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Why is there so many cranky climbers???
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Jan 1, 2004, 12:58 AM
Post #1 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2002
Posts: 261

Why is there so many cranky climbers???
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I usually log onto this site about 2 times a day looking for new events, news, and new ideas/concepts as well as old but true information. There aree so many great people on this site, but it seems latley that there are just as many cranky elitest people who lay into newbies that come inbo this site.

I just read 3 newer posts that are filled with flaming and people getting mad over completley stupid stuff (LOL, I guess I am being a little hypocritical :) :) :) ). Now I know that this the INTERNET but c`mon, we are also climbers. Would you go out to the local crag and start screaming "YOU F`ing IDIOT!!! THATS NOT HOW YOU DO THAT! STUPID NEWBIE, ALL YOUR IDEAS ARE WORTHLESS AND I WOULD NEVER CLIMB WITH YOU! YOUR A DANGER TO THE WHOLE CLIMBING COMMUNITY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!" (I know it's a little much, but is it?)???

I just hate to see some of you people acting like that. A recent post by someone with only 13 posts asked what level everyone climbed at and someone came back and wrote this:

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What level do you climb at? What do you think you're going to be able to determine from the replies you get? Based on the way you framed the question, do you expect there will be any way you can come off in future replies to this thread as anything less than a myopic, self-absorbed, arrogant little twit? I doubt it, but I'd suggest you give it a shot.

There are so many people out there that think they are the shizzit and they need to find some way to get the attention on them, so they give someone else flak. If you dont like the post then DON'T REPLY! It's simple, there is no reason to skewer someone alive just cause they are curious about something. You don't always know why someone is asking a question. What if he was doing something worthwhile with the information he might have recieved?

I guess I am just ranting off, but I think it would do everyone alot better if some of you would stop being so antagonistic and defensive. Thanks!


Jan 1, 2004, 1:22 AM
Post #2 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Dec 20, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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it is really simple. Maybe it goes back to the reason your mom told you the bullies picked on little kids. "Because it makes them feel better." Or maybe you are right with the assumption that people just want to be in the spotlight. If everyone is nice, then we get great conversations and posts. But there will always be one person who will post something cruel, because it will give him/her their 5 minutes of fame. And after that point, the original post is lost in a world of flaming, cruel comments, and people who are "talking out of their ass."

The nice people are still there, maybe just not now, maybe just not in that paticular post at all. But make no mistake, they are there. There just happen to be more "elitists" posting right now.


Jan 1, 2004, 1:24 AM
Post #3 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Why is there so many cranky climbers???

Perhaps we're all just fed up with atrocious grammar.


Jan 1, 2004, 1:35 AM
Post #4 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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While some people are just mean spirited, it is mostly an issue of hearing the same crap so many times that you just get jaded. I for one, love talking to people about how to become safer, or more efficient at climbing, but don't like getting crap because I run out an easy part of a climb, or simul a bit, or give a hip belay when my follower is finishing the final 5.2 pitch on a long route and I am sitting behind a boulder with my feet higher than my hips.

Sometimes it just gets old answering the same questions. I am not an elitist (okay maybe in the "60' of choss bolt clipping" -vs- "climbing" discussion) and love taking out my friends and showing them how to build anchors better or even getting someone who has just begun climbing more into it and taking them up really big stuff so they can have goals to shoot for.

And also realize that most people on here talk a lot of crap sometimes, but when you get to know them in person, they are cool as hell and just fire off their mouth, because there is nothing better to do for that 10 minutes of the day.

TRADitionally yours,

Cali Dirtbag


Jan 1, 2004, 1:44 AM
Post #5 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Why is there so many cranky climbers???

Perhaps we're all just fed up with atrocious grammar.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dammit, you beat me to it!!!


Jan 1, 2004, 1:54 AM
Post #6 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I am not an elitist (okay maybe in the "60' of choss bolt clipping" -vs- "climbing" discussion) and love taking out my friends and showing them how to build anchors better or even getting someone who has just begun climbing more into it and taking them up really big stuff so they can have goals to shoot for.

Paul is one of the nicest people I know, I truely look up to him and strive to be more like him. He has given me more advice than anyone else and gone that extra mile to explain things and inspire. Best of wishes, Paul.



Jan 1, 2004, 2:05 AM
Post #7 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Why is there so many cranky climbers???
Well, you can't climb if you don't crank--duh. Hahahahahaha.



Jan 1, 2004, 2:23 AM
Post #8 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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There are a bunch of cranky ass mother f*&#@!#ers on this site. On the first thread I posted some guy was such a dick it scared me off from posting things for a while. Maybe someone can help me understand this behavior without being an ass.


Jan 1, 2004, 2:23 AM
Post #9 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Undersexed. :D :oops: :D


Jan 1, 2004, 2:25 AM
Post #10 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Good call man

Partner coldclimb

Jan 1, 2004, 3:34 AM
Post #11 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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It's a cyber-oriented reaction that is caused by high frequency bursts of energy from radiation emitting devices such as liquid crystal displays or cathode ray tubes. No one is certain exactly why, but somehow, when this energy is aligned correctly to display, in a compiled format, the ones and zeros transmitted from around the globe over an incredibly vast computer network, it provides the catalyst needed for a reaction that can, under some circumstances, revert the intelligence of an average human being back to the equivalent of his simian ancestry. This phenomenon, when multiplied on a global scale, creates the situation you were describing in your post. There is no remedy, although it is noted that in the majority of cases, the problem goes away with age.

Hope this helps. ;)


Jan 1, 2004, 3:39 AM
Post #12 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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This "Internet" thing acts as a shield.

If these threads were occurring face-to-face there would be many a bloody nose.


Jan 1, 2004, 3:40 AM
Post #13 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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There is no remedy, although it is noted that in the majority of cases, the problem goes away with age.
Then explain Jay and Curt. heheheh.

*ducks from Curt's swinging walker*


Jan 1, 2004, 3:51 AM
Post #14 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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This "Internet" thing acts as a shield.

If these threads were occurring face-to-face there would be many a bloody nose.
well, I assure you jt512 (online) and Jay Tanzman (in person) do not vary any. And Jay's nose is very much intact. ;) For some reason, people just don't mess with the ol' coot.


Jan 1, 2004, 3:52 AM
Post #15 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Jul 16, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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One reason was brought out by Jack Kerouac:

:D "There are more horses a@$'s in the world than there are horses" :D


Jan 1, 2004, 4:17 AM
Post #16 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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The funny thing is when you check on the profile of these so called "Mountain dew elite-ists" you will see either a very dorky 13 year old loner who get picked on in school or these "Dorky lonley old man that mummy and daddy why didnt you hug me when i am little" type of losers.

So, we all should give em a chance for, without the Internet they might need to see a shrink or get put in a mental home.

Oh, for me i just read those RUDE posters and laugh inside my heart and then just move on.

Life's too short to get caught up with these real life losers !! :P


Jan 1, 2004, 4:24 AM
Post #17 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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oh and not to mention if you actually can still managed to read their profile (after seeing their self potrait), some of them are actually very welcoming and show great hospitality ...

"if you are around the ________ area , i am most be happy to show you ... bla bla bla ....."

HILARIOUS !!! Check out the following poster below

Example: (reference

If you don't like this "mountain dew" sport as you call it than why don't you stop? If you really think climbing is a "mountain dew extreme" kind of thing than it's obvious to me that you have no clue!!
And guess what else! If you don't like the people in colorado- then stay the hell out!!

I'm polite to touron's as long as they are polite and respectful. If not screw em I live here and I don't have to put up with some texan thinking they own the place 2 weeks a year...

Here's one more proven point- If you don't like us- F**K YOU stay out of Colorado.
And tell all your "mountain dew" sky surfing, bungee jumping, underwater upside down breath holding friends the same....


josh "



Jan 1, 2004, 5:09 AM
Post #18 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Paul is one of the nicest people I know, I truely look up to him and strive to be more like him. He has given me more advice than anyone else and gone that extra mile to explain things and inspire. Best of wishes, Paul.

whoa, wait a minute, we can't possibly know the same addiroids. hahaha


Jan 1, 2004, 5:28 AM
Post #19 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Apr 18, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I think that anyone green enough to actually use the term "nwebie" is going to hell. Moreover, anyone who thinks they are clever or cute and spells it "NooB" or anything resemblant will be tortured for all eternity in the lake of fire and sulfer. Grow up you internet-savy fags, you're embarassing to the rest of us. As for elitist attitudes, they stem from inferiority complexes and the like. The hands down without a doubt best climbers I have ever known have all been very nice, helpful, and supportive (with the "King Nice" crown going to Steve House who helped a friend of mine set up a top rope on some ice in Montana. Really cool guy). No one who is full of piss is really THAT good, they just think they are.


Jan 1, 2004, 12:02 PM
Post #20 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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On the first thread I posted some guy was such a dick it scared me off from posting things for a while.
yeah that happened to me too..


Jan 1, 2004, 1:18 PM
Post #21 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Why is there so many cranky climbers???

One of the major hemispheres are off season, at this time...


Jan 1, 2004, 1:35 PM
Post #22 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Thanks for asking this question, I couldn't agree more...

I've been checking out the site for a long time, but just became a member of recent. I've only had a few posts because I don't want to entice tons of flaming if I ask a "stupid question".

I think everyone needs to relax. The whole point of this site is to trade information about climbing. Some of these issues do cross into social issues, which I find the responses interesting, but they are opinions. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion which can be discussed, but no one should be attacked and shunned for it.

Some people are here to get information and NEED quality responses for their safety and enjoyment of climbing. If you think someone's post is stupid and for "noobies" and that you are above answering it in a positive way, then don't post.


Jan 1, 2004, 2:02 PM
Post #23 of 49 (2996 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Jan 1, 2004, 3:54 PM
Post #24 of 49 (2996 views)

Registered: Sep 18, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I just read 3 newer posts that are filled with flaming and people getting mad over completley stupid stuff (LOL, I guess I am being a little hypocritical ). Now I know that this the INTERNET but c`mon, we are also climbers. Would you go out to the local crag and start screaming "YOU F`ing IDIOT!!! THATS NOT HOW YOU DO THAT! STUPID NEWBIE, ALL YOUR IDEAS ARE WORTHLESS AND I WOULD NEVER CLIMB WITH YOU! YOUR A DANGER TO THE WHOLE CLIMBING COMMUNITY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!" (I know it's a little much, but is it?)???

The sad thing is that there are climbers out there that would respond to climbers out at the crag in this way. Rather than trying to be helpful, they try to make the newbie look like a moron, and in turn they make themself look like a complete ass. But they don't care as long as they get there attention.
I found its just as easy to say, that's suppose to be done like this or it's easier and safer to do it like this.
Cause everyone was a beginner at some point. It doesn't matter how good you are.
Many people wouldn't be climbing if there was a jackass like that on their first trip to the crag.


Jan 1, 2004, 6:32 PM
Post #25 of 49 (2317 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I think that anyone green enough to actually use the term "nwebie" is going to hell

stfu, noob.


Jan 1, 2004, 6:52 PM
Post #26 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Oct 5, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I just read 3 newer posts that are filled with flaming and people getting mad over completley stupid stuff (LOL, I guess I am being a little hypocritical ). Now I know that this the INTERNET but c`mon, we are also climbers. Would you go out to the local crag and start screaming "YOU F`ing IDIOT!!! THATS NOT HOW YOU DO THAT! STUPID NEWBIE, ALL YOUR IDEAS ARE WORTHLESS AND I WOULD NEVER CLIMB WITH YOU! YOUR A DANGER TO THE WHOLE CLIMBING COMMUNITY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!" (I know it's a little much, but is it?)???

The sad thing is that there are climbers out there that would respond to climbers out at the crag in this way. Rather than trying to be helpful, they try to make the newbie look like a moron, and in turn they make themself look like a complete ass. But they don't care as long as they get there attention.
I found its just as easy to say, that's suppose to be done like this or it's easier and safer to do it like this.
Cause everyone was a beginner at some point. It doesn't matter how good you are.
Many people wouldn't be climbing if there was a jackass like that on their first trip to the crag.

on the other hand sometimes it is allright to be an *ss if u know more than the person you are climbing with and they won't get off your case for doing stuff your own way wich you are ussed to and percive as safer for reasons of escaping bellays and such. with some people politness just doesn't put them in there place or just say to yourself screw them and go on with life.


Jan 1, 2004, 9:28 PM
Post #27 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Oh Mr. dxmetal!! I'm going to reply(even though it's alittle late) to your silliness.

Let's first explore your hypocrisy, shall we?

In your above post did you not say, "Oh, for me i just read those RUDE posters and laugh inside my heart then just move on"? I think you did.
But wait!! Didn't you just hash up something that occured in the past? So you didn't move on huh?
And isn't it considered RUDE to post someone else's profile? (someone please tell me as I'm not sure). Seems to me that would qualify you as a RUDE poster as well?
And I'm still baffled why you would even use my profile as an example.
It appears to me that my profile is more complete than yours(or are you just an anonymous coward?) and has more info than a majority of also will show you what I have contributed to the site. Which when compared to some folks is pitiful, but is not nothing either. And nothing is what you have contributed thus far....

I wonder how many folks you've met from the site? I've climbed with, camped with, drank with,quite a few. I've also helped one move and taken several newer folks out climbing.
But I guess that makes me a real life loser huh?
I'll tell you what; I've met some people from this site that I consider to be real friends, and I would guess they would say the same.

To answer the original post, I think we all get caught up in our emotions. It's very easy to take things the wrong way online, you can't hear a sarcastic tone or see someone smiling when they say something.
I know personally I get carried away sometimes, and sometimes I regret it. There have been times when I almost went back and deleted post's, but I believe this to be the wrong course of action, you gotta own up to what you say.
I truly love this sport and am a proud person. I am also outspoken and passionate. I rarely(if ever) flame new climber or someone new to this site. If you look I'd guess the only time I really flamed anyone it was after being flamed myself, or when a friend was attacked, or something I I'm proud of/ passionate about.

So Mr. metal sit there on your high horse with your empty profile, and take all 32 of your posts- and shove them up your A$$.


Jan 1, 2004, 10:18 PM
Post #28 of 49 (2291 views)

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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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this was probably not a good idea


Jan 2, 2004, 12:51 AM
Post #29 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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One word: overpopulation. The same "rats in a cage" feeling you get when penned in by traffic, shoved into a crowded elevator, or crammed into the subway with people you don't know, nor necessarily like.

I know I, like lots of climbers, got into this sport because of the way it took me up off the ground, away from people. The sport, however, has boomed, and it's hard to find quiet crags these days. This leads to territorial pissing, snarling, "crankiness," etc. It's a natural human response -- a defense mechanism, immutable and atavistic.

If we're all too cranky for you, I suggest finding a new, well-hidden crag far from the road, developing it for you and a choice few of your friends, then keeping it as quiet as possible. The Internet is a naturally noisy place.
You're not likely to find serenity or good manners here. I'd say your best bet is to laugh at some of the funny-ass s**t the crankiest of us have to say. It keeps me entertained.


Jan 2, 2004, 1:40 AM
Post #30 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 30, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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:twisted: I't snows way to much and none of us climb enouph. Other than that I have one word CRIMPERS!!! There is a solution however, smoke more grass!!! :P :P :P


Jan 2, 2004, 1:47 AM
Post #31 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: May 24, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I have to agree. There has been sort of a funk over the site for the last couple of months. I think it is because climbers in the northern US (the center of the climbing universe) are saddled with crappy cold weather. There is nothing to do but put a crimper on someone with a question, stupid or not.


Jan 2, 2004, 9:01 AM
Post #32 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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One word: overpopulation. The same "rats in a cage" feeling you get when penned in by traffic, shoved into a crowded elevator, or crammed into the subway with people you don't know, nor necessarily like.

I know I, like lots of climbers, got into this sport because of the way it took me up off the ground, away from people. The sport, however, has boomed, and it's hard to find quiet crags these days. This leads to territorial pissing, snarling, "crankiness," etc. It's a natural human response -- a defense mechanism, immutable and atavistic.

If we're all too cranky for you, I suggest finding a new, well-hidden crag far from the road, developing it for you and a choice few of your friends, then keeping it as quiet as possible. The Internet is a naturally noisy place.
You're not likely to find serenity or good manners here. I'd say your best bet is to laugh at some of the funny-ass s**t the crankiest of us have to say. It keeps me entertained.

I undertsand what you are saying, I agree that the internet is a noisy place, and there are definitley times when people need to be hollered at, but it seems like the level of contention is getting higher. Who knows, maybe I am just an idiot.


Jan 2, 2004, 6:23 PM
Post #33 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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OH Josh,

First off, you asked me and my friends to quit climbing and get the H3ll outta colorado, then you asked us to F*CK OFF and then now you asked us to shove stuff up our @ss. I now really wonder what did you do with all these so called "people" that you "helped" from this site. HInt: ever heard of NeverLand ??

Again we are inferior coz we only have 32 postings vs the 9999999+ of yours (sorry that we have a real life in the real world). I guess you really falled into the second category of my colorado type of people.

Secondly, I am way over you old man, the only reason i posted my response that particular way was to prove my point. But again, i dont have to do it for long as YOU sucessfully proved my points correct again and again and again from your rebuttal.

Anyways, i dont really know why the heck do i even bother posting this. It is obiviously a waste of my time as well as the site's bandwidth. Time to put you in my neandertal Old man in my IGNORE List.

P/S: I also really appreciate it if You can also ask your good friend JOSH to stop provoking me via PM.


Jan 2, 2004, 6:34 PM
Post #34 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 21, 2001
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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There's some people who like to make things a little more interesting.


Jan 2, 2004, 7:00 PM
Post #35 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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sorry, it was Ryan that keep on provoking me via PM. So Please Ryan stop the PM, i dont give a crap bout you and your buddy JOsh.

thank you


Jan 2, 2004, 8:09 PM
Post #36 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Oct 22, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Oh, for me i just read those RUDE posters and laugh inside my heart and then just move on.

I thought you do this???
Sure doesn't seem as if you're moving on to me....

As for being an old, cool guy....I'm 27! If that's old there's some real dinosaurs on this site.... :)

As for whom ever is provoking you via PM...I have no idea who that would be. And I do ask them to STOP!

But wait! I guess you can't see any of this because you have ignored me....which is always the easy way out.

You rule, kid.


Jan 2, 2004, 8:49 PM
Post #37 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2003
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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This is a good question -

I guess I would consider myself a newbie - at least to climbing - and have found more cranky climbers - then not -
I do a lot of outdoor activities - climbing and mt. biking mostly - and have found the community to be some of the friendliest people - and the exact opposite of the climbing community -

can't we all just get along - can't we all just enjoy a common interest.

To all elitist - you were all newbies once - give us a break - and a friendly bit of advice instead of looking down your nose at us.

and for all those who have passed on advice - know we appreciate it.

peace out


Jan 2, 2004, 9:32 PM
Post #38 of 49 (2291 views)

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can't we all just get along -

No, I don't think we can.

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you were all newbies once - give us a break

No quarter will be given for laziness. There should be something of a new members packet requiring them to read through at least 30 back pages of any forum they wish to post to. Yes, the search feature sucks. However, if you are going to post to an internet board, you must be, at least, a little internet savvy.

If you don't know that John Long wrote a series of books called How to Rock Climb, then that means you have never gone into a book store and looked for climbing literature in the sports section. These books will answer most of the questions being asked over and over and over by new members too lazy to discover that the last 4 people asking that same question got their asses ripped open.

Instead of asking which nuts you should buy and other such subjective questions that can't be answered in a web forum anyway, use this site productively by finding experienced people to climb with. Many of the people quickest to flame your noob-questions would be more than willing to demonstrate how to set opposing pieces and such. Bring the beer and say thank you.

But keep the shoe threads coming. We all love those.


Jan 3, 2004, 3:02 AM
Post #39 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
Posts: 4317

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I now really wonder what did you do with all these so called "people" that you "helped" from this site. HInt: ever heard of NeverLand ??

hey dumbass n00b - josh is a good friend and has definitely helped me rethink my approach to climbing walls. i'm not the only one. perhaps you are in neverland.


Jan 3, 2004, 3:49 AM
Post #40 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Nov 24, 2003
Posts: 461

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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wow, another one defending his kind. I am begining to wonder what did u guys stuff up each other's @ss in CO ???

Time to put u in my trash bin too, what a waste of time.

Partner coldclimb

Jan 3, 2004, 6:06 AM
Post #41 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2002
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Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Jan 3, 2004, 6:31 AM
Post #42 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
Posts: 1820

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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This thread about cranky climbers sure has some cranky climbers posting to it.



Jan 3, 2004, 7:01 AM
Post #43 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Oct 5, 2003
Posts: 449

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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yea well i am cranky too i don't like that little dancing stick figure....hehehhehe :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Partner rrrADAM

Jan 3, 2004, 7:03 AM
Post #44 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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Right on... This thread has degraded to a flame fest when someone asked basically about why the flame fests, complete with profanity echoing the Front Page.

Partner rrrADAM

Jan 3, 2004, 7:04 AM
Post #45 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

rrrADAM moved this thread [In reply to]
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rrrADAM moved this thread from General to Community.

Partner rrrADAM

Jan 3, 2004, 7:11 AM
Post #46 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I guess the simple answer would be that we have a few outspoken assholes who will say on the Net what they will face to face. It's a kind of shield that makes them feel empowered.


Jan 4, 2004, 4:44 AM
Post #47 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Oct 11, 2001
Posts: 1046

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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From our resident expert DXMETAL:

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so we use a sewn runner to wrap around a tree and then to a carbiner.

How do we connect our 2" webbing to the carabiner ??

Would a slip knot do ?? are there more safer technique ??

I know if we use all runner, it would be so much easier but We cant afford to get 40" runner to fix for all 3 anchors.

Nice use of the English language. There are people posting here from Finland with better grammer than you dude.

Also, you sure are showing your justification to flame someone as gumbified as our resident gumby flamer (who seems to have filled out his profile quite nicely).

Get some experience before messing with our aids climbing brethren.

TRADitionally yours,

Cali Dirtbag


Jan 4, 2004, 6:11 AM
Post #48 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Jul 27, 2001
Posts: 4317

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I guess the simple answer would be that we have a few outspoken assholes who will say on the Net what they will face to face. It's a kind of shield that makes them feel empowered.

yeah, well, we have to say that sort of thing to dxmetal here since when we are climbing good stuff we are never around people toproping things with 150' of webbing tied to rocks with slipknots. this is a unique opportunity.

Partner rrrADAM

Jan 4, 2004, 8:41 AM
Post #49 of 49 (2291 views)

Registered: Dec 19, 1999
Posts: 17553

Re: Why is there so many cranky climbers??? [In reply to]
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I guess the simple answer would be that we have a few outspoken assholes who will say on the Net what they will face to face. It's a kind of shield that makes them feel empowered.

yeah, well, we have to say that sort of thing to dxmetal here since when we are climbing good stuff we are never around people toproping things with 150' of webbing tied to rocks with slipknots. this is a unique opportunity.

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