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Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirmed
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Sep 1, 2005, 3:51 PM
Post #1 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
Posts: 17398

Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirmed
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It's TRUE! Scientists have done the first exhaustive comparison of the two geonomes and have thus confirmed the intelligent design fantasy. What they found was this: the Intelligent Designer used the exact same blueprint for chimps and humans 96% of the time, including the junk code gene sequences no longer used by either species. When it comes to critical function, basic animal life stuff? The Intelligent Designer used the SAME CODE 99% of the time, indentical gene sequences.

Now ironically, one of the areas where we most differ is the immune system, where humans are susceptible to desease and viral infections chimps are not.

So this begs a question from the "I did not descend from apes" crowd... does the fact your Intelligent Designer used 96% of his Chimp Project code to create Humans bother you? Adam's Rib came from a Chimp after all! Or 99% of it anyway.

And to all you programmers out there... EVEN GOD REUSES CODE!!!111

(I wonder who SHE stole the first line from, haha)


Partner tradman

Sep 1, 2005, 4:04 PM
Post #2 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Jan 14, 2003
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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You really have no idea at all what Intelligent Design is about, do you?


Sep 1, 2005, 4:06 PM
Post #3 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Nov 20, 2002
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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It's TRUE! Scientists have done the first exhaustive comparison of the two geonomes and have thus confirmed the intelligent design fantasy. What they found was this: the Intelligent Designer used the exact same blueprint for chimps and humans 96% of the time, including the junk code gene sequences no longer used by either species. When it comes to critical function, basic animal life stuff? The Intelligent Designer used the SAME CODE 99% of the time, indentical gene sequences.

Now ironically, one of the areas where we most differ is the immune system, where humans are susceptible to desease and viral infections chimps are not.

So this begs a question from the "I did not descend from apes" crowd... does the fact your Intelligent Designer used 96% of his Chimp Project code to create Humans bother you? Adam's Rib came from a Chimp after all! Or 99% of it anyway.

And to all you programmers out there... EVEN GOD REUSES CODE!!!111

(I wonder who SHE stole the first line from, haha)


since there's only one god, it would also seem to indicate the God is the hacker spreading the viruses too. I can't stand malicious hackers. That asshole.


Sep 1, 2005, 4:07 PM
Post #4 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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You really have no idea at all what Intelligent Design is about, do you?

you wish ;-)


Sep 1, 2005, 4:18 PM
Post #5 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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You really have no idea at all what Intelligent Design is about, do you?

Sure I do... that's the unsupported fantasy that attempts to explain why 96% of you is chimp code. Its the fantasy the religious use when their other creation fantasies collapse under the weight of scientific fact.



Sep 1, 2005, 4:24 PM
Post #6 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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You really have no idea at all what Intelligent Design is about, do you?

Sure I do... that's the unsupported fantasy that attempts to explain why 96% of you is chimp code. Its the fantasy the religious use when their other creation fantasies collapse under the weight of scientific fact.

no, no, no, ID is the traditional Christian Creation Myth redefined to use alot of scientific words, so that it SEEMS like science. please. ;-)

Partner tradman

Sep 1, 2005, 4:26 PM
Post #7 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Well, it's good to see that you have an unbiased and objective view of ID based on a thorough knowledge of the proposition's details and merits!


Oh, and just so you know, about 80% of human DNA is that same as that of carrots.

Partner taualum23

Sep 1, 2005, 4:37 PM
Post #8 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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From now on, I will respond to anything that anyone says with "Fuck off, you fucking CARROT."
And I will be 80% right.


Sep 1, 2005, 4:41 PM
Post #9 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Carrottop and Maculated must be 81%.



Sep 1, 2005, 4:54 PM
Post #10 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2002
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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What's the percentage for broccoli?

I like broccoli. What's the percentage for broccoli with some ranch dressing? Mmm... On those little trays... Talk about intelligent design. As if broccoli with ranch dressing on little trays could have just *happened*, by *accident*. No way.


Sep 1, 2005, 4:55 PM
Post #11 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: May 28, 2002
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Well, it's good to see that you have an unbiased and objective view of ID based on a thorough knowledge of the proposition's details and merits!

The concept of Intelligent Design was cooked up in a building in Seattle by the Center for Science and Culture, a religion-based think tank whose sole purpose is to discredit evolution and promote the religious creation myth. This is a "scentific" objective?

Their 2-part strategy is to 1) create the illusion that there is a controversy within the scientific community over ID and evolution, when in reality there is none at all; and then 2) cry bias and lack of objectivity in order to gain access to educational and other institutions (such as museums).

You keep parroting their cry of bias, and it's ridiculous. There is no bias because there is no science behind ID. Show us some legitimate science to support ID, then you can cry bias.

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Oh, and just so you know, about 80% of human DNA is that same as that of carrots.

Number one, prove it.

Number two: how exactly does this help your pro-ID argument?


Sep 1, 2005, 5:19 PM
Post #12 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Oct 3, 2003
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Link to the Center for Science and Culture. The link goes to the page that has their explanation/FAQ regarding ID.


Sep 1, 2005, 5:34 PM
Post #13 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Aug 6, 2005
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Another thing that's pretty funny about ID is that it's a recent idea that's been coined. Now usually the argument from biblethumpers is that God created the bible. Now God said, or so I understand, that he won't take a hand in what happens on earth anymore, thus we can't see him work his magic.

Now if they believe that the old stuff was made by God, and he said he won't bring any more new stuff to earth .... how can they believe in ID ??????


Sep 1, 2005, 5:39 PM
Post #14 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Now if they believe that the old stuff was made by God, and he said he won't bring any more new stuff to earth .... how can they believe in ID ??????

You're forgetting that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Duh.


Sep 1, 2005, 5:41 PM
Post #15 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Dec 14, 2001
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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What's the percentage for broccoli?

I like broccoli. What's the percentage for broccoli with some ranch dressing? Mmm... On those little trays... Talk about intelligent design. As if broccoli with ranch dressing on little trays could have just *happened*, by *accident*. No way.

Broccoli with some ranch dressing.......Mmmmmmm (visions of the incredibly designed Homer Simpson, slack jawed and drooling)

Now what I WON'T believe is that Pinktricam and I have a common ancestor....didn't happen!


Sep 1, 2005, 5:42 PM
Post #16 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Intel design?

In all seriousness, attacking ID as a scientific theory (and then showing that it is not, in fact, a scientific theory) is much more satisfying.

Some assumptions which make this debate possible (and put ID in the realm of science, however briefly):

God is logical.
The universe is logical.
There is no discernible difference between random and non-random (eg Divine) events.

Suppose God designed all species on the earth and subsequently imparted microevolution to the lot of them. Since god is designing, we can assume that everything is as perfectly suited for each niche as it can be. Obviously, not every species can be the top of the food chain, so we see predator/prey relationships, things dieing, etc. So now lets compare cavefish in Argentina to cavefish in Georgia. Same niche, same environment, different fish. Why? If god is a logical entity (necessary if he's gonna be in a SCIENTIFIC THEORY), why would he, the ultimate engineer, make 8 flavors of fish when all he needs is one? Moreover, why are Georgian cavefish similar to other fish native to Georgia but with adaptations specific to cave living? Why are Argentinian cavefish like modified non-cavedwelling Argentian fish? Why are the two cavefish species more similar to their neighbors than to each other? It doesn't make sense, if we're postulating a scientifically viable god. Of course, we could just say "God willed it that way", but that means that not only is the process (microevolution and Intelligent Design) unimportant, but that every single phenomena could be hand waived away as "divine will". That's not science. It doesn't support counterassertations. There's no possible species you can hold up and say "HERE! Here's something that wasn't designed by God!!!". Conveniently, evolution's counterfactual is Douglas Adams' babelfish. To say that its hard to imagine the niche such a creature fills is an understatement. But if we found one, clearly evolution is wrong. Any ID supporters want to dream up a creature that is clearly not designed by God? Anyone? No? Didn't think so.


Sep 1, 2005, 5:47 PM
Post #17 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Hey wait a sec….are you saying that Intel designed my genes? I’ve got a friend who’s a design engineer at Intel…she’s pretty cute but I DON’T want her inside my genes!


Sep 1, 2005, 5:53 PM
Post #18 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Hey wait a sec….are you saying that Intel designed my genes? I’ve got a friend who’s a design engineer at Intel…she’s pretty cute but I DON’T want her inside my genes!

The important question is........

Would you like to get into her jeans?


Sep 1, 2005, 5:54 PM
Post #19 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Well, it's good to see that you have an unbiased and objective view of ID based on a thorough knowledge of the proposition's details and merits!

The concept of Intelligent Design was cooked up in a building in Seattle by the Center for Science and Culture, a religion-based think tank whose sole purpose is to discredit evolution and promote the religious creation myth. This is a "scentific" objective??

It sure is "Scentific". As a theory, it stinks!


Sep 1, 2005, 5:58 PM
Post #20 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Well, it's good to see that you have an unbiased and objective view of ID based on a thorough knowledge of the proposition's details and merits!

Ah, I see that humour and irony also lie without the ability of christian zealots to understand.

where have I heard that before... hmmm. ;-)

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Oh, and just so you know, about 80% of human DNA is that same as that of carrots.

Shrek said it best: "Well, that explains alot."


Sep 1, 2005, 5:59 PM
Post #21 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Hey wait a sec….are you saying that Intel designed my genes? I’ve got a friend who’s a design engineer at Intel…she’s pretty cute but I DON’T want her inside my genes!

The important question is........

Would you like to get into her jeans?

Only if she's "Engineer Hot". know what I mean? ;-)


Sep 1, 2005, 6:05 PM
Post #22 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Only if she's "Engineer Hot". know what I mean? ;-)

Not exactly. Most of the females in engineering that I know either look like the shoe or have no personality.


Sep 1, 2005, 6:38 PM
Post #23 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: May 28, 2002
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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Well, it's good to see that you have an unbiased and objective view of ID based on a thorough knowledge of the proposition's details and merits!

The concept of Intelligent Design was cooked up in a building in Seattle by the Center for Science and Culture, a religion-based think tank whose sole purpose is to discredit evolution and promote the religious creation myth. This is a "scentific" objective??

It sure is "Scentific". As a theory, it stinks!


That must have been a Darwinian slip on my part.


Sep 1, 2005, 6:42 PM
Post #24 of 38 (1161 views)

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Re: Chimp and Human geonomes compared - Intel Design confirm [In reply to]
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Hey wait a sec….are you saying that Intel designed my genes? I’ve got a friend who’s a design engineer at Intel…she’s pretty cute but I DON’T want her inside my genes!

The important question is........

Would you like to get into her jeans?

Only if she's "Engineer Hot". know what I mean? ;-)

Yeah baaaaaby!


Sep 1, 2005, 7:02 PM
Post #25 of 38 (1161 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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when their other creation fantasies collapse under the weight of scientific fact.


Which is all the time. :wink:

Still, let those with faith have their beliefs. They are entitled to them, even if they are wrong. They'd say the same about us.

Either way, one good reason if not fact or fiction, to believe in evolution is the fact that She created only Adam and Eve. They had five kids; two sons, three daughters. That was IT. That means we all only got here because someone was banging their sister.

I may be far from the the spectrum of what is "normal", but I'm not inbred. If you want inbred, spend some time with tgreene. :lol:

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