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Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport
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Feb 15, 2010, 8:37 PM
Post #51 of 230 (3223 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
Posts: 548

Re: [lena_chita] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
The only variation of climbing that has any chance of being an Olympic sport is speed climbing.

Laypeople "get" that.

But it's only fun to watch if Nitro or Diamond are chasing the climbers...


Feb 15, 2010, 8:39 PM
Post #52 of 230 (3222 views)

Registered: Jul 29, 2004
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Re: [lena_chita] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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lena_chita wrote:
wallwombat wrote:
areyoumydude wrote:
Spurt climbing really isn't that cool to watch for most people. That's why it got nixed from the X-Games. That's it in a nutshell. Not gonna happen.

Yeah, I agree. When you get a whole pack of really good competition climbers all trying to onsight a really hard route, it doesn't make for very exciting viewing. Most fall off at the crux. A few make it past the crux and the winners are usually determined by who slaps the highest point, unless someone onsights the whole route. At Olympic level , I imagine the finals route would be made so hard that an onsight would rarely happen.

The only variation of climbing that has any chance of being an Olympic sport is speed climbing.

Laypeople "get" that.

Whenever we have a large group or random people climbing at the gym for the first time, the guys inevitably go like this:"which one i the hardest one to climb?"-- and conclude that the overhanging one is the hardest. Then they try it, and most guys fall off. A couple might make it up rainbow-ing n jugs, but after they do it once, they are not interested-- they already climbed that wall once... the explanation that you can make it harder if you only use holds of one color is met with a blank stare-- why? I got to the top, didn't I? Why would I want to climb to make it harder?

The next stage is just as inevitably, to ask: who can climb to the top faster? So they pick a slab b/c there are two ropes side-by-side on it, with jugs all over, and go at it. And THAT holds their attention. This they are willing to do over and over, with someone timing them, and a lot of spectator encouragement.

Ha, this is so true. Tough guys would always come into the gym (which is part of a community center, not far from the weight rooms) and ask "where's the hardest climb". Watching them flail was pretty funny, but watching their faces as the skinny girl that worked there floated up it and explain the moves to them was priceless. How'd she do that!?!? They'd sulk away, bloated egos barely intact, never to return.


Feb 15, 2010, 8:56 PM
Post #53 of 230 (3212 views)

Registered: Apr 8, 2004
Posts: 548

Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
wow all of you are stupid. im sure one guy said "it will bring too much people to the sport" then now all of you fallow that. i garentee that all of you hadnt thought about this on your own time and said "well it will bring too many people to the sport." also if you feel its a way of getting out and away from the world then how would the olimpics stop you? because its a olimpic sport does that mean its unrelaxing now? how many times have you brought a friend climbing who has never climbed befor and then after he started climbing? ive brought at least 20 people and all have never came again.

imo more pablicity = better products. and its always nice to have that one guy who is amazed when you climb something he has no chance at. if it becomes a sport then most likely it would be a indoor climbing sport. so you will just see a few more begenners when the olimics come on then it wil die down. you might see a few people go out door climbing like in their back yard or a boulder with huge holes in it. and you cant say that poeple dont know about rock climbing. i have never once told some one i climb and them act all suprised wondering wtf i was talking about.

After snowboarding debuted in the Olympics, there was a 21% increase in the number of riders on the slopes. Subsequent years had lower growth, but growth nonetheless.

Could be a coincidence, but 21% is a huge number.


Feb 15, 2010, 8:56 PM
Post #54 of 230 (3212 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2005
Posts: 46

Re: [altelis] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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altelis wrote:
jcoop wrote:
agdavis wrote:
jcoop wrote:
rockforlife wrote:
jcoop wrote:
As climbers, why would we not want climbing to be an Olympic sport?

Enlighten me.


A wonderful, well thought out response. Thanks for your contribution!

I think his response was great. More publicity = more people = more lines at the crag. Climbing spots are a scarcity in the truest sense of the word.

More people= more publicity= more money / more awareness for access issues= more places to climb. Are lines at your crag really that big of an issue?

And really, how many people watch the Olympics and say oh that's cool, I'm going to go try that! I know I just watched the Luge on the Olympics and that it looked like great fun! There is no way I will EVER do it though, and I'd be willing to bet that would hold true for climbing.

If anything, climbing in the Olympics will give the pretentious, "hardcore", climbers on this forum a boost to their already inflated egos. When Joe Smith from next door sees climbing in the Olympics and asks " you do that?" they can reply " No, that's plastic , I only climb outdoors"

And I know this will be a controversial statement on this forum, but God forbid there's enough money in climbing to support all but the most elite athletes. If Olympic participation brings in enough money to support some of the climbers who struggle to devote their lives to climbing, then that is a great thing.

Two questions. And while I admit they may sound cutting or rhetorical or mean spirited, I actually don't intend for them to be that way...

1) Who is this "money" going to? I can really only see it going to gyms, making them even more crowded and an even bigger douche-magnet. Count me out. And climbing companies, and while it's great to see them make more money, I'm selfish, so why do I care?

2) What does it say about you (both YOU and "you" generally) if you feel some need for the thing that you are passionate about need more publicity. Personally, I'd prefer climbing to have far less publicity...

I don't interpret your questions as mean spirited, and I think they are valid questions.

1. There's absolutely no way to know how the money would break out. Yes, climbing gyms would likely make more money, which is a good thing. I don't understand your notion that climbing gyms getting more clientele is a bad thing. More often than not, gyms are owned by and ran by climbers. I worked in a small climbing gym that has been around for 15 years. It's a hub for local climbers and there is a great community there, but the space is small and there's only so much the owner can do to expand it. I know it's the owner's DREAM to build a cutting edge gym for the community, but the finances aren't there yet. Not to mention that your regular old climbing gyms are often unable to pay their employees real, livable wages. (I'm going to ignore your argument about gyms becoming bigger "douche magnets" because it's completely irrelevant. )

Aside from gyms, If more people are climbing then the climbing companies will better be able to support their employees and sponsored athletes. Let me officially state that I, in no shape, way, or form believe I could ever be a paid climber.(I'd take a shoe deal though Wink ) Elite athletes may also have an opportunity for endorsements from non climbing venues. ( I am not saying I think this is a good thing, its just what could happen)

This is all of course assuming that climbing in the Olympics would generate more interest in people climbing. I'm not convinced it would.

2. I said earlier that above all, I want climbing to be in the Olympics because of what the Olympics are. Yes, the cynical and jaded will say the Olympics are nothing more than a "money grab", but for many of the athletes it's not. Yes, Shaun White is going to make assloads of extra money for himself because of his performance at the Olympics, and I'm sure a couple other high profile athletes will too. But there are so many other athletes who won't be scoring huge endorsements deals. The people who have spent lifetimes perfecting what they do for a chance at a gold. The guys on the Luge, or biathalon, or any of the more obscure Olympics sports will fall back into relative anonymity after their moment in the Olympics. If an American wins the Luge, gets a small endoresement deal after the Olympics as reciprocation for his lifetime of dedication, well I'm ok with that.

And since so many of you don't think watching Climbing competitions are exciting ( I do, especially being in the crowd. The energy is amazing), then the climbing athletes are likely to have the same role of the low profile athletes in obscure sports.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:05 PM
Post #55 of 230 (3203 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2005
Posts: 46

Re: [qtm] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
tom550 wrote:
wow all of you are stupid. im sure one guy said "it will bring too much people to the sport" then now all of you fallow that. i garentee that all of you hadnt thought about this on your own time and said "well it will bring too many people to the sport." also if you feel its a way of getting out and away from the world then how would the olimpics stop you? because its a olimpic sport does that mean its unrelaxing now? how many times have you brought a friend climbing who has never climbed befor and then after he started climbing? ive brought at least 20 people and all have never came again.

imo more pablicity = better products. and its always nice to have that one guy who is amazed when you climb something he has no chance at. if it becomes a sport then most likely it would be a indoor climbing sport. so you will just see a few more begenners when the olimics come on then it wil die down. you might see a few people go out door climbing like in their back yard or a boulder with huge holes in it. and you cant say that poeple dont know about rock climbing. i have never once told some one i climb and them act all suprised wondering wtf i was talking about.

After snowboarding debuted in the Olympics, there was a 21% increase in the number of riders on the slopes. Subsequent years had lower growth, but growth nonetheless.

Could be a coincidence, but 21% is a huge number.

I think there can be some correlations between climbing and snowboarding. Of course, I'd like to see a link to those numbers, and wonder how many of those snowboarders switched from skiing to boarding. Snowboarding was also already growing HUGELY before it became an Olympic sport (1998). I'd like to know the growth of snowboarders in 1997 and see how it compares to 1998.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:07 PM
Post #56 of 230 (3202 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
Posts: 2168

Re: [jcoop] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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jcoop wrote:
altelis wrote:
jcoop wrote:
agdavis wrote:
jcoop wrote:
rockforlife wrote:
jcoop wrote:
As climbers, why would we not want climbing to be an Olympic sport?

Enlighten me.


A wonderful, well thought out response. Thanks for your contribution!

I think his response was great. More publicity = more people = more lines at the crag. Climbing spots are a scarcity in the truest sense of the word.

More people= more publicity= more money / more awareness for access issues= more places to climb. Are lines at your crag really that big of an issue?

And really, how many people watch the Olympics and say oh that's cool, I'm going to go try that! I know I just watched the Luge on the Olympics and that it looked like great fun! There is no way I will EVER do it though, and I'd be willing to bet that would hold true for climbing.

If anything, climbing in the Olympics will give the pretentious, "hardcore", climbers on this forum a boost to their already inflated egos. When Joe Smith from next door sees climbing in the Olympics and asks " you do that?" they can reply " No, that's plastic , I only climb outdoors"

And I know this will be a controversial statement on this forum, but God forbid there's enough money in climbing to support all but the most elite athletes. If Olympic participation brings in enough money to support some of the climbers who struggle to devote their lives to climbing, then that is a great thing.

Two questions. And while I admit they may sound cutting or rhetorical or mean spirited, I actually don't intend for them to be that way...

1) Who is this "money" going to? I can really only see it going to gyms, making them even more crowded and an even bigger douche-magnet. Count me out. And climbing companies, and while it's great to see them make more money, I'm selfish, so why do I care?

2) What does it say about you (both YOU and "you" generally) if you feel some need for the thing that you are passionate about need more publicity. Personally, I'd prefer climbing to have far less publicity...

I don't interpret your questions as mean spirited, and I think they are valid questions.

1. There's absolutely no way to know how the money would break out. Yes, climbing gyms would likely make more money, which is a good thing. I don't understand your notion that climbing gyms getting more clientele is a bad thing. More often than not, gyms are owned by and ran by climbers. I worked in a small climbing gym that has been around for 15 years. It's a hub for local climbers and there is a great community there, but the space is small and there's only so much the owner can do to expand it. I know it's the owner's DREAM to build a cutting edge gym for the community, but the finances aren't there yet. Not to mention that your regular old climbing gyms are often unable to pay their employees real, livable wages. (I'm going to ignore your argument about gyms becoming bigger "douche magnets" because it's completely irrelevant. )

Aside from gyms, If more people are climbing then the climbing companies will better be able to support their employees and sponsored athletes. Let me officially state that I, in no shape, way, or form believe I could ever be a paid climber.(I'd take a shoe deal though Wink ) Elite athletes may also have an opportunity for endorsements from non climbing venues. ( I am not saying I think this is a good thing, its just what could happen)

This is all of course assuming that climbing in the Olympics would generate more interest in people climbing. I'm not convinced it would.

2. I said earlier that above all, I want climbing to be in the Olympics because of what the Olympics are. Yes, the cynical and jaded will say the Olympics are nothing more than a "money grab", but for many of the athletes it's not. Yes, Shaun White is going to make assloads of extra money for himself because of his performance at the Olympics, and I'm sure a couple other high profile athletes will too. But there are so many other athletes who won't be scoring huge endorsements deals. The people who have spent lifetimes perfecting what they do for a chance at a gold. The guys on the Luge, or biathalon, or any of the more obscure Olympics sports will fall back into relative anonymity after their moment in the Olympics. If an American wins the Luge, gets a small endoresement deal after the Olympics as reciprocation for his lifetime of dedication, well I'm ok with that.

And since so many of you don't think watching Climbing competitions are exciting ( I do, especially being in the crowd. The energy is amazing), then the climbing athletes are likely to have the same role of the low profile athletes in obscure sports.

1) HOW IN GOD"S NAME IS THE FACT THAT CLIMBING GYMS WOULD BECOME MORE OF A D-BAG MAGNET IRRELEVANT? You would voluntarily take more d-bags in the place you train and hang out?

2) I just don't understand how competition climbing on plastic in any way relates to what I do as a climber. It doesn't. Not in the slightest. As such, I have no desire to watch other people do it. At all. I enjoy watching olympic sports, but really mainly the one's that I connect to. I love the skiing and boarding sports, because watching them do the downhill, the moguls, the half-pipe is inspiring because I try to match that level of accomplishment whether I be at the resort or in the backcountry. I x-country ski. I find many of the other sports fascinating (the sliding sports in particular). Actually, those are the ones I really watch- the sliding sports and the ski/board sports. And you know what. I actually follow those year in and year out during World Cups and X-games, whether it be an Olympic year or not.

I in no way shape or form follow any of the climbing comp circuits, so why would I watch them at the Olympics?


Feb 15, 2010, 9:16 PM
Post #57 of 230 (3197 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [jcoop] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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jcoop wrote:
2. I said earlier that above all, I want climbing to be in the Olympics because of what the Olympics are. Yes, the cynical and jaded will say the Olympics are nothing more than a "money grab", but for many of the athletes it's not. Yes, Shaun White is going to make assloads of extra money for himself because of his performance at the Olympics, and I'm sure a couple other high profile athletes will too. But there are so many other athletes who won't be scoring huge endorsements deals.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the athletes. I'm talking about the organization of the games itself. It has nothing to do with being cynical and jaded; the Olympic games are a business. If you think that climbing aligns with the Olympic business model, by all means support its inclusion, but many people don't see it as a good fit. Those people are likely never going to agree with your position.

(This post was edited by kriso9tails on Feb 15, 2010, 9:17 PM)


Feb 15, 2010, 9:18 PM
Post #58 of 230 (3195 views)

Registered: May 20, 2003
Posts: 640

Re: [dynosore] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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Hmm, leme check...

Olympic Summer Sports:
Badminton, Modern Pentathlon, Swimming, Track and Field, Archery, Shooting, Diving, Whitewater Kayaking, etc etc.

Show me ONE Olympic Sport that's had a surge in participants since becoming an Olympic Sport that's even REMOTELY affected the sport outside the realm of Olympic Competition.

I don't see people buying Shuttlecocks, Kayaks, Shotguns, Track Spikes et etc after watching the Olympics. Period. In fact, I'd argue that part of the draw of the Olympics to an "average Joe" is watching humans compete at an extremely high level in something they'll NEVER do.

Of ALL the olympic sports (summer or winter) I'd argue that Snowboarding or MAYBE figure skating see an uptick in participants post olympics.

The Olympics as a whole usually try to showcase sports with fairly wide world participation that, for the most part, are NOT mainstream. Baseball, Basketball etc aside, NONE of the these athletes get ANY press other than an occasional blurb on Sports Center in the US.

World Wide, us Track athletes are Stars in Europe and strangers in their own country. Applies to many sports.

Regarding all who get their panties in a twist saying "Comp Climbing is not REAL Climbing!" "Climbing is not a sport!" etc etc.

GET OVER IT. Almost all sports today have both a "soulful" side and a "competitive" side. Backcountry Skiing is the same "activity" as Olympic Slalom but I'd argue about as far away from each other as you can get while still having skis.

The FACT of the matter is that the rest of the world climbs and the participation rate is A LOT higher than the USA. The French and Germans were playing this game LONG before us 'Mericans joined in.
It's pretty natural to have a competitive variant of climbing since almost ALL SPORTS do. That it offends your "IDEA" of what climbing is makes no difference what so ever. Others like it (check out Progression for proof) and choose to participate and promote their side of it.

I ski. I like it a lot. I don't enjoy "earning my turns" at all however. I'm all about vertical and lots of runs. To a free heel backcountry enthusiast my compettive tracking the Vertical Feet skied and # of runs probably makes them shake their head. That's ok by me. We still both love our aspects of the sport.

The idea that climbing becoming an Olympic Event will affect your outdoor crag in any measurable way is laughable. The sport a viewer sees on TV (Plastic, Competitive climbing) is pretty different from even normal sport climbing. Again, watch Progression to see the huge contrast between the aspects of our sport (A fine editing juxtaposition I might add - Props to the Lowell's for another fine film)

Frankly, climbers need to get over themselves and what they think "climbing" really is. Climbing is a lot of different sub genre's and just because YOU don't participate in one part of it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.

Me? I'd rather crank out a 20 pitch trad climb than pretty much anything else BUT I sure as hell appreciate the work and dedication those comp climbers put into their part of the sport.

I welcome Climbing as an Olympic Sport. A logical and excellent match for the spirit of the games.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:22 PM
Post #59 of 230 (3189 views)

Registered: Oct 23, 2009
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Re: [mattm] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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Cheers to that.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:23 PM
Post #60 of 230 (3187 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2005
Posts: 46

Re: [altelis] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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In reply to:

1) HOW IN GOD"S NAME IS THE FACT THAT CLIMBING GYMS WOULD BECOME MORE OF A D-BAG MAGNET IRRELEVANT? You would voluntarily take more d-bags in the place you train and hang out?

2) I just don't understand how competition climbing on plastic in any way relates to what I do as a climber. It doesn't. Not in the slightest. As such, I have no desire to watch other people do it. At all. I enjoy watching olympic sports, but really mainly the one's that I connect to. I love the skiing and boarding sports, because watching them do the downhill, the moguls, the half-pipe is inspiring because I try to match that level of accomplishment whether I be at the resort or in the backcountry. I x-country ski. I find many of the other sports fascinating (the sliding sports in particular). Actually, those are the ones I really watch- the sliding sports and the ski/board sports. And you know what. I actually follow those year in and year out during World Cups and X-games, whether it be an Olympic year or not.

I in no way shape or form follow any of the climbing comp circuits, so why would I watch them at the Olympics?

I'm cutting out the giant quote chain because it's annoying.

1. If you think everyone that climbs in the gym is a douche bag, then fine. Nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. If you're saying new climbers= D bags, then I disagree. There are douche bags everywhere. Climbing gyms and outdoors. And I hate to break it to you, but *gasp* you might be one! By the way, thanks for addressing everything else I said 1, I'm going to assume that means you agree with it.

2. It's like your putting your fingers in your ears and screaming " NO NO NO I DON'T WANT TO". Fine, don't watch climbing in the Olympics. You can watch all the other events and turn the tv off as soon as climbing comes on. Just like 95% of this forum, if the climbing is a discipline you don't prefer than you immediately dismiss it.

I'd also like to point out that it's extremely ignorant to say that in no way does competition climbing relate to any form of climbing you do. You've never tried to on-site a sport route? Yes it's plastic, and I understand and concede that it is different, but to say there is NO relation is wrong.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:28 PM
Post #61 of 230 (3169 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [qtm] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
The only variation of climbing that has any chance of being an Olympic sport is speed climbing.

Laypeople "get" that.

But it's only fun to watch if Nitro or Diamond are chasing the climbers...

Yeah, I'd watch that.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:34 PM
Post #62 of 230 (3164 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2006
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Re: [jcoop] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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Not sure why everyone is getting worked up about this. Clearly, a nuclear apocalypse will happen before climbing gets in the Olympics


Feb 15, 2010, 9:38 PM
Post #63 of 230 (3161 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [carabiner96] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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carabiner96 wrote:
Not sure why everyone is getting worked up about this. Clearly, a nuclear apocalypse will happen before climbing gets in the Olympics

If that's the case, then mutant zombie killing should become an Olympic sport.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:40 PM
Post #64 of 230 (3159 views)

Registered: Feb 15, 2010
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Re: [qtm] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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qtm wrote:
lena_chita wrote:
The only variation of climbing that has any chance of being an Olympic sport is speed climbing.

Laypeople "get" that.

But it's only fun to watch if Nitro or Diamond are chasing the climbers...


That would be amazing, we can call it "OLYMPIC GLADIATORS 2.0"


Feb 15, 2010, 9:41 PM
Post #65 of 230 (3155 views)

Registered: Nov 10, 2004
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Re: [jcoop] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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jcoop wrote:

I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm saying I don't want climbing in the Olympics. When you put up reasons why you think its a good idea and I offer reasons why I disagree with your reasons, that's called a discussion.

When I say 'STFU NOOB" that's putting my fingers in my ears. And saying I'm closed minded and don't want to listen puts you a step closer to that truth than me. I've never called you an idiot or closed minded. I've disagreed with your points- but then again, if you only wanted people who agreed you would've probably made a poll with only one answer choice, eh?

Of course there are d-bags anywhere. Sure I might be one of them. But the more people you pull into gyms because they saw people pulling plastic in the olympics, inside some gym far removed from the outside, thats going to up the chance they are a douche bag. This actually brings up one more reason why I like the winter olympics so much more than the summer- the winter olympics are primarily mountain sports. Sports that consist of people originially looking up the hill and saying "I want to play there".

The beginners who I typically get along with the most are mountain people, who play in and among the mountains. They've had to skirt or walk under enough cliffs to finally say, you know, it would be FUN to be up there.

The beginners who I typically don't get along with are the one's who's connection to the sport starts with seeing it as a gym thing, far removed from the beauty of exploration of wild and far flung places. This, to me, would include people who learn about climbing while watching the olympics and seeing somebody pull plastic in an arena.

And of course plastic carries over to climbing rock. That's why I go to a gym when I can and its not climbable outside. But the thing about climbing that gets me off isn't found in that gym. Its found outside. That's why the winter games again, are more appealing to me. They are outside. I can see the huge peaks behind them and am reminded of why I like the mountains so much.

You can disagree, that's fine. And I'm not mad at you for it. For me, the reasons why I climb are found deep in things other than climbing- they are a spirit of adventure and pushing one's self that I have found in many pursuits in the mountains. They are the same reasons I ultimately grew bored of being a competitive swimmer, lacrosse player, and wrestler. My experience is that those who wander in because of some cache the sport finds outside of exploration, they are typically (but of course not always) not who I want to share my time with. You may have different experiences, you may have different reactions or have met people who mostly break the "rule" that I have experienced.

My suspicion is that for all the reason your point of view will seem alien to me, my point of view will seem alien to you. I am listening, just so you know. I'm just not finding what you are saying to be convincing. Oh well.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:44 PM
Post #66 of 230 (3150 views)

Registered: Feb 15, 2010
Posts: 13

Re: [coastal_climber] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks


Feb 15, 2010, 9:47 PM
Post #67 of 230 (3147 views)

Registered: Dec 8, 2009
Posts: 348

Re: [lena_chita] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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I see a lot of arguments from people essentially positing the view (if not stating some of these outright) that:

olympics = more people climbing = less rock/gym for me = more people not climbing the way they should = *shock* people preferring plastic over rock = apocalypse

Like others, I say get over it.

If you start at the bottom of something and use your body to get you to the top, you have climbed it. You can add a number of terms to further define what was done and whether the person did it in the way you prefer it to be done (onsight, redpoint, sport, lead, free, solo, trad, pull plastic, etc etc etc) but it doesn't change that it's climbing.

Personally I think both bouldering and speed climbing would be worthy additions to olympic sport. And if that means more people line up at your gym or crag to climb... Go meditate on the top of Everest until they all go away. Without oxygen.


Feb 15, 2010, 9:47 PM
Post #68 of 230 (3145 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks

I think we'll see tom when climbing hits the special olympics.


Feb 15, 2010, 10:06 PM
Post #69 of 230 (3123 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
Posts: 7772

Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?

Proper climbing form facilitates general upward movement. You could try to apply skateboarding form, for instance, to rock climbing, but I don't think it will help all that much.

Also, I think you will be surprised to find that the demographic that deals with is substantially smaller and more targeted than that of the Summer Olympics. Shocker, I know.


Feb 15, 2010, 10:21 PM
Post #70 of 230 (3118 views)

Registered: May 8, 2007
Posts: 539

Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks


Feb 15, 2010, 10:26 PM
Post #71 of 230 (3114 views)

Registered: Jun 13, 2006
Posts: 5360

Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks

How is babby formed?


Feb 15, 2010, 10:33 PM
Post #72 of 230 (3111 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 18730

Re: [LostinMaine] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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LostinMaine wrote:
tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks

That poor chap just learned a lot about life.


Feb 15, 2010, 10:34 PM
Post #73 of 230 (3108 views)

Registered: Apr 6, 2004
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Re: [tom550] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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tom550 wrote:
wow all of you are stupid. im sure one guy said "it will bring too much people to the sport" then now all of you fallow that. i garentee that all of you hadnt thought about this on your own time and said "well it will bring too many people to the sport." also if you feel its a way of getting out and away from the world then how would the olimpics stop you? because its a olimpic sport does that mean its unrelaxing now? how many times have you brought a friend climbing who has never climbed befor and then after he started climbing? ive brought at least 20 people and all have never came again.

imo more pablicity = better products. and its always nice to have that one guy who is amazed when you climb something he has no chance at. if it becomes a sport then most likely it would be a indoor climbing sport. so you will just see a few more begenners when the olimics come on then it wil die down. you might see a few people go out door climbing like in their back yard or a boulder with huge holes in it. and you cant say that poeple dont know about rock climbing. i have never once told some one i climb and them act all suprised wondering wtf i was talking about.

Your mother is real proud.


Feb 15, 2010, 11:00 PM
Post #74 of 230 (3088 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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.!. [In reply to]
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Signature 378. on the petition to make rock climbing an Olympic sport:

Cat Hoser wrote:
This is a pretty bad idea. Rock climbing is not really a sport.

Now that's support you can count on.


Feb 15, 2010, 11:04 PM
Post #75 of 230 (3084 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2003
Posts: 727

Re: [caughtinside] Make Rock Climbing an Olympic sport [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
tom550 wrote:
well now im wondering why is there a climbing form?
you dont like watching climbing. so you must hate reading about climbing. you dont want any more pablicity so why do you have a form talking about it. and what do you even talk about. seriously. every form ive ever seen is there to help people out. what do you need help on here. how to cllimb the rock the right way. and you seem like you dont like showing people what you can do, because you make it seen stupid if i show off, which i dont, so you wouldnt talk about what you did. right?

if you dont want poblicity stop talking about it online.
stop climbing with people or watching videos because its boaring to you
if you dont want to show off then dont talk or climb with anyone.
go out by yourself and climb your rocks

I think we'll see tom when climbing hits the special olympics.

Gold, gold, gold! Cool

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