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Jun 21, 2002, 1:40 AM
Post #51 of 70 (2242 views)

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aw, c'mon, Kris . . . douche is trying so hard to impress us and you just keep knocking him back down. He went to all the trouble of coming over here & registering just to have the opportunity to spray a little bit and maybe convince a few people that he's one bad mutha. The people at probably already know what he's worth so he needs a little ego boost to make him feel better about himself. Let him have his excitement and maybe he'll go away.

It's ok, douche, we know you're a big bad boulderer with nerves of steel and of course any 5.11 is WAY beneath you. Really, we know that. Now go get a magic marker and write this on your crashpad: "I'm a GOOD person and people LOVE me".


Jun 21, 2002, 2:30 AM
Post #52 of 70 (2242 views)

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I'm glad that climbchick revealed the PROPER spelling of his first name.Now I will tell you all his last name.....ready?.....
Climb Happy


Jun 21, 2002, 3:09 AM
Post #53 of 70 (2242 views)

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#1. You don't have to ask.

You really don't.

rrrAdam is just pissy and acting really immature. As the admin of the site "accused" I have to make my case.

Right now, forces are at work, changing the source code to stop the linking of photos. Say you post a photo here and send your granma the .jpg url. NO dice. Granny goes away sad.

This is not the spirit of either the internet or the climbing community. The point is that we all can share equally and alike. Nothing is being robbed here, no revenue is lost... only the friendly sharing of images.

I learned to share in kindergarten.

#2. 5.11 is so hard! OMFG.

#3. I really could care less about impressing anyone. Really. If I did, I would have mentioned my hardest flash, my hardest roped climb (which would dispell your little myth that a boulderer-only (me) can't climb hard on a rope), my sweet 4 by, my fly blonde girlfriend, my ripped body, my good looks or all of my college degrees.


I am genuinely upset that first, rrrAdam comes to the forum I administer and gets all pissy. Then, he comes here and stirs up more s--- and now he won't even post here.

He won't answer the essential question:

Why would you not want to freely share cool climbing photos with the climbing community ???

I mean, if we were amking money off them, I-d understand. If he was losing money, I understand. He is just upset on general principle.

Because apparently, sharing is not cool.

Why not let this coward answer the question for himself...

5.11 = so hard..... so HARD !!! Five.eleven... SO HARd...

Partner rrrADAM

Jun 21, 2002, 3:59 AM
Post #54 of 70 (2242 views)

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Does anyone ever win at circular arguments ???

1rst when and where did I say that ".lls are hard", you are quoting me as saying that so show me where. I personally think that many tend to be, especially Trad climbs, but you are quoting me in error.

Let's quote you Cody...

"If I can do 25 v0's in a circuit, I can do a 250 foot 5.10, no problem.

If I can send a v4, chances are, I have the power endurance necessary to get up a 5.10."

This sounds as if you have not even done a .10, but are speculating as to your abilities, as you said "chances are", you could if you tried. So what you are saying is that "chances are, if you tried you can do a climb that is less than a warm up". Remember, you said that ".11=warm up". These are your words Cody, am I using them correctly.

I do all styles of climbing... Trad, Sport, Bouldering, and Buildering. (Note-I free climb, so no Aid, and I hate to be cold and wet, so no Ice.) Each is different in it's own way. Because I can boulder at a higher V Grade than it's YDS equivalent, doesn't mean that I can climb at the same sustained YDS level. I have seen many V8 boulderes pump out on short 5.10 sport climbs, as their muscles are trained for short intense problems, not long sustained climbs. It's just too long for them. Trad is all together different, as you need even more endurance to hangout and place pro.

For you to even compare these styles as all inclusive and equal in grading system, technique, and physical ability, shows your close mindedness, or lack of knowledge about all these styles other than bouldering.

You are stepping on your dode here Cody.

Notice that I have not had to stoop to petty name calling, as you and your clan have done, as your own posts give me more than enough ammunition to do the job.

I may have a job in Texas coming up... I have climbed quite a bit at Reimer's Ranch, and would love to follow you up some of your warm ups, as you spray as if you are the next "undiscovered climber".


[ This Message was edited by: rrradam on 2002-06-21 13:06 ]


Jun 21, 2002, 1:48 PM
Post #55 of 70 (2242 views)

Registered: Jun 17, 2002
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reimers ranch ... pff.

did you really just say that?

"Notice that I have not had to stoop to petty name calling, as you and your clan have done, as your own posts give me more than enough ammunition to do the job. "

when has anyone called you names on this board? maybe they were calling you names on, but considering the idiotic manner in which you handled your unexplained need to stop users of from sharing your pictures, i think that's more than understandable.

so stop avoiding the question.

Why would you not want to freely share cool climbing photos with the climbing community ?

[ This Message was edited by: pander on 2002-06-21 06:49 ]


Jun 21, 2002, 3:18 PM
Post #56 of 70 (2242 views)

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Yeah, no shit.

Why would not freely want to share cool climbing photos with the climbing community.

Regarding 5.11.

I boulder exclusively.

If I may spray here, because you question my ability, I will share that I have flashed many difficult problems. I have sent into the double digits enough times to know what "hard" is.

2 years ago, in the spirit of the moment, I put on a rope and hung the draws on Chupacabra, perhaps the finest .13 at the finest limestone sportcrag in Texas, Flat Creek. After sketching on the mantle (yeah, I had way less endurnace then... but am honest about stuff), I ended up sending third go.

It was v6-ish to easy 5.12 to a slopey mantle, 55 feet long at 45 degrees.

I thought to myself, "Wow ! I can climb 5.13 ! And pretty easily too!"

Then, I took off my harness and went looking for boulders.

This doesn't mean I am better than anyone.

In fact, its just what happened one day in my life. I happen to think that power endurance bouldering on circuits can build the sort of enduro power you see in guys like Fred Nicole or Sam Edwards.

Put me on your "short 5.10" and watch a real boulderer put it to shame. f---ing Norwegian Traverse v9 is 200 feet long of steep climbing on marginal holds.

Now, 5.11 is hard, your point is proven. My point of view has been explained...

Let's get back to the REAL ISSUE HERE:


Jun 21, 2002, 3:18 PM
Post #57 of 70 (2242 views)

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Why would not freely want to share cool climbing photos with the climbing community.


Jun 21, 2002, 3:18 PM
Post #58 of 70 (2242 views)

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Why would not freely want to share cool climbing photos with the climbing community.


Jun 21, 2002, 3:38 PM
Post #59 of 70 (2242 views)

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you have a typo
Why would not freely want to share cool climbing photos with the climbing community.
I know
I don't care
the point is made


Jun 21, 2002, 3:53 PM
Post #60 of 70 (2242 views)

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It's not about sharing. Did you ask the photographers to use the pics? Maybe the photags don't want to be affiliated with I'm sure there are people who would rather not have their pictures on, but they have pictures on their own sites that we could link. Did you at least give credit to the photographers and climbers?

If a climber from rc.dom wanted to use a user's pic. then they might want to ask frst. Maybe that user hates and doesn't want his/ her picture on the site. That's not too much to ask.

[ This Message was edited by: kriso9tails on 2002-06-21 09:03 ]


Jun 21, 2002, 4:05 PM
Post #61 of 70 (2242 views)

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HOw rude of me for not asking Dan Crank if I can use his work on the forum!

Wait... Dan Crank is a cool guy who knows that when he uploads a photo to a website, that photo might be exposed to the world wide web in the form of linking things.

You are suggesting that these "artists" were unaware that the world wibe web functions in such a way that their image might be linked.

Jesus !

This is the f---ing web.
This is standard operating procedure.

Again, let's hear from either an artist or rrrAdam, or preferably, Trev on the answer of this question:

Why would you not freely want to share cool climbing photos with the climbing community.

[small]Because you are totally uncool and out of touch with the reality of interent traffic?[/small]


Jun 21, 2002, 7:26 PM
Post #62 of 70 (2242 views)

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Cody (doosh/lox) and I had a little chat today and we both agreed that this has gotten way out of hand and we would both like to find a way to stop the animosity between and

From Chat:

so any ideas as to what we can do about this?
Leave deep linking on your site.
Lock the ATTN: Lawyers thread
I will lock my 2 specific threads
and the admins will shut up about it
let the peasants talk about it if they want
only prob is that I'm not admin on anymore
but I'd like to come in on monday and have it be a moot point
so I can't lock s--t
well, see if rrrAdam is down with the idea
I'll talk to adam when he wakes up
I'm sure he will be
I mean, he has to be a rpetty cool guy
he climbs, after all
heh, that's what we said about you
I just want the best for our community

I agree with his points and would like to see our two communities get along. I would ask that members of both sites refrain from posting to this thread or any similar threads on until they can be locked or dealt with.

Partner rrrADAM

Jun 21, 2002, 8:25 PM
Post #63 of 70 (2242 views)

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To answer the question posed to me...

I have no problem with linking to our photos, as I have no problem with users here deep linking to photos from other sites. But when doing so, realize that the photos are owned by someone who may reserve the right to ask that it now be displayed, and act accordingly when asked.

Pander: If you had asked that your photos not be displayed here, we would have removed them in a heartbeat, as this is our policy. If you had asked that the you were asked, as a courtesy prior to posting, we would have done so, as that also is our policy.

I was simply asking that you show the same courtesy to us, that we would show if the rolls were reversed. Instead of acting accordingly, you all replied with "f--- you". This is why this issue has escalated to the point where it has.

Arguing with you guys is like arguing with a Religeous Zealout... They are so blinded by their faith that anyone who does not believe what they believe is wrong, and is going to hell. No matter what I can say, I'm just going to hell, as I do not believe in your God.

As Bruce Lee said, "A closed mind cannot think freely."



Jun 21, 2002, 8:40 PM
Post #64 of 70 (2242 views)

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Seriously, if you had excersized a *bit* of diplomacy and asked me to either remove the photos or add photo credits, I would have gladly done so.

I do not think I have told you to "eff off."

Have fun in yosemite, crackhead.

Partner rrrADAM

Jun 21, 2002, 8:48 PM
Post #65 of 70 (2242 views)

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Again... Read the quoyte of my original thread posted on, located on the 1rst or 2nd page of this thread, and you'll see that it was plenty "diplomatic".

You yourself said that if it were left as is, you would have acted accordingly. Forgive me for replying with flame regarding all the flame I recieved for my initial post. I guess I should have taken all that as my "welcome" from the " welcoming commitee". I am not atuned to they way things work over there. I frequent this boring and bland site.

p.s. I gave you my phone numbers, one toll free, to call me so we can hash this out, as I type too poorly to carry on a decent chat.


Jun 21, 2002, 9:11 PM
Post #66 of 70 (2242 views)

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If you had just emailed or pm'ed me, rather than taking your case to those who couldn't do anything about it.

I have been saying this for 4 days.

I called the LD #, no answer. I left a message on your pager. Call me back.

Partner rrrADAM

Jun 21, 2002, 9:39 PM
Post #67 of 70 (2242 views)

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My pager is right next to me, it is a numeric pager, so you need to enter your number for me to call you.

LD is tied up, as I'm a computer gumby, remember, I have a dial up.

And you are correct, I should have PMd or emailed you, but hindsight is 20/20. We have had users post here about removing their work from our site, and they are not met with the hostility I recieved, we still act accordingly.



Jun 22, 2002, 2:17 AM
Post #68 of 70 (2242 views)

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Hey Doosh,
I apologize for inferring your name is "Douche Bag",can you find it in your great big heart to forgive me?
Can't we all just get along?(Rodney King)
Climb Happy


Jun 22, 2002, 4:03 AM
Post #69 of 70 (2242 views)

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/me BAG !!!!1

Partner rrrADAM

Jun 22, 2002, 4:28 AM
Post #70 of 70 (2242 views)

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After a telephone conversation with Cody ('doosh' here & 'lox' at I wish to post that we have come to the following agreement:

Users from, or any site, are encouraged to visit our Gallery, and link to images whitin if they choose to. If the ownwers of the images linked have any objections to their photos being used or displayed anywhere other than, appropriate action will be taken to apease the owner. (i.e. Photo Credit, link to site, removal from the site, etc...)

There is no need for any more "hair splitting" or animosity, as this was the intent of my initial post at However, I posted this is the public Forum on their site, and instead of coming to an understanding, I was met with hostility. I would have had much better results if I'd have taken this up with the Administration of, and thereby avoiding all that has transpired since then.

I am locking this thread as per our agreement as well.


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