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general feelings about marijuana at the crag
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Poll: general feelings about marijuana at the crag
I smoke and i dont mind 20 / 20%
i dont smoke but i dont mind 38 / 38%
i dont care but i hate the smell 18 / 18%
pass it mannnnn!!!! 10 / 10%
i hate weed and it is the devil... 13 / 13%
99 total votes


Nov 7, 2011, 8:39 PM
Post #26 of 71 (5219 views)

Registered: Sep 29, 2007
Posts: 40

Re: [knubs] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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I smoke pretty much everyday, and dont mind seeing it around. However i rarely smoke at the crag, i find my energy levels are never as good if im baked. But i like a post send dube for sure. If there are kids at the crag its not cool to be blatent about it. I hate having someone smoke (cigs) next to me at the crag. If im going to smoke at the crag, either a post send dube or a random cigar (yum), then i make sure im far enough away so that the smoke does not bother anyone.

As far as being so stoned that you endanger yourself or others goes.... IMHO

Bouldering doesnt count ;) (plz dont harrass me about how you can still hurt yourself here.)

People who do stupid and dangerous things will do these things sober or high, but most likely more often if they are baked.

People who smoke a lot (daily) are affected by smoking to a lesser degree then those who smoke occasionally.

Experienced climbers who smoke are less dangerous than: inexperienced climbers who smoke and experienced climbers who are inexperienced smokers.

Like everything in climbing the degree of safety is relative to the specific situation.

If you have spent anytime in Rumney then you probably have smelled weed at the crag, if not seen people smoking not far away. I have had a guy in the group next to us walk about 20 feet away and burn one down. I could smell it (yum) but there was no smoke comign near us. He then led the climb next to us (only 10d) barefoot. I was not bothered in the least and neither was anyone in our group or the people on the other side of us. I had hoped he would offer some to me as I am from Canada so no bringing party treats across the border (you though your forestry rangers were hardcore? try your border guards!) This guy seemed quite experienced in both smoking and clmibing and everything was chill.

On the other hand I would not like to have a group of college noobs (previous thread) show up, being loud, getting blazed and doing shit for the first (or second or third...) time outdoors. If this happened I would change crags if possible, i hate people, especially if they are loud, doing stupid shit, and/or top rope gangbanging the warm ups. "Well im going next then its him, him, him, her, that group there and both of those guys....." but thats another rant.

I am also a firm beliver in natural selection, but It would suck to have a good crag closed short or long term due to some dumass manouv, "hey guys watch this!"

So in summary I am pro weed and dont mind it at the crag if your not a dumass about it and know you limits. Unfortunately at popular crags this type of person is becoming less and less common.


Nov 7, 2011, 8:39 PM
Post #27 of 71 (5219 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [Gmburns2000] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.



Nov 7, 2011, 8:56 PM
Post #28 of 71 (5201 views)

Registered: Jun 23, 2010
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Re: [rossross] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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i agree that climbers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are more likely to make a mistake or bad choice that may endanger themselves, their partners or other climbers close by.......i propose the establishment of "f#&ked-up only" climbing areas: if that's your thing, you can climb with your peers and not hide it; if you choose to stay sober, you can climb knowing a bong or whiskey bottle isnt going to get dropped during the pass by the party above you

(This post was edited by 6pacfershur on Nov 7, 2011, 9:10 PM)


Nov 7, 2011, 10:32 PM
Post #29 of 71 (5166 views)

Registered: May 2, 2011
Posts: 64

Re: [knubs] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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oh, and this isn't meant to be a good vs bad, weed and climbing debate.

seriously people, this wasn't meant to be a debate about smoking and climbing.
i never said my friends or myself smoke while climbing, i said smoking at the crag. usually we will set up TR on a wall and be there for a while with 3-6 people. some are just there to watch, and some of us are the serious climbers. i dont regularly smoke and climb, and i definitely never smoke before setting up the anchors, but if we are all taking a break for an hour or two for lunch then i may smoke. and of course we always smoke after we finish climbing. we tear it all down and chill at the crag for a while to relax before heading out usually.
here in Joshua Tree the locals never have a problem with it, and young or old, probably 90% of them smoke. in Cali the general attitude towards weed is very light and positive for the most part. i know not every where is like here though, so that is my reason for this thread.

and yes, marijuana is not allowed in the national park. if you are caught it's a $75 fine. the rangers dont really care, but it's still their job. my friends that smoke know they are taking the chance. i on the other hand am a medical patient, and yes medical mari isnt allowed either, but i have an understanding with the most of the rangers because i do have a legitimate medical reason(i do still recognize the risk though). i have one hand and just lost my other last year. i get insane phantom pains from climbing sometimes. i climb harder than most of my 2 handed friends, and in some situations like onsighting a 5.10c that my friends couldnt even touch, my nub was killing me by the time i was on the ground. it sometimes feels like i've broken my fingers on my right hand (which isnt there). one hit, however, and it's all better. and no, one hit will never get me high.

when we do smoke, we dont really flaunt it, but we dont go the extra mile to be extremely discreet.
it is never like we are blowing it at other climbers. at most you will smell it, but you will never be bothered with the smoke unless you come ask for a hit.

(just fyi, im 19)i dont mean to portray myself or any of my friends as the stereotypical ass hole teenagers. we are not... we are mellow desert kids. we are respectful to everyone and everything. we dont leave trash, we arent loud and obnoxious, we are NEVER careless or irresponsible when it comes to safety, and we are always willing to help others out or let them climb on our gear.
(yes i am aware that there are a lot of the typical dumb ass rude teenagers out there, but for the most part, the ones that are serious about climbing are usually polite and nice like any other climber)

i certainly dont have the attitude like "oh, this is our area and this is how we do it here, if you dont like it leave"......that is not how my friends and i operate. this is why i started this thread; i just wanted to get a feel for the overall public tolerance of marijuana so that i can further my respect and demeanor toward incoming tourists.


Nov 7, 2011, 10:46 PM
Post #30 of 71 (5160 views)

Registered: May 2, 2011
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Re: [onceahardman] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


while i fully agree with you on the necessary requirements of english fundamentals, reaching over and hitting the shift key every time time i type the word i seems insignificant when you have one hand to type with and that one hand is bandaged up with a big gash and slit nerves on the pinky ;) it's a miracle im typing this much right now even.

rankfallow wrote:
How many of you would mind if I hang at the route just upwind of you and start unleashing my bowel gasses? Sometimes before a climb I like to power up with my favorite 7 bean chili - it's full of carbs, protein, and the power of thunder. Sometimes I worry about damaging my harness but all my online research suggests farts are really not corrosive to synthetic fibers. And they are NOT carcinogenic either - so really, if people are okay with tobacco and other smoke floating around the wall - they should be thankful when I'm only blowing ass gas in their faces. I used to walk away to release my inner odors away from others at the wall, but I figure if smokers don't mind engulfing me in their second-hand smoke, then they certainly shouldn't mind sucking up my digested bean gasses.

have we met? this sound like last week... were you climbing on thin wall? lol
this kind of thing DID happen. this guy climbing next to us had horrible nervous gas while climbing. i stood next to his belayer chatting and the whole time i was getting hair singed!!! i dealt with it like a man for that day... we definitely smelt them more than they did us! they were cool guys though, and im glad i got to learn a few cool little tricks from them.


Nov 7, 2011, 11:37 PM
Post #31 of 71 (5140 views)

Registered: Jun 20, 2009
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Re: [knubs] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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I don't like your poll options. I don't smoke, and I do mind, but it's not because I care about the smell or think weed is a bad thing. That pretty well left me out, since you've framed the opposition into caricatures that are easily ridiculed.

I say this coming from the perspective of somebody who occasionally brings bourbon for nighttime on the ledge, so I'm certainly not an absolutist about substances while climbing. Just as I might have a swig of bourbon at the end of the day on a portaledge, I would probably be OK with it if my partner chose to light up once we were tied into a safe bivy for the night.

What I strenuously object to is climbing or belaying while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. Alcohol for the motor impairment and judgement impairment and marijuana for the impairment of judgment and execution multi-step tasks. I don't want to rely on somebody who is high to plan a rescue, escape a belay, or perform any other self-rescue skills that are out of their programmed routine. I don't want that on my rope team, and I don't want to have to deal with it if somebody else at the crag gets hurt.

I don't think you're more likely to have that initial accident as a result of being high - multiple driving studies have demonstrated very little impairment in routine tasks like that, but the sort of planning and decision making necessary for dealing with emergency situations is impaired. Because of that, I think it's irresponsible to do while climbing.

Partner happiegrrrl

Nov 7, 2011, 11:50 PM
Post #32 of 71 (5124 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2004
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Re: [knubs] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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...while i fully agree with you on the necessary requirements of english fundamentals, reaching over and hitting the shift key every time time i type the word i seems insignificant when...

Wondering if you have considered trying voice recognition software? I suppose it wouldn't be feasible for use in public settings(if you think people get weird if you light a joint, trying posting on out loud - hahahah), but I had thought about it a few years ago when I was getting some irritation to my wrists from typing too much. Never looked into it, though.


Nov 7, 2011, 11:54 PM
Post #33 of 71 (5117 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [knubs] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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To actually voice my opinion:

I don't mind weed, it doesn't really bother me. However, it is illegal, and I don't want to be made complicit to your choice without some kind of input on my part. Put another way, a climbing area is a (semi) public place, so there's the reasonable expectation that we all act in such a way that doesn't disturb each other. So if you ask first, I'm totally fine with it. But if you don't ask first and its interfering with my experience, then I would have a problem with it.

Its also been my experience that the kind of person who revels in smoking weed, or drinking at the crag, is the sort of person who will get irrationally defensive if you ask them not to. "Its a free country bro! You don't like it, you can leave!", which, of course, is why a lot of people don't speak up. Doesn't imply consent, just that they aren't going to pick a fight that has to be won by attrition.


Nov 7, 2011, 11:57 PM
Post #34 of 71 (5113 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [jt512] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

I helped my uncle jack off his horse. (yeah, we get it)

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

For example:

I called Mom the other day.

I called my mom the other day.

I called my Mom the other day.

All three are correct, but that last one is odd and redundant. The capitalization assumes that the speaker is talking about his or her mother, so "my" is not needed. If, say, someone calls someone "Mom" and it isn't that person's mother, then there needs to be greater clarification, and that, in my opinion, is best done in more than one sentence.


Nov 8, 2011, 12:10 AM
Post #35 of 71 (5103 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2007
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Re: [Gmburns2000] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

I helped my uncle jack off his horse. (yeah, we get it)

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

For example:

I called Mom the other day.

I called my mom the other day.

I called my Mom the other day.

All three are correct, but that last one is odd and redundant. The capitalization assumes that the speaker is talking about his or her mother, so "my" is not needed. If, say, someone calls someone "Mom" and it isn't that person's mother, then there needs to be greater clarification, and that, in my opinion, is best done in more than one sentence.

If there are two people named Jack hanging out in the paddock, each of which has a nephew there, I might want to differentiate that I am talking about my Uncle Jack. I really like my Uncle Jack, so much that I capitalize the title Uncle, as a bit of poetic license. My Uncle Jack is the man.

I don't like him so much as to help him jack off his horse, though.


Nov 8, 2011, 12:32 AM
Post #36 of 71 (5087 views)

Registered: Jun 28, 2011
Posts: 192

Re: [petsfed] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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petsfed wrote:
tH1e-swiN1e wrote:
^^^^ Hit the nail on the head.

I feel its a pretty obvious fact that MOST climbers tend to enjoy smoking. Sharma, Woods, Robinson and quite a few others are all known smokers.

I smoke and climb with several people who do and dont. I do smoke when I climb because I notice I focus more on my movements, resting, and staying calm when I climb. My climbing partner (a 14 crusher and pro climber) only climbs high and says its his secret weapon to crushing. On the other hand I know people who smoke daily but wont smoke before climbing. I do not smoke sitting at the crag unless I know everyone there is cool with it, even then I usually walk far away to avoid moochers lol.

I think you're projecting your local experiences (and the silence of some) into a global statement.

This isn't 1963, there are several orders of magnitude more climbers than you could possibly know, let alone speak for.

Ive climbed N, S, E, and W and noticed climbers and issues are the same no matter where I am.


Nov 8, 2011, 12:33 AM
Post #37 of 71 (5087 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
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Re: [onceahardman] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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onceahardman wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

I helped my uncle jack off his horse. (yeah, we get it)

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

For example:

I called Mom the other day.

I called my mom the other day.

I called my Mom the other day.

All three are correct, but that last one is odd and redundant. The capitalization assumes that the speaker is talking about his or her mother, so "my" is not needed. If, say, someone calls someone "Mom" and it isn't that person's mother, then there needs to be greater clarification, and that, in my opinion, is best done in more than one sentence.

If there are two people named Jack hanging out in the paddock, each of which has a nephew there, I might want to differentiate that I am talking about my Uncle Jack. I really like my Uncle Jack, so much that I capitalize the title Uncle, as a bit of poetic license. My Uncle Jack is the man.

I don't like him so much as to help him jack off his horse, though.

This is a good point. Likely a rare circumstance, but a good point nonetheless.


Nov 8, 2011, 1:03 AM
Post #38 of 71 (5076 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: [tH1e-swiN1e] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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Sure. We can't agree on ethics or style, but by god, every climber in the country is united in their tolerance for drug use, even Climbers for Christ, or the youth organizations that bring kids into the outdoors from the inner city. Parents of young children, or Mormons. I know a pretty good number of climbers who don't like weed, and would leave a crag if somebody there was toking. Does that mean that they represent the majority? Probably not, but they are numerous enough that even the statement "most climbers tend to enjoy smoking" is ridiculous. It may be the fact that most climbers tend to at least tolerate smoking, but even then, I think we're confusing silence with consent. It may also be the fact that most very accomplished free climbers (e.g. above 5.12 trad, above 5.13 sport, above V8 bouldering) smoke, but they sure as hell aren't the majority. Again, I don't mind smoking. But you're fuckin' high if you think a majority of climbers actually smoke.

The days of climbers being few enough in number that anything approximating a uniform "climber culture" much less a uniform moral or ethical outlook are in the such distant past as to be nearly mythical. Moreover, just because you're ok with contentitous issue X doesn't mean everybody is. It may mean that either you surround yourself with people who agree with you, or that you choose to ignore how other people respond.


Nov 8, 2011, 2:04 AM
Post #39 of 71 (5055 views)

Registered: Mar 29, 2006
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Re: [petsfed] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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If the guys I'm climbing with are drinking or smoking pot, I leave. We usually carpool, so I'd probably have to wait for them to get back to the parking lot. That's OK with me, I love the outdoors and I think trees and flowers are interesting, too.

If we're at the summit already, I just do the best I can to get back to the ground. I scramble solo a lot, anyway.

If my driver is drinking or smoking pot, I get out and hitch-hike home.

That's my policy, and I'm quite comfortable with it.

Mind you, this has only happened twice since 1995, so all-in-all it's not a major problem.


Nov 8, 2011, 3:21 AM
Post #40 of 71 (5035 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [Gmburns2000] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹



Nov 8, 2011, 3:37 AM
Post #41 of 71 (5029 views)

Registered: May 2, 2010
Posts: 216

Re: [jt512] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹

Thank god we're hashing this out.


Nov 8, 2011, 3:48 AM
Post #42 of 71 (5023 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
Posts: 21904

Re: [redonkulus] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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redonkulus wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹

Thank god we're hashing this out.

Don't stir the pot. It's God.


(This post was edited by jt512 on Nov 8, 2011, 3:49 AM)


Nov 8, 2011, 4:16 AM
Post #43 of 71 (5010 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2005
Posts: 941

Re: [jt512] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
redonkulus wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹

Thank god we're hashing this out.

Don't stir the pot. It's God.


My god; you're picky.


Nov 8, 2011, 4:26 AM
Post #44 of 71 (5007 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
Posts: 26060

Re: [6pacfershur] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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6pacfershur wrote:
i agree that climbers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are more likely to make a mistake or bad choice that may endanger themselves, their partners or other climbers close by.......i propose the establishment of "f#&ked-up only" climbing areas: if that's your thing, you can climb with your peers and not hide it; if you choose to stay sober, you can climb knowing a bong or whiskey bottle isnt going to get dropped during the pass by the party above you
Since there is already a subconversation revolving around grammar, I'd like to nominate this gem. Nearly every punctuation device except a period, including the infamous 233% ellipsis, and enough capitalization errors to drown Uncle Jack in horse jizz.


Nov 8, 2011, 4:34 AM
Post #45 of 71 (5003 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
Posts: 30603

Re: [sycamore] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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sycamore wrote:
Also, and more importantly, I feel that as a steward of a sport already rife with access issues, It's a climber's responsibility to act in accordance with state and federal laws while at the crag. We're dealing with enough problems gaining the trust of landowners country-wide-- why give them another reason to deny access? And in general, I would posit that people who own large tracts of land in rural locales tend to trend conservative.

We've got to keep these weed freaks off the rocks!


Nov 8, 2011, 4:55 AM
Post #46 of 71 (4996 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2006
Posts: 5114

Re: [rankfallow] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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rankfallow wrote:
How many of you would mind if I hang at the route just upwind of you and start unleashing my bowel gasses? Sometimes before a climb I like to power up with my favorite 7 bean chili - it's full of carbs, protein, and the power of thunder. Sometimes I worry about damaging my harness but all my online research suggests farts are really not corrosive to synthetic fibers. And they are NOT carcinogenic either - so really, if people are okay with tobacco and other smoke floating around the wall - they should be thankful when I'm only blowing ass gas in their faces. I used to walk away to release my inner odors away from others at the wall, but I figure if smokers don't mind engulfing me in their second-hand smoke, then they certainly shouldn't mind sucking up my digested bean gasses.

I don't smoke herb but I've got several climbing buddies that do and there is a noticeable difference in the way they climb/belay after they've smoked. I say save it 'till the day's over and if you have to smoke at the crag keep it on the down-low.


Nov 8, 2011, 10:36 AM
Post #47 of 71 (4968 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [jt512] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹


No time to respond in detail now, but you're correct on some and misleading on others.


Nov 8, 2011, 1:21 PM
Post #48 of 71 (4946 views)

Registered: May 14, 2008
Posts: 318

Re: [shockabuku] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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shockabuku wrote:
Personally I'd rather not have it around. My employment requires periodic drug testing, .

I am allergic to smoke. if someone smoke around me, I can have many problem. My eyes comming red could be a problem with my contact lens. I can loose them. Other way, I can not climb at my level.

Al burning leaves and green bark smoke can be armfull to me. as I go to the crag, and prefer to stay outside, I am mad when some one else get me sick.


Nov 8, 2011, 2:00 PM
Post #49 of 71 (4936 views)

Registered: Nov 19, 2002
Posts: 4602

Re: [Gmburns2000] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹


No time to respond in detail now, but you're correct on some and misleading on others.

I actually have an uncle Jack. Or is it Uncle Jack? Not sure if he owned a horse, though. Now, my uncle Don, not only did he have a horse but a whole lot of sheep as well. Who knows what went on in that barn? Needless to say, I'm not sure I will ever see either uncle in the same way again. Thanks a lot! Mad



Nov 8, 2011, 3:00 PM
Post #50 of 71 (4923 views)

Registered: May 2, 2010
Posts: 216

Re: [jt512] general feelings about marijuana at the crag [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
redonkulus wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
jt512 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
onceahardman wrote:
Capitalization matters:

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

i helped my uncle jack off his horse.


As to your question, it doesn't bother me at all.

I helped my uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.

I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse.

I helped my uncle jack off his horse.


All of these are correct, but your first sentence, and OAHM's, is just plain weird and unnecessary.

I helped my uncle, Jack, off his horse. (this means that there is more than one uncle and you are identifying Jack, specifically).

You're definitely wrong about that one. If anything, that construction implies that there is only one uncle, Jack, you could be talking about. It is equivalent to the wordier, "I helped my uncle, whose name is Jack, off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped my uncle Jack off his horse. (you only have one uncle, and his name is Jack)

That in no way implies that you only have one uncle. Consider: "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse, then I helped my uncle Bob off his horse."

In reply to:
I helped Uncle Jack off his horse. (you helped, specifically, a man you call "Uncle Jack.")

That form is only reasonable when you are addressing a sibling, or at least another family member, unless you are a child incapable of understanding that Jack isn't everybody's uncle.

In reply to:
I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse. (correct and same as the above, but very weird. why use this when you can use the above without using "my?")

Explained above.

Here's the rule:
"Capitalize family titles like mother, uncle, or grandfather when they stand alone or are followed by a personal name. Example: I'm planning to call Mother this evening. However, do not capitalize family titles when possessive words like my or your precede them. Example: I'm planning to call my mother this evening. The exception occurs when the words uncle, aunt, or cousin are used with a first name, forming a unit. In this case, the family title should be capitalized, even when preceded by a possessive. Example: I'll call my Uncle Ron to see if he is coming for Christmas."¹

Thank god we're hashing this out.

Don't stir the pot. It's God.

You're right... I'd hate to get into a sticky situation.

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