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Climbing is just a hobby
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Dec 10, 2004, 10:51 PM
Post #26 of 61 (6118 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Climbing is just a hobby, unless you happen to be employed somewhere in the climbing industry. Still, if you talk to golfers, runners, skiers or those involved in other sporting activities that can also be classified as "hobbies" you will find many of them to be passionate about their particular hobby too.


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Dec 10, 2004, 11:12 PM
Post #27 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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i have lots of hobbies, i keep a saltwater reef aquarium, i've built some race cars, lately i've again been building model cars. the thing is, i don't define myself with those activities, they are just stuff i do around the house instead of watching tv.

on the other hand, being 'a climber' is something i am, this activity of mine greatly defines the direction of my life. i even have a job which partially relates.

in my world, things go in this order:


i'm responsable for the care of my wife and dog, bother physicly and emotionaly. so i spend most of my time careing for thier well being by going to work so i can pay the bills and buy food so they can have a comfortable life, i then spend allot of time taking care of thier emotional health by spending time with them, doing the little things to make sure they are both happy.

all the rest of time. i climb.

if for some reason i'm not busy with items 1 and 2, and i can't go climb, i amuse myself with some of the other hobbies. when i'm bored of those hobbies, i sell the stuff and buy more climbing gear!

anybody want to buy a kick ass saltwater reef aquarium? :P


Dec 10, 2004, 11:20 PM
Post #28 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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When you start talking about moving your family to a small town and taking a huge pay cut to be near some great climbing, then maybe your wife has a point.

Oh, and I'm in the process of convincing my girlfriend to quit her high paying job in New York and join me in cody, WY. The huge paycheck I take home as a teacher is also a great incentive.


Dec 11, 2004, 12:04 AM
Post #29 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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unless you feel like people you care for are trying to get you to stop climbing, it seems like you're a little uncomfortable. but it doesn't seem like a dire situation where you're stuck between not climbing or not having contact with people you care about.

if you work and go to school and are married and are a passionate climber, well, that sounds like alot of things to be juggling. you can't be excellent at everything but can have certain priorities or juggle priorities.

a friend at the gym has a similar situation and a baby to boot. but he gets out to the gym and some weekends... not all but enough to keep him going.

climbing is just a hobby to me. I can't give up my job to do it. but it is one of my favorite things to do. even if I'm not climbing hard stuff, I feel like I'm at my best (and giving my best to great internal satisfaction) when climbing. and I'm in my favorite places when doing it and with people I trust. it's the sport I associate with pure bliss (though every outing is unique and the mix of emotions can range in the negative too).


Dec 11, 2004, 12:08 AM
Post #30 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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They say I've lost sight of what's really important, I say they have

Unfortunately, what's important for a lot of people is career, having a nice car and house and having money. I agree with you. Climbing for me is more than just a hobby.


Dec 11, 2004, 12:28 AM
Post #31 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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The best advice I have ever heard actually came from my supervisor: You work to live, not live to work... I spend every waking moment not working thinking about climbing, training for climbing, or actually climbing...
To some, it is just a hobby. To others, it's a living. For all of us in between... it's a way of life. Sure, we have jobs to pay the bills, but if someone offered us a free-ride through life just to go climbing (or heck, even for a month), we'd jump at the chance.
Just remember: You work to live, not live to work.


i thought that was very well put, joshj. and mike, i have the exact same dilemma as you... im falling more and more in love with climbing, and every weekend i can't get away to climb im wishing i were outdoors... but then i have to remind myself that all the time i spend taking care of responsibilities makes the pleasurable things and passions of my life like climbing that much better... its been a hard lesson to learn, and even now its always tempting to just drop all and do the one thing i am absolutely enthralled by right now. the funny thing is when i read your thread title, just like you, i even bristled a bit -- for some reason it just pricks me in the side a little to hear someone call climbing a mere hobby...


Dec 11, 2004, 12:43 AM
Post #32 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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The word hobby should only be used in reference to things like model building or doing puzzles or maybe knitting. 8^)


Dec 11, 2004, 1:11 AM
Post #33 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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drop the wife and find a hot climbing partner (female if you're so inclined). she'll understand, but don't expect her to see you as more than a good spotter and sex on the side.


Dec 11, 2004, 1:19 AM
Post #34 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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in my oppenion think for me....climbing is one of the most important things in the world.............and the girl in plan on marrying understands that................enjoy it........climbing is one of the most wonderful things u will ever do.......................enjoy it and have fun...............


Dec 11, 2004, 1:57 AM
Post #35 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Climbing is not a hobby it is LIFE!, I am lucky My whole family supports my climbing. My fiance' also climbs, in fact we were out looking for wedding dresses (for her), and she saw one she really loved for about $500.00. I said ok. She then proceeded to tell the clerk that she didn't need such an expensive dress because she needed more climbing gear :shock: God I love her, Anyway good luck man


Dec 11, 2004, 2:51 AM
Post #36 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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They say I've lost sight of what's really important, I say they have

Unfortunately, what's important for a lot of people is career, having a nice car and house and having money. I agree with you. Climbing for me is more than just a hobby.

Don't buy into the idea that you can't have both.



Dec 12, 2004, 8:27 AM
Post #37 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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There are CLIMBERS and then there are "people who climb".

Climbers eat, sleep, and breath climbing. Climbing is a lifestyle. From the first day out, climbing has consumed there lives. Everything else takes second place. Climbing defines who they are. :P

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. There job defines who they are. :cry:


Dec 12, 2004, 2:40 PM
Post #38 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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join the family thinks that i sleep, eat , dream and think nothing but climbing...which is mostly true.i guess climbing is more addictive than any other sport, say football or tennis or whatever, so ure always itching to be back on the rock/wall whatevr. that probably keeps u away from family most of the time... if ur climbing is eating into ur family time and they start nagging, you have to realise whats most important to you...just the way u have to make it clear to them that climbing means a lot to you. just remember they'll never completely understand so no use getting all worked up...


Dec 12, 2004, 4:02 PM
Post #39 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Even if climbing is just a hobby, what is the deal? Not everything in life has to be of serious importance.

What does your wife/parents do for fun? I'm sure atleast one of them does something, if so, point out to them that what you do is of no lesser importance than what they do. If they haven't taken the chance to get to know what you do, then they have no reason to speak up and downgrade you.

Keep climbing and do what you feel you need to do.


Dec 12, 2004, 5:16 PM
Post #40 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Climbing is a h..... h..... ho... ho..... ha ....hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

(ahem) I'm sorry. Let me try that again. (ahem)

Climbing is a h... h.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Damn! OK, one more time...

Climbing is a h... h.... haha... (no!) hobbbbbyyyy?


It is an affliction.

Get your damned definitions right.



Dec 12, 2004, 7:02 PM
Post #41 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Climbing is a h..... h..... ho... ho..... ha ....hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

(ahem) I'm sorry. Let me try that again. (ahem)

Climbing is a h... h.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Damn! OK, one more time...

Climbing is a h... h.... haha... (no!) hobbbbbyyyy?


It is an affliction.

Get your damned definitions right.


[Wiping coffee off my terminal]
Thanks, bro.
Made my day.


Dec 12, 2004, 8:02 PM
Post #42 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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This might not be popular but it sounds to me like it's your wife that's the hobby.
Obssession is a necessary part of being human. We don't seek the subject of our obssession it seeks us. Still, you can muddle your way through life and do your best to pretend you are a civilized human afterall. Or maybe give in and check out like folks did in the 60's, it's a logical progression; the domesticated will sometimes kill their owners.


Dec 12, 2004, 9:17 PM
Post #43 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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There are CLIMBERS and then there are "people who climb".

Climbers eat, sleep, and breath climbing. Climbing is a lifestyle. From the first day out, climbing has consumed there lives. Everything else takes second place. Climbing defines who they are. :P

What utter bullshit. :lol:



Dec 12, 2004, 9:24 PM
Post #44 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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There are CLIMBERS and then there are "people who climb".

Climbers eat, sleep, and breath climbing. Climbing is a lifestyle. From the first day out, climbing has consumed there lives. Everything else takes second place. Climbing defines who they are. :P

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. There job defines who they are. :cry:

Wow dude, you are hardcore. :roll:


Dec 13, 2004, 5:21 AM
Post #45 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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Climbing is just a hobby. It is as fascinating as quilting to those that don’t participate.

Yes, but at least inherent in climbing is a possibility of exciting death, whereas in quilting the only harm you might suffer is the occasional poke of the careless stitch.

Needle-less to say (haha...), I am much more "fascinated" by things that involve potential death than those that don't.

However, as far as climbing being a hobby, I think for me it is only one of a number of things that makes up my intended lifestyle. Among the others are such things as backpacking, hiking, rafting and those sorts of things. Combined they create something of a lifestyle for me, at least aside from my stupid school time occupations. Therefore climbing is sort of one facet of my chosen lifestyle, and I guess I wouldn't really consider it a hobby or not a hobby. It's a part of my life the same as the other things that keep me in the outdoors, preferably in the mountains, active and happy.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:12 AM
Post #46 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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someone willing to read through and post on this thread is obviously either enamoured with the climbing aesthetic or just has too much time on their hands (or in my case, both), so posting "climbing is just a hobby" seems kind of silly. what you need to do is log on to a recipe-swapping website and ask about it there. hehe


Dec 13, 2004, 6:16 AM
Post #47 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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There are CLIMBERS and then there are "people who climb".

Climbers eat, sleep, and breath climbing. Climbing is a lifestyle. From the first day out, climbing has consumed there lives. Everything else takes second place. Climbing defines who they are. :P

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. There job defines who they are. :cry:

I left a part out. The last bit should be something like this. :wink:

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. They might even think that the the above is complete and utter bullsh!t. Their job defines who they are. :cry:


Dec 13, 2004, 6:29 AM
Post #48 of 61 (6118 views)

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Re: Climbing is just a hobby [In reply to]
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There are CLIMBERS and then there are "people who climb".

Climbers eat, sleep, and breath climbing. Climbing is a lifestyle. From the first day out, climbing has consumed there lives. Everything else takes second place. Climbing defines who they are. :P

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. There job defines who they are. :cry:

I left a part out. The last bit should be something like this. :wink:

To people who climb, climbing is just a hobby. These poor lost souls, like nonclimbers will never understand. They might even think that the the above is complete and utter bullsh!t. Their job defines who they are. :cry:

Since you are obviously referring to my response in your post, do you consider yourself to be more of a "climber" than I am?



Dec 13, 2004, 7:00 AM
Post #49 of 61 (6118 views)

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We can determine how important something is to us by the amount of time we alot to it.

Personally, I have played the full time climber game. It wasn't for me. I needed a career/job to feel a slightly different hole. I thought I could kill to birds with one stone, so I started a guide service.

The guide service was fun, but guiding wasn't. What I mean was I enjoyed the actual development of the business, but I preferred climbing for myself then for others. Yes, I am selfish that way.

Now, I have find a happy compromise, I have a career which is both fun and rewarding. I spend my time off climbing with my favorite climbing partner: my wife.

I am not sure how someone could do nothing but climb, but I am sure I could never stay married to someone who didn’t understand my passion.


Dec 13, 2004, 7:12 AM
Post #50 of 61 (6003 views)

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From what little I know about you I would have thought you would be one who understands. With 25 years of climbing you are obviously commited to a certain extent. Are you commited to the core? To what extent would you go for climbing?

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