where it belongs, in the yonder with the squirrel turds, which I am certainly not concerned with either...

and as to her being a nuisance, I see this kinda like I do smoking at the crags. If people speak up at the time, then I will observe their request and keep my dog from annoying them. But if they don't, then I am going to assume they don't mind, and also assume they aren't going to go whine about it later. Because she is MY puppy, I am biased and assume she is a joy to all, so you're just going to have to tell me straight-up if you don't agree. And that's ok, I understand my dawg is not for everybody so I will accomodate. Communication makes us civilized

AZ is a pretty friendly place for crag dogs. I have seen all varities of crag dog here, from mutt to pit bull to great dane to lap dog. they all get along, and so do their people. I'm kinda surprised by the reaction elsewhere!


Jul 2, 2002, 4:57 PM
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The problem is that well bahaved dogs shit, too.

Actually, people like me ARE more of a nuisance than dogs. Dogs don't tell you exactly what you are doing wrong and why...

It's kinda like the old chicken and the egg scenario, or the whole "which is more important the engaging grip or the executing grip" thing...


Jul 2, 2002, 5:14 PM
Post #30 of 61 (2164 views)

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Doosh--humans crap too! In fact, this past weekend at Malibu Creek RRRadam had to deal with some human crap before he could ascend a route.


Jul 2, 2002, 5:21 PM
Post #31 of 61 (2164 views)

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so the problem is feces doosh? that's it?


Jul 2, 2002, 5:40 PM
Post #32 of 61 (2164 views)

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No, that's not it... but feces are a good starting point.

Yeah, humans crap too, but generally, a good climber knows to bury his dumps in the woods.

Personally, I am not against dogs at the crag. I love dogs. However, I understand the position of those who are FULLY anti-dog. So, I will go into it a bit further.

First, dogshit is nasty. When out "in nature," especially when climbing or belaying, the dog owner doesn't know when or where the dog has shit, and so it doesn't get cleaned up.

Secondly, YOUR dog might be cool, but I don't know that. When a strange dog runs up to you or is on a leash as you walk past, you never are 100% sure how that dog is going to act towards you. Generally, I am too trusting of dogs, but it has led to me being snapped at one more than one occasion.

Thirdly, this is a safety oriented sport. If you are attached to the rope in any way and your dog is free, you cannot give them the supervision they deserve. Even the best behaved dogs get underfoot, stand their ground against more agressive dogs and beg for food. Some even eat food right out of people's pack.

While boldering, falling onto a dog is unsafe for both the climber and the dog.

Lastly, not all dogs are well-behaved. Sure, YOURS is. But, the majority of dog owners think that their dog is well-behaved and if people would just train their dogs better, this wouldn't be an issue.

I love it how dog owners continue to assert that THEIR dog is a goodboy but OTHER dogs are the problem.


It doesn't matter if your dog is motherf---ing DEAD. It is still a dog at that crag and promotes the idea that dogs at the crag are ok.

I have nothing against dogs, at the crag or otherwise... I just can't stand the way that dog owners pretend that they aren't part of what everyone is bitching (pun?) about. You are. Your dog is.

Take responsibility for that much, at least.


Jul 2, 2002, 7:10 PM
Post #33 of 61 (2164 views)

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Thanks for finally coming up with some substance doosh... And since I am a bitch (so you say) and so is my dog (proud of it), I will be sure to assert myself accordingly: 1. Doosh: "Personally I am not against dogs at the crag"
2. Doosh: "I have nothing against dogs at the crag or otherwise"
3. Doosh: "Even if your dog is dead it promotes the idea that dogs at the crag are OK"
So which is it doosh? OK or not OK, your contradictions are showing. I've met my share of bad dogs, too - that's why you don't go right up to them without talking to the owner first. If a person doesn't like dogs, than stay away it's as simple as that. I do the same thing with people smoking at the crag which smells ten times worse that dog poo if you ask me, but I don't ask them to leave and not bring their butts next time. And as far as I'm concerned no dog should be running free at the crag for many reasons like you mentioned... It should be attached to the ground, rock whatever. See we actually agree on some things doosh! Wow!
I said it before, I will say it again - I did NOT say that my dog is NOT a problem for other people, I said she is well trained. And I said other DOG OWNERS are the problem - so if you are going to make a point at least get what I wrote straight before you try to tell me I'm wrong! Stu asked for our opinions and I gave mine, as a dog owner. I certainly see why others would not want my dog or any dog at the crag - but 1/3 of the people are going to be against everything you do all the time, so it's really a no win situation no matter what.


Jul 2, 2002, 8:21 PM
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It seems as though we've deviated slightly from the original posting, so I'm going to start a new posting entiled....

"I'm a whiner, and like to bitch and complain, and tell other people they're stupid, and that they're opinions are wrong and stupid, and if you feel the same way, come post your opinions so I can tell you you're stupid!"

Please move all non-related postings there.


Jul 2, 2002, 8:30 PM
Post #35 of 61 (2164 views)

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As a dog owner, I never leave my dog indoors for the day when I am going to enjoy the mountains. There is nothing my dog enjoys more than going exploring with me at climbing areas. I think there is some common sense though. I never bring my dog when doing multi-pitch climbs or when the approach is too difficult. Dogs should be able to go to the cliffs and enjoy the day with their owner. The owner just needs to be responsible and clean up after them and keep them under control. Then there is no problem.


Jul 2, 2002, 8:40 PM
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Obviously the dead dog/coma dog comment was sarcasm...

Yeah, we agree on certain things... like how dog owners are the problem and how your dog, if it is controlled at the crag, is prolly ok in my book.

It's just a long and boring day and I have to play the devils advocate to get work people up...


Jul 2, 2002, 8:47 PM
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I might get kicked off the sight for saying this, but...

I like doosh. I think he's funny, and often very well spoken, and brings up realy good arrguments. The other half of the time, he provokes and prods at people. But I think that's funny. I also find it funny how some people take his provoking and prodding so seriously. Ha!

Keep up the good work doosh!

[ This Message was edited by: danwilli on 2002-07-02 13:48 ]


Jul 2, 2002, 8:52 PM
Post #38 of 61 (2164 views)

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The dog is only as good as the owner My bull terrier all 80 lbs of him has been to 38 countires with me Sat on the plane seat beside me throughout europe, sat in a 500$ a plate restaurant with me in Paris and has been on hundreds of cliffs with me. I have never once had an incident (exept to warn me of a few snakes a coyote, and bear) People like him he could care less about most people and IS ALWAYS ON LEASH


Jul 2, 2002, 8:57 PM
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    My name is Anne....and I too like Doosh...I find many great qualities in doosh...he really does make you think, and I get a jolly out of how he mixes things up!!!! He makes me think and smile most days when I need one. I fear though...he may be winning friends and influencing ppl...and thus his Q-rating is being just may need some of that medication after all doosh....STOP IT!!!!!!!


Jul 2, 2002, 9:36 PM
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I was going for a 420 q-rating... EVERYONE GIVE ME 4s and 5s !!!!!!111


I am glad that my presence here does not go unnoticed.


Jul 2, 2002, 9:37 PM
Post #41 of 61 (2164 views)

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aww great...

why don't you all just blow him.

until the recent hip problems my pooch went with me to the crags. she would simply bite any dog that got in her face till people stopped bringing their dogs. now there are no dog issues as mine is the only one there.

problem solved.


Jul 2, 2002, 9:38 PM
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I like that whole "blowing me" idea.

Watch the open sores!


Jul 2, 2002, 9:39 PM
Post #43 of 61 (2164 views)

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thats lube dude

this thread will now be moved or deleted


Jul 2, 2002, 10:06 PM
Post #44 of 61 (2164 views)

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I like dogs, but I don't like them at crags. Perhaps it is the owners that I don't like. First of all, most owners unleash them and, while the dogs are running all over the place, the owners are saying "Don't run over there", but not doing a thing about it. I hate dog fights, ass-sniffing, dogs barking while I'm on a crux, my belayer paying more attention to the dog than me, etc. For those who say "Don't climb next to me if you don't like my dog", I say go climb somewhere with bears. Ignorant and disrespectful owners whose animals tread on those of us who don't CHOOSE to bring pets to crags desreve to have their dogs eaten by bears.


Jul 2, 2002, 10:11 PM
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For one, I strongly dislike dogs.

For two, I'm scared of dogs.

I'm not happy, and will voice this to the owners if their dogs act up.

I have been to Lover's Leap multiple times when I've been charged by dogs. They were FRIENDLY dogs, but still made me mad, and scared. Once a toulumne there were not so friendly dogs, that barked practically non-stop.


Jul 3, 2002, 9:58 AM
Post #46 of 61 (2164 views)

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I'm actually glad that the Park Service has banned dogs from the path around DT. Used to allow them if on a leash. Leashed or not they're a pain when they start barking.
My former partner used to take his little kick-puppy along for years & the dog was actually a pretty good scrambler. I remember once we had climbed a long steep approach & rather than back climb the whole thing, he made a harness for the dog & rappelled down with him. That was cool.


Jul 3, 2002, 12:22 PM
Post #47 of 61 (2164 views)

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Did you ever stop to wonder why dogs are banned from so many places ? Do you think it's a plot against the dog lovers of the world ? Actually it's because, other than yourselves, most people don't enjoy your pet. The attitude you display "if you don't like my dog, go somewhere else to climb" just reinforces the ever growing lack of tolerance people have for your pets.


Jul 3, 2002, 1:03 PM
Post #48 of 61 (2164 views)

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Doosh is the greatest! I love reading what he has to say, and I love pitting myself against him in many instances, especially when he likes to imply that I smell bad, my dog and I are bitches, and I am a lesbian! It's great! He's made this site much more exciting for me - I actually don't even go to forums anymore I look at his profile and go wherever he's gone. Keeps the workday healthy and interesting if you ask me, and I don't take him seriously people! I just like to push things a bit with him, that's all. But anyone who actually likes this guy has serious issues, looking at some of the things he has said to others. And just to answer a few points - Photon: I totally agree with you, a good dog owner gets its dog exercise and plays with it which I do every day since she is a sled dog, but a good dog owner spends time with their dog as well since dogs like to be with their owners more than being left alone and that's why I bring her sometimes. Oh, and I was kidding about the 'don't climb near me if you don't like dogs' people! C'mon, you think I'm serious about that?! It's a joke folks - like how people say if you don't like me smoking don't stand near me... Some people do take things too seriously!
But I realize the reason my dog isn't allowed so many places is because others don't like her and people who don't own dogs don't understand the connection we make with them - as they are like your child. I am going to stop bringing her climbing and to any other place where she might bother others, since I don't think I ever realized how much other people don't like me having her around. Disappointing, but at least my fiance and I can still enjoy her company.

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-07-03 06:45 ]


Jul 3, 2002, 2:07 PM
Post #49 of 61 (2164 views)

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1. howitzer:Doosh is the greatest! I love reading what he has to say

2. howitzer:He's made this site much more exciting for me - I actually don't even go to forums anymore I look at his profile and go wherever he's gone. Keeps the workday healthy and interesting

3. howitzer:anyone who actually likes this guy has serious issues

So which is it howitzer?
your contradictions are showing


[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-07-03 07:08 ]


Jul 3, 2002, 2:36 PM
Post #50 of 61 (2164 views)

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The fact that he makes the site more exciting and riles people up is a good thing, but from the things he has said to me as well as some others doesn't mean I like the guy - when I say he's the greatest I mean the greatest at getting sh!t started and mudslinging - I do enjoy (in a sick sort of way) reading what he says, watch him be a d!ckhead, and seeing peoples reaction to it (mine included). But as I said, some of his posts have made me dislike him strongly. (And I'm not talking about this forum). Again, doesn't mean I like him. Or you. Why are you even posting here, just to support a guy who makes fun of people when someone they know died?? I can think of a few more examples if you need them. You have said nothing about the topic, Anne! Which is why i posted here and had to defend myself in the first place! Go make the 'I love Doosh Forum' for your loving remarks.

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-07-03 07:50 ]

Partner jammer

Jul 3, 2002, 2:59 PM
Post #51 of 61 (1883 views)

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Does anybody have a roadmap of this thread? Seems like it's traveled everywhere! I'm lost ... Oh Yeh ... it's about craging and canines!


Jul 3, 2002, 3:04 PM
Post #52 of 61 (1883 views)

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I bring at least one of my dogs with me on most of my bouldering excursions and have no problem with others bringing their pups. The dogs-and-climbing issue boils down to a very succint rule: If you bring your dog, you accept that you may be forced to cut your day short and leave if your pup begins bothering others. If a dog owner is confident that their fuzzy buddy is well behaved enough to handle the situation without barking, whining, etc. and is willing to bet their day of climbing on it, then why should anyone have a problem with the dog coming along?


Jul 3, 2002, 4:42 PM
Post #53 of 61 (1883 views)

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If I fall on your dag and break it's back, would you be pissed.

How- I wasn't making fun of kk... I just am bad at writing the same thing as everyone else.

Anne - LOL.



Jul 3, 2002, 4:45 PM
Post #54 of 61 (1883 views)

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WOW!!!!!! So you can dish it out and not take it back from yourself??? That says a lot for your character. If I read the thread were the one that got off the issue of dogs at the crags by personally attacking doosh because he had a difference of opinion. I was only pointing out your own words and if memory serves me right in your own format. You then say you no like me??????.....hmmmmmmm. Just as I was beginning to think you may have that sense of humor you say you possess.
Usually I wouldn't respond...I believe your words said it all, and since you seemed to be confused a little on a couple issues I thought I would --- how'd you put it....defend myself, yeah that's it

Why are you even posting here
Ooh...I'll ask your permission next time, sorry.

You have said nothing about the topic, Anne!
Well, Abi...I don't have a dog. I like Lew's (clymber) dog and she is very well behaved...but has on occasion been a hassle only because of other dogs at the crags. So I really don't care, I didn't have an opinion, so I didn't post. The dog subject turned into (sorry to use your words again) the 'I love Doosh Forum'... and that topic, Abi, I had an opinion on, just sorry it wasn't the same as yours.....OMG....IT WAS YOUR OPINION!!

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-07-03 09:49 ]

[ This Message was edited by: climbinganne on 2002-07-03 11:22 ]


Jul 3, 2002, 4:53 PM
Post #55 of 61 (1883 views)

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Ladies, ladies...

Simmah downah now.

I'll get some baby oil, some plastic sheets, two ping pong paddles and a jar of spicy dill pickles, whole, and we'll settle this messy thing PROPER.


Howitzer, do you really follow me around based on my profile?


Jul 3, 2002, 4:57 PM
Post #56 of 61 (1883 views)

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Jul 3, 2002, 5:55 PM
Post #57 of 61 (1883 views)

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absolutley doosh! I go in and see which forums you've posted to - just to keep it interesting.
Anne: my lord I unleashed the monster! 'taking it' doesn't mean you sit back without some comebacks - elementary school playgrounds teach that to us! I 'personally attacked' doosh because he has done the same to me in other forums. If I was crying in my soup than you could say I can't take it- I, like you, was clarifying and doing a bit of riling folks up - as it appears to have done to you, the not liking you and doosh comment was dripping with sarcasm my dear. And doosh has heard from me many times before, he know's I just like to give him a hard time and keep it interesting since he's so good at it himself.

[ This Message was edited by: howitzer on 2002-07-03 11:27 ]


Jul 3, 2002, 6:22 PM
Post #58 of 61 (1883 views)

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GO ! ! SEND !!!


Jul 3, 2002, 6:29 PM
Post #59 of 61 (1883 views)

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Jul 3, 2002, 6:47 PM
Post #60 of 61 (1883 views)

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BOTBLYFB!!!! Doosh already has a mom, so let it go.


Jul 24, 2003, 7:26 PM
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theooze [In reply to]
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BOTBLYFB!!!! Doosh already has a mom, so let it go.

hahahahahahahahaha.....good reading

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