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New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation
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May 20, 2008, 5:54 AM
Post #126 of 132 (1510 views)

Registered: Oct 26, 2005
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Re: [skiclimb] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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So I have a quick question for clarification, and then a comment that I'm suprised no one has mentioned yet. Question is just to clarify, but the FA team did rap-bolt the entire upper portion of the route correct? The article only says that there's 60 feet of A0 and as far as the upper slabs go, it simply says "While Sean and I are up there, pounding on drills to ready those superb upper slabs" never says how much they drilled on rap etc. so just want to make sure.
Secondly, I guess this is more a question to get people's opinion on rather than an arguing point, but does it count for something in your opinions that Sean Jones "is a family guy who flies under the Valley radar, has never spent a night in Camp 4, and has now surpassed the first-ascent records of Royal Robbins (43) and Jim Bridwell (82). Half Dome will make 91"
I think that's a pretty amazing feat, and obviously speaks alot about how much experience this guy has, so how does such a thing influence all of your outlooks about this route?
In my opinion it says alot. This guy has more experience establishing routes than I will ever have. If he thought it was worth it to go outside of his style boundaries to ensure that this route goes, then I think that it probably says alot about the quality of the route, or atleast his opinion of it. Ethics, style we've said alot about that, and I think most agree that it was of a lesser style, but I still would like some of your opinions considering that Sean Jones is so widely experienced with the nature of first ascents.


May 20, 2008, 5:59 AM
Post #127 of 132 (1508 views)

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Re: [dingus] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
Valarc wrote:
I don't understand the history, but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that a semi-spicy runout slab climb that was rap-bolted is somehow less ethical than a completely safe bolt ladder that was put in ground up.

I don't know about your use of the word ethical. Its not really my verbiage, I think style is the better description.

Be that as it may.... the history, the lineage if you will, stems from mountaineering.

Take for example Everest. What if instead of Hillary's FA, the mountain had been opened by chopper 'ascent' depositing the climbers on the summit who proceeded to walk down preparing the route. Then they reversed their steps and hiked back to the summit.

Or how about those who 'climb' Pike's Peak in their car?

Long has been the notion, in mountaineering AND in certain areas or rock climbing, that the summit gained bu unfair means is less worthy.

So climbers have gotten into the slippery slope of defining 'fairness.' There are many definitions applied throughout the world. I'm not really a judge of any of them frankly.

What works in Dresden doesn't work in the Verdon Gorge, plainly enough.

But a French climber going to Dresden and opening routes in the French way won't be well received by locals, of this I am sure. Such a climber would be deemed disrespectful, at the least.

Lots of folks demean bolt ladders as A0 and the murder of the impossible? OK, maybe they are. The few bolt ladders I've seen were mank and fucking scary/dangerous. A0 my ass, in other words.

However, if we accept that 'anyone' can build a a0 bolt ladder from beneath, what of the 80 foot runnouts of 5.11 and 5.12 c.limbing in between? Can anyone do that too? On lead, on unknown and uninspected ground?

Few, my friend, few can do that.

More can rap in from above, inspect, rehearse, and figure out a cool line reasonably protected.

I've done that. Opened some sport routes, and I like em. Know what? I COULD NOT HAVE opened those routes on lead. Others could, but not me.

And there we get to the crux of the lingering issue in Yosemite. Genuine ground-up opportunities are perceived to be a dwindling resource. Once the argument was against ALL rap bolting because of this.

But sport climbers ably demonstrated their craft on cliffs that cannot reasonably be ascended by traditional ground up means. Many ground up climbers accepted this, even adopted the new methods.

But here and there, Dresden-like, the hold outs, often the very same people mind you, opening sport routes elsewhere, asked that certain crags, cliffs and even walls be left the provence of ground up climbers. And their peers and other locals seemed to accept this.

The main issue between the Growing Up team and the fairly small but vocal critics is this... could this route have been done gound up, by them, by anyone? THAT is the ethical quandry posed by Growing Up.

On a wall side-by-side with some of the boldest routes in Yosemite history, opened by some of the best, where Harding, Middendorf, Rowell and others nearly lost their lives in pursuit of their ideals, is a top down route.

I don't judge the route nor the FA party myself. But I don't dismiss their critics either, simply because their ideals are old and don't align with mine. That would be a fucking selfish thing to do.


Trophy there, Dingus.


May 20, 2008, 6:02 AM
Post #128 of 132 (1505 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [Truck] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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Truck wrote:
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And thus you are the very type of climber many locals don't want opening new routes there.

And there in lies the locals real the end they really don't have say as to who opens what and in what style. Those rules are made by someone else who's interests don't have all that much to do with climbing.

Anyone could walk up to the dome tomorrow and put up a new route. matter who doesn't like it.

With the added emphasis, yes, and no one would have a single thing to say of it.

The problem as I see it is this: a good portion of the route under discussion was put in from the top down, which goes directly against the prevailing/historical ethos of the area. In doing so, a weakness was formed in that ethos. It remains to be seen whether the weakness will be repaired by someone(s) who feel(s) strongly enough about that ethos to put their time/energy/reputation on the line to defend and uphold it.

It will depend on how strongly the members of the community use that ethos to define who they are, and who their peers will be.

Ultimately, the route authors may or may not be welcome in the Ditch by the time this all plays out.

If the route is chopped, one could reasonably infer that they would not be welcomed with open arms to climb there again.

If the route is not chopped, one could reasonably infer that such tactics are acceptable in the area, and a subsequent wave of such "ascents" (or descents, as the case may be) will be forthcoming.

I, however, would by no stretch of the word consider myself a local there, so my opinion bears no weight. As an outsider looking in though, I can only say that I am disappointed that someone with as much history/reputation as D.R. would compromise himself to the point that he's willing to go against an ethos that he was most surely aware of. Indeed, at one time, perhaps he was even a staunch supporter of (IDK).


May 20, 2008, 6:12 AM
Post #129 of 132 (1501 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [jcrew] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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jcrew wrote:
karlbaba wrote:

Many have cried fowl because rap bolting was used in the upper slab portions of the route when the Fa party was uncertain if it would go and couldn't drill from stances or hooks (and didn't want to put up a death route)


depends on if they want people to repeat or not. there is a lot of good rock that nobody climbs because of death runouts. dike route in the meadows and snake dike are both examples of having a few retro bolts thrown in to make them sane. maybe they could have run it out and then added a few later? i think death routes have pretty much gone out of fashion.

death routes remain, if for the sole reason for the opportunity of a man to test his mettle against those who have come before.

If I were to feel the need to measure myself against one to discover if I'm lacking, I would be immensely disappointed to find that someone else had come along and retro-bolted the route. Skip the clips? yeah, right.

Who are you (or anyone else) to decide what is safe for me to attempt? There are plenty of other lines which might be "safe". I suggest you hold yourself to them, don't try to make another route "safer" for the "good of the community".

I guess that's a whole 'nother argument all together, but the sentiment remains: There is nothing wrong with death-routes. If they're not right for you, though, stay the fuck off them.


May 20, 2008, 6:17 AM
Post #130 of 132 (1500 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [dingus] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
No need for us to endlessly discuss and restate what we're both saying (which is essentially the same thing).

I would respond however, that every climber is entitled to their opinion of any route and the tactics and methods used to establish that route. They/we are perfectly entitled to be as critical as we choose.

Going back to the respect thing.... its really means the same thing. If an Old Dog wants respect for her methods and routes she'd better be willing to dole it out to others too.

At the end of the day its a resource conflict potential...

I've taken the Taco thread at face value -s trong opinions stated and defended and yet folks are behaving in a civil manner - here too for that matter. A far cry from past 'discussions' on this sort of topic.

And every climber is free to have an opinion of the tactics used to chop a route.

Just the same, there still remains an ethical standard for route choppery. Typically, its from the bottom up, chopping the bolts which are unnecessary, though perhaps its time for that ethic to do a little growing up as well.

Time will tell, and as stated before, my opinion on this matter don't mean dick.


May 20, 2008, 6:26 AM
Post #131 of 132 (1496 views)

Registered: Aug 12, 2003
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Re: [guangzhou] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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guangzhou wrote:
dingus wrote:
One this should be patently clear for anyone caring to wade into the legendary supertaco thread on this same topic.... the various protatonists and antagonists ARE NOT and NEVER WERE role models.

For the most part? Its one selfish opinion after another, often guised in (not so lofty) flowery words that all distill down to 'my way or the highway.'

We should all foster respect for existing styles and local ethics should rule.

But when push comes to shove its clear to me that most climbers, at the end of the day, stick with the syles they grew up with and attack most styles not in keeping with their roots for reasons if pure fundamentalism.

Ours is a selfish sport, so its no wonder really, that selfish opinions rule. And we all have our take on which selfish opinion is most correct.

But I think it takes much of the steam out of the traddies guff, when they reveal just how personal and selfish their ultimate reasons are.


Nice post Dingus. Made me think about all the places I have had the opportunity to climb and live. I couldn't agree more, most people stick the style they learned and everything else is wrong.

I don't understand why we use the term traditional climbing anyways. Don't get me wrong, if I have to choose climbing a sport area and a trad area, the trad area wins 9 times out of 10. I have a place in New Hampshire and I have only climb Rumney twice in five summers.

If you look at trad climbing, clean climbing came into play with quite a bit of anger from the traddies of that day. Technically, beating pitons is more trad than placing gear, and the leader doesn't fall even more so.

In the case of this route. These guys found a line and went for it. After getting halfway up Half Dome on a new route, they came to an Impasse. Instead of creating a bolt ladder to the top, they decided to rap the top section and see where the best climbing would be. In doing so, they find a line of relatively easy climbing to the top. They used this strategy to finish a great route (I hope) instead of risking a bolt ladder to the top. Codos to them.

If they had wanted to install and equip the route with a minimum of controversy, perhaps they should have rapped in to scout the line, then equip it on lead from stances? One might guess that it's not like they couldn't have found the line of least resistance and acceptable runouts while on the comfort of rappel.

The .13a tips pitch will weed out quite a few climbers to begin with, those who get past that should feel pretty comfortable on 5.10 slab, yes?


May 20, 2008, 1:22 PM
Post #132 of 132 (1473 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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Re: [stymingersfink] New Route on Half Dome. Fine route or Ethics Violation [In reply to]
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If they had wanted to install and equip the route with a minimum of controversy, perhaps they should have rapped in to scout the line, then equip it on lead from stances? One might guess that it's not like they couldn't have found the line of least resistance and acceptable runouts while on the comfort of rappel.

The .13a tips pitch will weed out quite a few climbers to begin with, those who get past that should feel pretty comfortable on 5.10 slab, yes?

I do agree, the 5.13 will keep a few people away, but I think this route will be repeated quite regularly and quite soon. Plenty of people won't care how the first ascent was done if the route quality is high and good.

I think that pre-inspection would have got them quite abit of flack too, but we'll never know for sure.

As for me, I had a good day climbing. Manged to finish another route. Guessing 5.11+ or 5.12-, not sure, it was hot and I was bolting on lead. By the time I return for a clean ascent, I was shot. I give it a shot this weekend.


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