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Warning New-bs on belay!
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Nov 29, 2007, 5:04 PM
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Registered: Nov 28, 2007
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Warning New-bs on belay!
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The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing climbers ignoreing their lead?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!

(This post was edited by MadDynoz on Nov 29, 2007, 7:54 PM)


Nov 29, 2007, 5:09 PM
Post #2 of 44 (6058 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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MadDynoz wrote:
The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!

i think what ya gotta do is watch your potential belayer belay others first. if you like what she is doing then climb away but i would even then do an easy (no fall) route - watching her the whole time even give a surprise "fall" (close to the ground) at that point ya gotta feel fairly safe.


Nov 29, 2007, 5:12 PM
Post #3 of 44 (6046 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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yah this is usually good form when picking belays but I was more worried for other people and a little confused on how this poor belaying has come about you know


Nov 29, 2007, 5:17 PM
Post #4 of 44 (6038 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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i gotta think that the gyms are regulated by there insurance compaines. how could an underwritter issue a policy for a dangerous business and let them do whatever they want. gotta be regulated by at least the insurance co. so, if they're doin it it's been given the ok IMHO


Nov 29, 2007, 5:20 PM
Post #5 of 44 (6030 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Yah but with the bout of this improper gri gri and three minute belay classes it just seems to point to things getting worse in the safety department if popularity rises

course maybe Im just being paranoidTongue


Nov 29, 2007, 5:22 PM
Post #6 of 44 (6020 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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A common problem around my area is gyms are not willing to pay top dollar (relatively) for qualified belay instructors and you end up with teachers who many consider noobs themselves.


Nov 29, 2007, 5:24 PM
Post #7 of 44 (6017 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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paranoid! a little fear'll keep you alive. what's you solution?


Nov 29, 2007, 5:27 PM
Post #8 of 44 (6009 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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I don't think you can blame new people for being improperly taught. The burden is with the (hopefully) experienced instructor. Unlike the OP in the other thread, I stress that climbing is dangerous. I also stress that as the belayer you're entrusted with someone else's wellbeing. If you drive that home and someone is still ignoring instruction, he needs to go home. This isn't the proper activity for him. If I'm not confident that you have the basics down, you're not belaying without a backup. Even then, I like a spare set of eyes on the ground just in case. (I don't work for a gym, and I'm speaking strictly from the experience of working with new partners.)

I'm past the point of trusting people I just met to belay me. I'll at least watch someone carefully for a couple of cycles to make sure they're okay before jumping on the rope. I've seen too much weird stuff, and read far too many dropped partner stories.


Nov 29, 2007, 5:30 PM
Post #9 of 44 (6000 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Ive watched and helped thats kinda alll I can do besides had out belay devices like an ATC and make sure everyone belays the exact same lol
But manly I just try to help withy out intructing
Me" what are you f*cking retarded?! thats not how you use that!!!" lol

btw I say ATC because for newbs I find those the easyiest to learn use and they are quite cheep.


Nov 29, 2007, 5:34 PM
Post #10 of 44 (5991 views)

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Re: [mturner] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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mturner wrote:
A common problem around my area is gyms are not willing to pay top dollar (relatively) for qualified belay instructors and you end up with teachers who many consider noobs themselves.

I'm pretty sure the gym I frequent exclusively hires climbers. Even so, only a couple of the senior staff teach courses and do belay tests. It's a model that seems to work, but introductory lessons are limited to specific times of day or by appointment as a result.


Nov 29, 2007, 5:36 PM
Post #11 of 44 (5983 views)

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Re: [markc] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Personally I would rather have an iconvience than a broke leg or arm or worse beacuse they didnt want to take the time to teach them properly you know?


Nov 29, 2007, 5:39 PM
Post #12 of 44 (5973 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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i think we all in time develope our own styles based on expierence and knowledge albeit: 1) there are basics to be followed like don't let go the brake side, pay attention, etc and 2) one actually knows the basics and basic safe techniques and then decides to say...belay plam up, plam down, two handed and so on BUT ya gotta have a safe, proven base of knowledge and expierence before you adjust your technique. i think all begginning climbers show use a tube style device to learn - simple effective, easy to spot problems. grigri's come later IMO


Nov 29, 2007, 5:42 PM
Post #13 of 44 (5966 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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well said Wink


Nov 29, 2007, 5:58 PM
Post #14 of 44 (5931 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Assigning blame solves every problem.

MadDynoz wrote:
cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?

Even worse than the poor belay form is when these people give themselves whay 2 Xtreme internet handles like "MadSikDynoz".


Nov 29, 2007, 6:09 PM
Post #15 of 44 (5916 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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I've worked as an instructor inside and out for the better part of 14 years and only had a handful of students that just couldn't learn proper belay technique. Outside is a free for all with people doing unsafe things all over and there's not much you can do about it. Inside however is a controlled setting and there is no excuse to be letting unsafe acts happen. Staff should be properly trained and encouraged to fix poor belay skills or ask those unwilling to listen to leave. I have done both many times. Gym owners/management have the right to dictate how things are done in their facility but also have an obligation to do some research and be sure what they want taught is the best method out there.

In western Canada the ACMG runs a climbing gym instructor program that has pretty much standardized how belaying is taught inside (I'm not sure if the AMGA has a similar program or not). My understanding is that insurance companies give breaks to gyms that employ ACMG certified instructors but they really don't have any "proper way to belay" policies (which isn't their strong point anyway).

For the record, when I give a complete TR belay lesson it takes about an hour and a half. My lead classes include belaying and climbing and take around four hours with lots of directly supervised practice to be sure everyone gets it.


Nov 29, 2007, 6:10 PM
Post #16 of 44 (5913 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Three models:

1) The German (European) model: you are responsible for yourself. No need to take a test, just say you know how to use a specific belay device and you are left on your own. Not a litigous society.

2) The regulated model: gyms are members of the Climbing Wall Association, which provides insurance and sets (high?) standards for instruction, certification, instruction qualifications. Gyms must comply to be insured.

3) The US model: probably halfway between 1 and 2. Moving towards regulation, either voluntarily or by government compulsion or insurance companies.

If climbing gyms don't collectively self-regulate, then they will eventually be subject to the same kind of regulation as amusement parks, and will probably become more amusement-park-like (gri-gris with floor anchors,etc.). Would be. . .interesting. . . for a forum like to play a role in industry self-regulation.


Nov 29, 2007, 6:14 PM
Post #17 of 44 (5905 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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MadDynoz wrote:
Personally I would rather have an inconvenience than a broke leg or arm or worse beacuse they didnt want to take the time to teach them properly you know?

Exactly my point. While it may not be ideal, those that don't want to take the time to learn proper belay techniques can always boulder at my gym. At least then they're only potentially hurting themselves.


Nov 29, 2007, 6:28 PM
Post #18 of 44 (5885 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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MadDynoz wrote:
Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
Is this English?


Nov 29, 2007, 6:29 PM
Post #19 of 44 (5881 views)

Registered: Jun 14, 2006
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Re: [stefanohatari] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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stefanohatari wrote:
If climbing gyms don't collectively self-regulate, then they will eventually be subject to the same kind of regulation as amusement parks, and will probably become more amusement-park-like (gri-gris with floor anchors,etc.). Would be. . .interesting. . . for a forum like to play a role in industry self-regulation.

All in good time; all in good time. Shit--most the gyms I've been to (4 total) are already like amusement parks, but not for the absurd safety requirements imposed on them. They're like amusement parks because of all the ass-clowns strutting around spraying about how many pull-ups they can do or what v-whocares gym problem they just sent.
I go to a gym for one reason: training when it's too nasty out to go outdoors. Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison! Shocked

(Ooooh. Did I just write that!?)


Nov 29, 2007, 6:30 PM
Post #20 of 44 (5879 views)

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Re: [climbsomething] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
Is this English?

Add on to this: WTF is a Neb?


Nov 29, 2007, 6:35 PM
Post #21 of 44 (5872 views)

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Re: [primus] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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primus wrote:
climbsomething wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
Is this English?

Add on to this: WTF is a Neb?

first that was taken from the gri gri forum and second I just cant sopell worth a damn typing with one hand and picture crop with other lol
new b - w = NEB


Nov 29, 2007, 6:43 PM
Post #22 of 44 (5858 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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MadDynoz wrote:
primus wrote:
climbsomething wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
Is this English?

Add on to this: WTF is a Neb?

first that was taken from the gri gri forum and second I just cant sopell worth a damn typing with one hand and picture crop with other lol
new b - w = NEB

Se that little "edit" button? You can change the title of your thread...Tongue


Nov 29, 2007, 11:02 PM
Post #23 of 44 (5730 views)

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Re: [MadDynoz] Warning New-bs on belay! [In reply to]
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due to a recent experience i've decided to watch any potential belayers catch someone else first. i used to let anyone belay me as long as they were a member of the gym (thus having completed the belay competence test, whatever that's worth).

i asked a guy i had seen around for a while to belay me on a route i was working on. the first part was a roof sequence so i told him to keep the rope a little loose so it wasn't pulling me off. before i hopped on the wall i looked at his ATC and saw that the rope was backwards (tail came out the top). i kindly corrected him, chalking it up as a stupid mistake. i start crankin across and notice that this guy had 3ft+ of slack played out, and the roof was only 10 or so feet off the ground. i told him (a little less kindly) to pull the slack in. i got around half way up the wall and felt like i was about to peel so i yelled TAKE. look down, he's not even paying attention. TAKE!! "what?" TAKE IN THE SLACK-- fall.

i make it to the ground alive and (not very kindly at all) explain what take means. that guy will never be on the ground end of my rope again.


Nov 29, 2007, 11:18 PM
Post #24 of 44 (5708 views)

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Re: [hopperhopper] Warning New-bs on belay! [In reply to]
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hopperhopper wrote:
... this guy had 3ft+ of slack played out, and the roof was only 10 or so feet off the ground.

i make it to the ground alive...

I'm sorry, but I don't get the numbers here at all - was this a lead belay or a toprope? If it was a toprope it couldn't have been much of a roof. And seriously, a 10 foot high roof? Most boulder caves are that high, if not higher, and there's no rope to be seen. Hell the boulder cave in my dining room is 8 feet off the ground.

I would certainly hope you made it to the ground alive with your whopping ten foot fall.


Nov 30, 2007, 12:06 AM
Post #25 of 44 (5643 views)

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Re: [Valarc] Warning New-bs on belay! [In reply to]
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Valarc wrote:
hopperhopper wrote:
... this guy had 3ft+ of slack played out, and the roof was only 10 or so feet off the ground.

i make it to the ground alive...

I'm sorry, but I don't get the numbers here at all - was this a lead belay or a toprope? If it was a toprope it couldn't have been much of a roof. And seriously, a 10 foot high roof? Most boulder caves are that high, if not higher, and there's no rope to be seen. Hell the boulder cave in my dining room is 8 feet off the ground.

I would certainly hope you made it to the ground alive with your whopping ten foot fall.

hopperhopper wrote:
first part was a roof sequence

This to me (along with the rest of the post) implies that there was more route to follow, post roof.

Partner oldsalt

Nov 30, 2007, 12:44 AM
Post #26 of 44 (2585 views)

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Re: [primus] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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primus wrote:
Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison!

I would like to propose an alternative simile...

Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex without a partner versus sex with a partner.Blush


Nov 30, 2007, 1:27 AM
Post #27 of 44 (2577 views)

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Re: [oldsalt] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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oldsalt wrote:
primus wrote:
Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison!

I would like to propose an alternative simile...

Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex without a partner versus sex with a partner.Blush

Then what is free soloing? High-risk sex without a partner?



Nov 30, 2007, 1:31 AM
Post #28 of 44 (2576 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Warning New-bs on belay! [In reply to]
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the wall is 44ft high. i was on a toprope, but what does that have to do with how much of a roof it was? the extra slack so close to the ground wasn't really what had me worried -- it's what he might decide to let happen closer to the 44ft mark.


Nov 30, 2007, 2:48 AM
Post #29 of 44 (2560 views)

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Re: [jt512] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
oldsalt wrote:
primus wrote:
Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison!

I would like to propose an alternative simile...

Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex without a partner versus sex with a partner.Blush

Then what is free soloing? High-risk sex without a partner?


Nah, soloing is more akin to a three way BDSM free for all with no condoms, where the third party is the family dog.

Edited to add: It occurs to me, that I very well may be killfiled so I could have just wasted a beastiality reference. Do you still allow me audience Jay?

(This post was edited by notapplicable on Nov 30, 2007, 2:53 AM)


Nov 30, 2007, 12:14 PM
Post #30 of 44 (2541 views)

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Re: [notapplicable] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
jt512 wrote:
oldsalt wrote:
primus wrote:
Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison!

I would like to propose an alternative simile...

Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex without a partner versus sex with a partner.Blush

Then what is free soloing? High-risk sex without a partner?


Nah, soloing is more akin to a three way BDSM free for all with no condoms, where the third party is the family dog.

Edited to add: It occurs to me, that I very well may be killfiled so I could have just wasted a beastiality reference. Do you still allow me audience Jay?

Yeah, but I never noticed that you use phrases like "allow me audience," so I might have to reconsider.



Nov 30, 2007, 1:07 PM
Post #31 of 44 (2531 views)

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Re: [jt512] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
jt512 wrote:
oldsalt wrote:
primus wrote:
Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex with a condom versus sex without: they're both better than nothing, but when it comes down to it, there's no comparison!

I would like to propose an alternative simile...

Climbing indoors versus climbing outdoors is like sex without a partner versus sex with a partner.Blush

Then what is free soloing? High-risk sex without a partner?


Nah, soloing is more akin to a three way BDSM free for all with no condoms, where the third party is the family dog.

Edited to add: It occurs to me, that I very well may be killfiled so I could have just wasted a beastiality reference. Do you still allow me audience Jay?

Yeah, but I never noticed that you use phrases like "allow me audience," so I might have to reconsider.



No real offence intended. It just occured to me that I could have been effectivly talking to myself and the thought of talking to oneself via this medium gave me a chuckle.


Nov 30, 2007, 2:20 PM
Post #32 of 44 (2518 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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i gotta think that the gyms are regulated by there insurance compaines. how could an underwritter issue a policy for a dangerous business and let them do whatever they want. gotta be regulated by at least the insurance co. so, if they're doin it it's been given the ok IMHO

Just because the insurance company gives them the ok, doesn't make it alright to do.

If the insurance companies are forcing them to do this dumb crap without the proper education it does not improve safety for us in the least.Mad


Nov 30, 2007, 2:39 PM
Post #33 of 44 (2506 views)

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Re: [Jbitz] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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no you missed my point - ins co's ain't dumb - they would require industry standard techniques be followed in that type of business - i would imagine - or at least trainers to hold some sort of reconized certification. then if bad stuff goes down, it'll be on the owners.


Nov 30, 2007, 2:59 PM
Post #34 of 44 (2496 views)

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Re: [jt512] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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jay wrote: "Yeah, but I never noticed that you use phrases like "allow me audience," so I might have to reconsider.


Cool that's rich

Partner j_ung

Nov 30, 2007, 3:12 PM
Post #35 of 44 (2490 views)

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Re: [markc] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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markc wrote:
I don't think you can blame new people for being improperly taught. The burden is with the (hopefully) experienced instructor. Unlike the OP in the other thread, I stress that climbing is dangerous. I also stress that as the belayer you're entrusted with someone else's wellbeing. If you drive that home and someone is still ignoring instruction, he needs to go home.

I get your point and agree, but I think the newbie shares that responsibility equally. I remember distinctly the first time I ever belayed and how struck I was by the, ahem, gravity of it all. I think if somebody has a minimally astute mind, he or she will intuit all you've said above. All my instructor did was reinforce that intuition.


Dec 1, 2007, 1:12 AM
Post #36 of 44 (2423 views)

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Re: [jt512] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
Then what is free soloing? High-risk sex without a partner?


Sex with that woman who kinda looks like she has an adam's apple

(This post was edited by Valarc on Dec 1, 2007, 1:14 AM)


Dec 1, 2007, 2:48 AM
Post #37 of 44 (2403 views)

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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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reg wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!

i think what ya gotta do is watch your potential belayer belay others first. if you like what she is doing then climb away but i would even then do an easy (no fall) route - watching her the whole time even give a surprise "fall" (close to the ground) at that point ya gotta feel fairly safe.

I gotta love how you automatically assign gender with a bad belayer as female. Your advice might have been a little more sound had you not implied gender one way or another. You know kinda like his/her or he/she. Just kinda reads along the lines of "women aren't good drivers, etc."

However, I do agree with the OP in that a lot of times newer climbers aren't being taught diligently in many cases therefore endangering themselves, the people they are climbing with and others around them.

One of the last times I was out, I watched the party next to me give a brief explanation of how to clean an anchor and then send this guy up who clearly hadn't digested what they were telling him to do. Having guided in the past, I chose to stay at the top of the route I was on (right next to him) and guide him through the process. He clearly had no idea what he was doing and had no business untying at the top of a route.

(This post was edited by climbs4fun on Dec 1, 2007, 2:53 AM)


Dec 1, 2007, 3:31 AM
Post #38 of 44 (2396 views)

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Re: [climbs4fun] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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no no no climbsforfun - i was attempting to be current and non patriarcal. my references to she and her were ment to show a willingness to assume belayers and climbing partners of any (this) male climber could be of any gender. the common way for me to speak would be to say "he" or "him" and i would say that naturally without thinking thus disreguarding so many good and tallented climbers many of which kick my ass. hell i learned from a woman but i would rather say i learned from a good talented climber. i'm trying to change a chovanistic mind set. shout - i'm damned if i do - damed if i don't :) sat make sense?


Dec 2, 2007, 5:45 AM
Post #39 of 44 (2345 views)

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Re: [climbs4fun] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:
[ Just kinda reads along the lines of "women aren't good drivers, etc."

You do realize that by drawing this parallel you effectivly defeated your own argument. With that parallel in mind, woman are infact (by your own admission mind you) bad belayers. Shame, shame.Tongue


Dec 3, 2007, 5:21 AM
Post #40 of 44 (2301 views)

Registered: May 25, 2004
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Re: [reg] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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I have been instructing for over 17 years and NONE of my students learn to belay with a GRI-GRI, until they have mastered the tube or plate devices. My mountaineering students also are taught the hip belay. When I first learned it was with the hip belay with an instructor backing you up, and if you messed up and the instructor had to catch the fall, trust me you never would forget again ("PINCH"). I think the gyms offer noobs a bad example and false sense of security with the use of GRI-GRI's and taking an additional wrap around the pipe on the top rope anchors. You will never have that kind of friction when lowering through the typical 2 or 3 carabiner set-up.


Dec 3, 2007, 3:23 PM
Post #41 of 44 (2275 views)

Registered: Mar 27, 2007
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Re: [climbs4fun] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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climbs4fun wrote:
reg wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!

i think what ya gotta do is watch your potential belayer belay others first. if you like what she is doing then climb away but i would even then do an easy (no fall) route - watching her the whole time even give a surprise "fall" (close to the ground) at that point ya gotta feel fairly safe.

I gotta love how you automatically assign gender with a bad belayer as female. Your advice might have been a little more sound had you not implied gender one way or another. You know kinda like his/her or he/she. Just kinda reads along the lines of "women aren't good drivers, etc."

However, I do agree with the OP in that a lot of times newer climbers aren't being taught diligently in many cases therefore endangering themselves, the people they are climbing with and others around them.

One of the last times I was out, I watched the party next to me give a brief explanation of how to clean an anchor and then send this guy up who clearly hadn't digested what they were telling him to do. Having guided in the past, I chose to stay at the top of the route I was on (right next to him) and guide him through the process. He clearly had no idea what he was doing and had no business untying at the top of a route.

most of the people i teach to clean do end up doing it this way. it seems like its really hard to explain it to someone less you got 2 bolts sitting in front of you.

when i learned i just went up. figured out what my goal was, made sure i was clipped into 2 bolts and started to untie. i had a course about anchor building before that though so i had a decent concept of knots, what will get me killed and what will let me live.

if he was learning to clean a trad route or something w/out bolts on the top... good luck on that one. prolly a good thing you were there =P


Dec 3, 2007, 11:51 PM
Post #42 of 44 (2260 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2005
Posts: 54

Re: [Carnage] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Climbing Wall Instructor training and certification:
Professional Climbing Instructors Association (PCIA),


Dec 18, 2007, 10:55 AM
Post #43 of 44 (2174 views)

Registered: Jul 8, 2007
Posts: 157

Re: [MadDynoz] Warning New-bs on belay! [In reply to]
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MadDynoz wrote:
The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing climbers ignoreing their lead?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!
LOL, I've had the little kids that work at these places tell me that I belay incorrectly... And I started climbing much before they were even a twinkle in someones eye...Crazy Makes me think they deserve a bitch slap.Angelic


Dec 18, 2007, 11:55 AM
Post #44 of 44 (2172 views)

Registered: May 12, 2004
Posts: 5920

Re: [Carnage] Warning Nebs on belay! [In reply to]
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Carnage wrote:
climbs4fun wrote:
reg wrote:
MadDynoz wrote:
The forum on the gri gri has lead me to a question who is to blame for the influx of noobs not being taught basics? Should we blame trainers or noobs? Are the trainers half-assing or are the cocky 5'7 scocer short muscle shirt climbers ignoreing?
This could be a potential problem with the new influx towards climbing.
I often trust my belay to people I just met and Its worked fine but now I must say it worries me to know that people are being taught wrong!

i think what ya gotta do is watch your potential belayer belay others first. if you like what she is doing then climb away but i would even then do an easy (no fall) route - watching her the whole time even give a surprise "fall" (close to the ground) at that point ya gotta feel fairly safe.

I gotta love how you automatically assign gender with a bad belayer as female. Your advice might have been a little more sound had you not implied gender one way or another. You know kinda like his/her or he/she. Just kinda reads along the lines of "women aren't good drivers, etc."

However, I do agree with the OP in that a lot of times newer climbers aren't being taught diligently in many cases therefore endangering themselves, the people they are climbing with and others around them.

One of the last times I was out, I watched the party next to me give a brief explanation of how to clean an anchor and then send this guy up who clearly hadn't digested what they were telling him to do. Having guided in the past, I chose to stay at the top of the route I was on (right next to him) and guide him through the process. He clearly had no idea what he was doing and had no business untying at the top of a route.

most of the people i teach to clean do end up doing it this way. it seems like its really hard to explain it to someone less you got 2 bolts sitting in front of you.

when i learned i just went up. figured out what my goal was, made sure i was clipped into 2 bolts and started to untie. i had a course about anchor building before that though so i had a decent concept of knots, what will get me killed and what will let me live.

if he was learning to clean a trad route or something w/out bolts on the top... good luck on that one. prolly a good thing you were there =P
I find it easy but time consuming to teach someone to clean.

I show the noob how to clean the anchors by having them pretend their hands are the bolts. I have them go through the entire cleaning process with my hands as the bolts. I repeat both of those steps as much as needed for the noob to get it. Finally, I have the noob go 'teach' someone else that knows how to clean as their test.

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