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Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap
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Jan 8, 2006, 7:15 AM
Post #101 of 142 (21362 views)

Registered: Jul 10, 2002
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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The same criticism that folks have for Jack's money could be said for Sharma's or Tori Allen's Genetics. We all have gifts and we all have obstacles.

Sometimes the gifts are also obstacles. When folks are throwing money and babes at you, why bother to climb?

Jack didn't have to climb El Cap. He had to work harder than the vast majority of climbers just to lose the weight and stupidity just to do what he did.




Jan 8, 2006, 7:38 AM
Post #102 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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most climbers, including myself, feel that if someone who's famous, which 99% of the time has alot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, will just buy their way to climb, while everybody else, earns it....those first few years of learning and obsessing is our right of passage and we feel violated when some yuppie buys their way through

i strongly agree. if we all had inherited money and never had to work a day in our life and were able buy whatever the f--- we wanted everybody on this site would have climbed el cap. i have little respect for him and the absolute highest for those who have made it their life long goal to climb el cap and have done such through a lifetime of hard work and saving. Not for someone who spent 6 months training and then was able to hire somebody to show him how to climb and guide him up el cap. Next thing u know hes gonna be hiring somebody to carry his fat ass up everest. To me ive always felt that accomplishing something big in climbing has always been about hard work and desire to do it on your own. This accomplishment of his deserves no credit from the climbing community.



Jan 8, 2006, 8:21 AM
Post #103 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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most climbers, including myself, feel that if someone who's famous, which 99% of the time has alot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, will just buy their way to climb, while everybody else, earns it....those first few years of learning and obsessing is our right of passage and we feel violated when some yuppie buys their way through

i strongly agree. if we all had inherited money and never had to work a day in our life and were able buy whatever the f--- we wanted everybody on this site would have climbed el cap. i have little respect for him and the absolute highest for those who have made it their life long goal to climb el cap and have done such through a lifetime of hard work and saving. Not for someone who spent 6 months training and then was able to hire somebody to show him how to climb and guide him up el cap. Next thing u know hes gonna be hiring somebody to carry his fat ass up everest. To me ive always felt that accomplishing something big in climbing has always been about hard work and desire to do it on your own. This accomplishment of his deserves no credit from the climbing community.

Give it a rest! Jeez. Where is the rule that says you have to climb for X number of years to make El Cap a dream accomplished?! The first time he tried climbing he didn't even know what El Cap was, he just liked climbing, and it took hold like it has for MOST of us on this site! Then he saw El Cap, and OF COURSE he wanted to do it! What climber doesn't?! Don't even tell me that if you had had an opportunity like that your first year you would have said "no, actually, I haven't climbed long enough to earn my right of passage, so I'm afraid I'll have to wait." I've been climbing for 10 years, is that long enough? Obviously not for me, since I haven't done it yet... "LONG ENOUGH" is the moment you top out, bro, and that's that! For Jack it was 6 months, and a HELL of a detox.

Oh, and maybe you should re-read the forum, and some of the articles, cause incase you hadn't noticed, he ain't fat anymore. In fact, he had a six pack after finishing the Salathe'... I haven't had a six pack since highschool... but I'm working on it! Hopefully in a couple more years I'll have earned my right of passage to chiseled abs...

Last of all, leading 6 pitches is hardly having your a$$ hauled up a wall... They were his friends, and it was a first for all 3 of them on El Cap. Even one of his climbing partners was in tears when they finished. (Those Brits... cry babies!) :cry:

I don't know why I feel like pulling for the guy, I just do. I believe he's legit, and he's made me want to work harder... just some 19 year old kid... imagine that.


Jan 8, 2006, 8:52 AM
Post #104 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Jan 8, 2006, 9:12 AM
Post #105 of 142 (21362 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2006
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Good for Jack .. He looks soooo much better ... I hope he keeps climbing for many years to come.

Oh ya and for the guy who is bitter .. Finding people who climb outside a gym and are safe about it can be a challenge for newbies. And doing big wall what do you expect?

love and light,


Jan 8, 2006, 12:39 PM
Post #106 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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you know what really shocked me???

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You live part-time in California and part-time in England, yet, your first climb was in Slovenia; how did that happen? Two of my climbing partners, Mike Weeks and Bean Sopwith (I did Salathe with them), were working on a TV show I randomly did on a whim, called “Extreme Celebrity Detox.” The show was about climbing and mediation in the mountains. I went for the climbing because I thought I would try it out. The first R-rated film I was allowed to see, at age six, was Cliffhanger. I always had this weird fascination with climbing. I tried it out and loved it.

Mike and I became good friends on the show and I went out to Croatia where he was filming a deep-water-soloing movie called Depth Charge. I had no idea what I was getting into. I went out there with Chris Sharma, Leo Houlding, Steve McClure, just amazing climbers, and I was 215 pounds deep-water soloing with Chris Sharma. Now, now I realize how surreal that is. Back then I didn’t know who Chris Sharma was. I like to surround myself with people who climb hard because it inspires me, and I think, ‘I want to climb like that.’

Can you describe the moment when you knew you were sold on climbing? In Slovenia, we did three climbs and after the first one I thought “this is amazing” and I wanted to do another one. I don’t know, I seemed to get on with it well. I wasn’t scared of the height and I didn’t feel unsafe at any point. I just went with it.

i didnt know he was in slovenia. im suprised he even knows we exist. :wink: maybe hell try to follow s. houses footsteps.

anyway, im wonderig wich 3 climbs they did. seems to me theyve shouldve gotten some more climbs in. because if they were in one of the more popular areas (and i gues they were) its imho a waste of time to just do 3 climbs.

anyway, kudos to him for climbing salathe. even if he only jumared the thing. definitely a step up from lazy, fat kid i was used to from the osbournes.


Jan 8, 2006, 1:19 PM
Post #107 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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when i pulled up to my dorm in mybenz no one wanted to be friends with me. we all have to deal with what we got.

Your not gonna get me to understand your pain with this kind of comment. We all have to deal with what we got. I got a bike and you got a benz.


Jan 8, 2006, 1:42 PM
Post #108 of 142 (21362 views)

Registered: Jul 19, 2005
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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when i pulled up to my dorm in mybenz no one wanted to be friends with me. we all have to deal with what we got.

Your not gonna get me to understand your pain with this kind of comment. We all have to deal with what we got. I got a bike and you got a benz.

Ohhhh.He pulled up to his dorm in his Benz and nobody wanted to be friend with him.
Poor bastard.


Jan 8, 2006, 3:57 PM
Post #109 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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when i pulled up to my dorm in mybenz no one wanted to be friends with me. we all have to deal with what we got.

Your not gonna get me to understand your pain with this kind of comment. We all have to deal with what we got. I got a bike and you got a benz.

ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jan 8, 2006, 6:40 PM
Post #110 of 142 (21362 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2006
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Good for Jack .. He looks so much better ... I think he lost 150 pounds that is a big deal he is NOT fat anymore... I hope he keeps climbing for many years to come.

I never read the rule that said you had to be poor to climb ... You have to give the guy some credit he did 6 pitches of lead climbing on El Cap. Stop the hate.. love life and do what you will.

Yosemite can get crazy and there is always the risk of death on big-wall. On my first day living in the valley, right after I was assigned my tent, I saw a guy take a fall and die on El Cap. I do NOT think it's OK to laugh at people before they climb anything in the valley.

love and light,

PS .. what was dick cheney doing on 911/ once you find out you will not believe it...


Jan 8, 2006, 7:00 PM
Post #111 of 142 (21362 views)

Registered: Feb 18, 2005
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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I wonder if Jack ever comes to this site, and if he has if he ever saw this thread?


Jan 8, 2006, 7:24 PM
Post #112 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Way to Go. That kid looks good now.

Overhanging slab of rock. Slab can be like a slab of meet. No ref to angles.



Jan 8, 2006, 7:26 PM
Post #113 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I want to know what route they did in Verdon. Looks like my speed.

I want to hang with Bean. MMM MMM

Just say it on the TV. Travel channel.


Jan 8, 2006, 7:40 PM
Post #114 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I think it's great. He has enough money to do anything he wants and he is driven by climbing.

I tropied this. I totally agree. I'm a member of the climbing community, and I say welcome to the fold Brother Jack.


Jan 11, 2006, 8:53 PM
Post #115 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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After watching them climb El Cap on the Travel Channel, i have come to the conclusion that none of the people on the show should of been up there! After only climbing 1 year Jack should definitely should not have gone close to doing that. His to trainers seemed on the show, just as incompetent as jack who is an fledgeling climber. If you listened in the show it listed the people-- 2 "rope riggers", a cameraman, jack, mike, and bean. It sounds to me like they were top roped all the way up.


Jan 24, 2006, 9:05 PM
Post #116 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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After watching them climb El Cap on the Travel Channel, i have come to the conclusion that none of the people on the show should of been up there! After only climbing 1 year Jack should definitely should not have gone close to doing that. His to trainers seemed on the show, just as incompetent as jack who is an fledgeling climber. If you listened in the show it listed the people-- 2 "rope riggers", a cameraman, jack, mike, and bean. It sounds to me like they were top roped all the way up.

Rope riggers were necessary for the camera and production crew (which consisted of more than just a single cameraman). This was a television production, it was more than just Jack, Mike, and Bean up on El Cap.

Jack, Mike, and Bean climbed El Capitan while the production crew kept up with them (and climbed above and below them for filming). Not to mention the fact that they could very well have had to deal with union rules regarding safety, etc. on a television production.

It amazes me the elitist attitude that exists on this site. Rather than giving Jack kudos for trying to turn his life around and enjoying rock climbing... you tear him down.

Last time I checked rock climbing wasn't about rich or poor, celebrity or nobody, fat or thin... it was about the enjoyment that climbing brings to those that do it.


Jan 24, 2006, 9:17 PM
Post #117 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Guy sounds pretty humble about the whole thing. He lands in a boat with Sharma and other climbing greats doing some deepwater soloing. Which he later realized and admitted how lucky he was to experience.

I wonder if California will ban him for peeing off El Cap, the same way the city of San Antonio did after his dad stained the Alamo?


Jan 24, 2006, 10:17 PM
Post #118 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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PS .. what was dick cheney doing on 911/ once you find out you will not believe it...

what was dick cheney doing on 9/11, climbing?


Jan 24, 2006, 11:39 PM
Post #119 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Us Califronians pretty much dig the son of satan climber. We dig his old man too. You guys think ptpp hauls big loads... he never had to climb with dear old dad's image welded to his ass.

That kid's got stones. I hope he stays in the tribe. He sounds like he's 'got the makin's.'



Jan 24, 2006, 11:42 PM
Post #120 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Here's a fact people: Jack was born into riches, he wasn't given the choice of leading a regular life, he was born the son of one of the most well known rock stars ever. He's had money all his life and he's allowed to use it as he sees fit, and so therefore he does. Does that mean that what he does with it, even if in far more extravagant ways then we could ever dream of, doesn't mean just as much to him? He made a goal for himself, and he accomplished it, even if he did seem like a wuss about it at times, he still made his dreams come true. That's alot more then most people can say, most of us give up on what we dream of without ever trying to even really get there. Congratulations to him. Even if he does have the money to buy the best rehabilitation help, the best personal trainers, the best coaches, he still had to make that choice on his own, and he still had to see it through on his own, and he did.

To all of you that bitch about his money, if you were born into a life of riches you damn well would do the exact same thing, you would spend in excess, you would buy the newest and best, you would do the same thing that every rich person does, and the only reason that any of you have to knock him is because you know that you'll never have that life, and because of that you become malignant about it instead of understanding what all of this must have meant to him. This was the end of a journey for him, the end of a string of accomplishments that too many people out there wouldn't have the will power to finish. I have been on such a journey, I know what it means to see your life going to destruction, I know what it means to finally come to the point where you take your life back into your own hands, it's not something that everyone has the power to do, and I know, after 5 years of setting things straight, what it feels like to look back on where you've come from and to know that you've finally reached your goal. There's nothing like it, one can't describe it, and all the money or opportunities in the world don't matter because you know that wasn't what got you where you were, it was your shear will power, your determination to win. If you think that his accomplishments are any less meaningful to him then any of your personal successes your a fool. How many of you can say you've been on such a journey?


Jan 25, 2006, 12:34 AM
Post #121 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I could care less about whether he is rich or poor, the point i was trying to make was that they did not seem ready or competent enough to be climbing a big wall. That is what i got from watching the Travel Channel show about them climbing. All he did the whole way up was complain and whine. I have never climbed El Cap, but what did he expect it to be, it is never as easy as they say. Also he had only been climbing for 1 year, and unless he was climbing all the time and practicing big wall techniques a lot he probably should be thrown up there for a tv show.


Jan 25, 2006, 2:34 AM
Post #122 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Watched this on the tube. Thought it was pretty cool, all 'n' all. Liked the footage from places I'd been to. Also, Jack did some shit; a slow guided trip up the Salathe is a long way from clubbing. Good for him!

no mention of the Hollow flake, however.
And WTF was up with doing the falls trail for descent? Twice!


Jan 25, 2006, 2:44 AM
Post #123 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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I could care less about whether he is rich or poor, the point i was trying to make was that they did not seem ready or competent enough to be climbing a big wall. That is what i got from watching the Travel Channel show about them climbing. All he did the whole way up was complain and whine. I have never climbed El Cap, but what did he expect it to be, it is never as easy as they say. Also he had only been climbing for 1 year, and unless he was climbing all the time and practicing big wall techniques a lot he probably should be thrown up there for a tv show.

As another poster already pointed out... the climb lasted 5 nights and you saw the entire climb edited down to less than 1 hour. Of course they showed him whining and complaining, they were trying to show how hard it is.

Ready? Competent? It doesn't really matter... he did it and made it to the top. While he doesn't have the experience of a climber who has been doing it for 10 years, I'm sure he gained valuable experience on the climb itself.

Complain all you want, the fact of the matter is he successfully climbed El Capitan and you can't take that way from him.


Jan 25, 2006, 3:00 AM
Post #124 of 142 (21362 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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God, this thread is full of some real couch-riding, hater pussies. There's nothing like a bunch of dorks debating something that a.) doesn't matter, and b.) most will never acheive, despite the fact that they're 'real climbers'... LOL. Face it, you guys hating on friggin' jack osbourne are just pissed off because he has the resources ($), time, and committment to do something you'll never do. Hurts, doesn't it? Makes you feel like less of a climber, doesn't it? Only if you're a petty idiot.

Good for that kid. He's better off having some fun bouldering and hacking his way up some rock, guided or not, than rotting away from bad addictions and a sedentary lifestyle.


Jan 25, 2006, 2:55 PM
Post #125 of 142 (21211 views)

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Re: Rocker spawn JACK OSBOURNE knocks off El Cap [In reply to]
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Here's a fact people: Jack was born into riches, he wasn't given the choice of leading a regular life, he was born the son of one of the most well known rock stars ever. He's had money all his life and he's allowed to use it as he sees fit, and so therefore he does. Does that mean that what he does with it, even if in far more extravagant ways then we could ever dream of, doesn't mean just as much to him? He made a goal for himself, and he accomplished it, even if he did seem like a wuss about it at times, he still made his dreams come true. That's alot more then most people can say, most of us give up on what we dream of without ever trying to even really get there. Congratulations to him. Even if he does have the money to buy the best rehabilitation help, the best personal trainers, the best coaches, he still had to make that choice on his own, and he still had to see it through on his own, and he did.

To all of you that b---- about his money, if you were born into a life of riches you damn well would do the exact same thing, you would spend in excess, you would buy the newest and best, you would do the same thing that every rich person does, and the only reason that any of you have to knock him is because you know that you'll never have that life, and because of that you become malignant about it instead of understanding what all of this must have meant to him. This was the end of a journey for him, the end of a string of accomplishments that too many people out there wouldn't have the will power to finish. I have been on such a journey, I know what it means to see your life going to destruction, I know what it means to finally come to the point where you take your life back into your own hands, it's not something that everyone has the power to do, and I know, after 5 years of setting things straight, what it feels like to look back on where you've come from and to know that you've finally reached your goal. There's nothing like it, one can't describe it, and all the money or opportunities in the world don't matter because you know that wasn't what got you where you were, it was your shear will power, your determination to win. If you think that his accomplishments are any less meaningful to him then any of your personal successes your a fool. How many of you can say you've been on such a journey?

My feeling about the rich people that live the life and spend in excess. Those are the good rich people. The ones that cling to and collect wealth and keep their cash tight in fist, they don't do much for me. See the one out there spending his funds on a big house, big car, or paying a crew to haul him up El Cap....they are keeping their cash moving, and likewise are keeping construction workers, auto workers, and even a few climbers gainfully employed. The guy sitting at home counting his cash doesn't do as much for the rest of the world.

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