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Lebanon, the truth!!!
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Aug 8, 2006, 3:08 AM
Post #1 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Lebanon, the truth!!!
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I live in Israel. Served as a comander in an Israeli combat infantry unit for 2.5 years (6 months of which were spent inside lebanon) and have been called up now on emergency call up to help.

One of the guys who was kidnapped was with me in comanders course. We spent 3.5 months in the same tent together. He's 26. The guy sitting next to him at the time, and by an unbelievably miraculouse sequence of events which are too long to go into here, came out alive (though badly injured) and unkidnapped, was with me for almost my entire army service and we are good friends.
I've been reading your comments on a previous thread, and found them very interesting. But on a different note :

I've been living here for 9 years now, so I have gotten used to the anti-israel sentiment that exists in most parts of the world, and most of the time it doesn't bother me. Sometimes however, I am absolutely astounded to watch people, organisations and countries reserve what must be a G-d given right to ignore those facts and disregard those pieces of history that would impeed there goal of painting Israel black. And I assume it must be a gaol since it requires some effort to do it.As harsh as it sounds it has always seemed that way to me.
I'm not pointing this finger at you, but as people living outside of Israel, I would like your opinion as to WHAT IS THE MOTIVATION?

If you dont believe that this is true and happens all the time I will give you pages and pages and pages of examples. I just dont feel like all that writing right now.


Aug 8, 2006, 4:04 AM
Post #2 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Aug 30, 2004
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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god damn, you israelis allways think you are just trying to farm some land and the whole world is out to get you. get a clue man.


Aug 8, 2006, 4:29 AM
Post #3 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Hey bigga,

In general, I sympathize with the Israeli side in these matters, but--if I could rate the past month's actions over there in the same way I can rate posts, I wouldn't be giving out any Gold Trophys to anyone.

I'd be squeezing off big steamin' turds all-around.



Aug 8, 2006, 6:08 AM
Post #4 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jun 24, 2004
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I believe your question was, what motivates anyone who thinks badly of isreal and voices this?

My reply would be that I have no motivation. Simply that I look at the situation as i see it, weigh up my opinions of the various players, and call it as i see it.

In the current situation, I see various non-isreali* "terrorist" organisations doing things that I think are wrong, and I think they diserve anything they get. I also see isreal invading a soverign country, destroying innocent peoples homes, killing people, and ruining the surviovors lives and livelyhoods for years to come. And almost certianly not changing the underlying situation, other then killing the current crop of "terrorists" and possibly creating a lull, until more can be trained.

I feel very sorry for anyone in lebanon trying to raise heir children not to blindly hate. It must be hard.

*Used because i am f@#king sick of the words "islamic" and "muslim". Religion isn't the reason, or cause, it's an excuse.....


Aug 8, 2006, 8:56 AM
Post #5 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I believe your question was, what motivates anyone who thinks badly of isreal and voices this?

My reply would be that I have no motivation. Simply that I look at the situation as i see it, weigh up my opinions of the various players, and call it as i see it.

In the current situation, I see various non-isreali* "terrorist" organisations doing things that I think are wrong, and I think they diserve anything they get. I also see isreal invading a soverign country, destroying innocent peoples homes, killing people, and ruining the surviovors lives and livelyhoods for years to come. And almost certianly not changing the underlying situation, other then killing the current crop of "terrorists" and possibly creating a lull, until more can be trained.

I feel very sorry for anyone in lebanon trying to raise heir children not to blindly hate. It must be hard.

*Used because i am f@#king sick of the words "islamic" and "muslim". Religion isn't the reason, or cause, it's an excuse.....

well, they are not really effective in killing 'terrorists', theyre more effective in creating new ones.

let me give an example. i saw a footage of a father holding hes daughters body in front of hes destroyed home. hes son died too. well, he was a doctor and definitely not a terrorist. hes words were (in short) "im seriously thinking about joining hezbollah and killing some israelis". so the result of that particular bombing were (at least) two innocents killed, (probably) none 'terrorists' killed and (at least) one new 'terrorist'.

and in my view israel is painting itself black. OP is forgetting what is, i believe, the longest still lasting illegal occupation of foreign territories. and thats the least of it. well, i guess you really deserve a pat on the back and a toast for killing civilians and occupying foreign nations.

as for the motivation. its easy. hamas/hezbollah wanted to put some pressure on israel so they kindapped some soldiers. israel 'overreacted' and used the kidnappings as an excuse to bomb lebanon a bit and to kill some more palestinians while the UN is trying to come ot a consensus on what to do (and US vetoing anything that they deem 'to harsh'). well, that would be the short summary.

Partner j_ung

Aug 8, 2006, 2:11 PM
Post #6 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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You're not blameless, bigga. Israel has done little to end this age old conflict. But to be fair, neither has your enemy. They've done even less.

But I'm not against what Israel is doing right now. Enough of that "limited conflict" bullshit. If you're going to war, then GO TO WAR. Get it over with, already. America is guilty of the same stupid crap in Iraq. The longer the conflict takes the more people suffer.

When does it end? When somebody ends it.


Aug 8, 2006, 2:25 PM
Post #7 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jan 27, 2005
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Lebanon, the truth!!!

What part of the OP addresses this? Try changing the title of the thread to: "Rant about a couple of different things without much cohesion"


Aug 8, 2006, 4:41 PM
Post #8 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Thank you for so clearly proving my point.

Israel must be the only country in the world who, when rockets are fired from another country on to its cities, are expected to sit back and take it. Which, by the way, it has done for years now. Rockets have been coming over that border for a long time before this (just in smaller numbers) and Israel has not 'reacted'. You know damn well if your cities were under bombardment from another country you would DEMAND your country to react. And just so its official, that morning of the kidnapping, BEFORE the kidnapping, rockets were fired into Israeli cities. It just so happened that the kidnapping itself was the last straw... not the rockets. So as to complaints of Israel invading a sovereign country, they fall on deaf ears. By definition a sovereign country is responsible for the goings on within its borders. Yet for years Hizbollah has been attacking Israel accross the border and the lebanese government has down nothing to prevent it. Prevent it? HIZBOLLAH IS IN THERE GOVERNMENT. So YES! the lebanese government is accountable, and Israel has every right and justification to invade. Yet people are shocked that we don't just take the kidnapping and deaths of our civilans and soldiers like good boys and go home. Please!!!

As for civilian casualties on the lebanese side. There are many! Once again if you excpect terrorists to be given immunity because they hide behind their peers then Congradulations! You have just given a skirt for terrorists to hide behind and an "I'm sorry but sh*t happens" to all of their victims. Well Done! Everything must be done to seperate terrorist from civilian. That is obvious. Before Israel bombs an area it anounces by dropping flyers from the air and anouncing with magaphone that everyone should leave. When possible Israel has even found the telephone numbers of buldings and told them to leave telephonicly. After that my friend, you can not complain.
And as for the numbers of casualties, Israel has a list, BY NAME, of terrorists it knows for sure have been killed. That list is now about three to four hundred long. Those are only the terrorists it knows by name that have been killed. You can assume the total amount of killed terrorists is about double that. For some reason, this is a fact cnn etc seems to prefer to ignore, reporting rather that after a strike, "All the victims were innocent civilians" Is that not Bias?
Another similar example : When the building was blown up in Khana. For two days all the international news agencies filled up all their airtime by reporting on what a massacre it was it was. Over and over again I heard about how 60 inocent people were killed in that building. On that very day, the Red Cross reported that the real number was infact 28. That fact was ignored for two days, the news agencies prefering to report on hozbollahs version rather than the true story. When they could no longer ignore it anymore some news agencies put in a quick 5 mins to say there was an error, most just stopped reporting on it altogether leaving the public with a misguided veiw of the truth. Other things that they somehow decided not to report on (how can this be responsible journalism) was that though the building was hit by the airforce at 12:30 am, the explosion that took place in the building that actually collapsed it took place 7 hours later! The IDF does not know how to account for these 7 hours but there are some logical trains of thaught that the international media won't go near. 1 (and the most logical) is that after our airstrike, fire eventually heated the explosives of the katusha rockets hiddin in the building till they eventually exploded. Israel has footage of rockets come from there. Why are these facts ignored by the world media?

Overlord? We used the kidnapings as an excuse to kill lebanese and palistinians? You are one sick puppy.
Then again, that was my point, wasn't it.


Aug 8, 2006, 5:24 PM
Post #9 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Interesting posts bigga. Thanks.

I believe Israel should defend herself. I do not believe the US should dictate to Israel the manner of defense, that is up to Israelis.

But I am tired of those here in the US who through religious or ethnic persuasion or some perceived military/social/economic advantage, want to continue to treat Israel as an extension of US policy.

If we are in part funding this war through various means, then yes, our opinion counts even if you don't like that opinion. Israel is free to say NO to U.S. aid. But until she does, each and every tax paying U.S. citizen has as much right to an opinion of Lebanon whether you happen to agree with it or not.

Just say NO... to the US dole. That is our goal.



Aug 8, 2006, 5:38 PM
Post #10 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Mar 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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By definition a sovereign country is responsible for the goings on within its borders. Yet for years Hizbollah has been attacking Israel accross the border and the lebanese government has down nothing to prevent it. Prevent it? HIZBOLLAH IS IN THERE GOVERNMENT.

not really. governments are not accountable for actions of criminal groups on their territory. if lebanese army attacked israel, im sure the reactions of internationaly community would be much different.

and hezbollah isnt lebanese government. far from it. its a shia(sp?) terrorist organization, that does have quite a bit of support from lebanese public (apart from israeli actions, about 40% of lebanese ppl shias).

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Before Israel bombs an area it anounces by dropping flyers from the air and anouncing with magaphone that everyone should leave.

what about those that cant leave?

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Overlord? We used the kidnapings as an excuse to kill lebanese and palistinians? You are one sick puppy.
Then again, that was my point, wasn't it.

im sorry, but i dont see how kidnapping of 4 can be such a vile act to justify such a response. i could kinda understand it if they were civilians, but soldiers life is a dangerous one. so it was clearly just a convenient excuse to justify IDF actions.

and i agree, that number in khana was wrong. but the fact that there were only 28 still doenst make it right. i dint know about the 7h gap though. care to cite a source?

and dont get me wrong, im not saying that hezbollah is either right or good, im jsut saying that IDF/israeli government is no better than them. sorry, it makes no difference in my book if the innocents are killed needlesly by a rocked or a precision guided bomb. in most cases the IDF bomb is actually even worse because it is usually capable of much more precision than hezbollah rockets, but hezbollah kinda ruins it by deliberately aiming for the civilian targets (like IDF) and the only real difference is in efficiency.


Aug 8, 2006, 5:50 PM
Post #11 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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and dont get me wrong, im not saying that hezbollah is either right or good, im jsut saying that IDF/israeli government is no better than them.
Have you ever heard anything to the effect of Hizballah actually sending out a warning before it attacks with rockets? Ever? I'm sorry, my friend, but the two are as different as night and day.

Partner bill

Aug 8, 2006, 6:29 PM
Post #12 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Apr 4, 2004
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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Check out the Human Shield:

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A Palestinian militant fires toward Israeli troops during an arrest raid in the West Bank village of Qabatiyeh near Jenin, Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2006.

Yahoo Photos


Aug 8, 2006, 6:36 PM
Post #13 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I agree with you 100% with everything you said. I'm not sure you understood what I was saying.

Overlord. I know your minds made up and would prefer to leave the facts out of it, but I'm afraid I must insist:)

'and hezbollah isnt lebanese government. far from it"

Infact, Hizbollah most certainly is part of the government. It is a political party. Hizbollah is actually arabic for "Party of Allah" and holds seets in the Lebanese Government

"im sorry, but i dont see how kidnapping of 4 can be such a vile act to justify such a response. i could kinda understand it if they were civilians, but soldiers life is a dangerous one. so it was clearly just a convenient excuse to justify IDF actions. "

Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote? Once again. Hizbollah over the past many years has been attackin Israeli's, both military AND CIVILIAN accross the boarder with mortar and rocket fire. We were justefide back then to react to it, but never did. The kidnapping of TWO (not 4, a little loose on the facts again?) was the final act of a whole series of attacks until we finaly decided to do something.
And if you are still disturbed by the fact that we are reacting to the kidnapping of soldiers, who's job is dangerous by definition, then as far as you are concerned blame Israel's actions on the barage of rockets that hizbollah shot into the civilian towns of Kiriyat Shmonah, Metulah, etc that morning BEFORE the actual kidnaping took place. Or do those civilians not count?

"it makes no difference in my book if the innocents are killed needlesly by a rocked or a precision guided bomb"
Does it make any difference to you if one was targeting civilians and the other wasn't? If not then it is a sad state of afairs. It is the diference between premeditated murder and unintentional killing. If you believe that israel intends to cause civilian deaths, well then ignorance is bliss. Obviously israel is aware that sometimes civilians will die, but see's that as a minus not a plus but the risk must be taken. If you disagee with that logic then please note that if not for that very logic, you would now be speeking German and be walking funny because if America and England etc etc had refrained from strikes because there may have been civilian casulaties then the final score of WWII would have been: Nazi's 1 - You 0.

I know a pilot in our airforce. Every target the are given, is after teams of intellegence have gone over its relevance. Pilots, once on there way to a target have orders to abort the mission if they see gethering around their target. THOSE ARE THEIR ORDERS!.
Every dead body seems like an innocent civilian once its dead. And every building seems like a building no matter what was going on inside it. But these things are not done lightly. And the real entire picture is not one you'll see on Sky News.

It would be nice for people to diferentiate between right and wrong and have the back bone to stand up for it. And if that is what you have done, If your values equate us to terrorists then we will never at all see eye to eye. We are on completely different continents of morality.
A philosophy that absolutely every dispute can be solved without the use of violence will always lose to an opponent who is completely intent on violence, in which case the violent agressor becomes the winner and so I regard such a philosophy as imoral in itself.

I think you are wearing rose coloured glasses with blinkers on the sides. There are so many facts that you are willing to ignore,
Oh well.


Aug 8, 2006, 6:48 PM
Post #14 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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:? I'm confused ....who are they fighting?

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When possible Israel has even found the telephone numbers of buldings and told them to leave telephonicly.

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Israel has a list, BY NAME, of terrorists it knows for sure have been killed. That list is now about three to four hundred long. Those are only the terrorists it knows by name that have been killed.
I find it very difficult to believe how either of these statements could be accurate.


Aug 8, 2006, 7:08 PM
Post #15 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Kachoong, you're right. I don't know how its written in English so I guess I just flip every time.

"bigga wrote:
When possible Israel has even found the telephone numbers of buldings and told them to leave telephonicly.
bigga wrote:
Israel has a list, BY NAME, of terrorists it knows for sure have been killed. That list is now about three to four hundred long. Those are only the terrorists it knows by name that have been killed. "

I find it very difficult to believe how either of these statements could be accurate. "

I can understand that. As for the list of names. Believe it or not. The names were attained by intelegence in lebanon and the list has actually been printed onto the fliers that israel drops onto the lebanese areas (Hizbollah breeding grounds) to warn them to leave, so that they can have proof (many of the names are from those towns) of what is really going on (and what could happen should they decide to stay) despite what Nasrahla is telling them. The list exists and is growing and is no secret here. I could past you clips of Israeli News but its in hebrew text.

As for the phone call? I don't find it too hard to believe. It's not such a hard task. All the airforce and intellegence has to do after finding the physical address of a target is look in a phonebook. That they do it was admitted in hebrew by iether the minister of defense or the head of intellegense, I can't remember which. In my opinion it should have been said in English since it seems to be the outside world who suggests we do not do anough to avoid civilian casualties.


Aug 8, 2006, 7:24 PM
Post #16 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
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I find it most saddening that there really is no progress or movement forward for anybody in either country with rockets and missiles being thrown around and with all the finger pointing. The coastline is now completely stuffed because nobody can/will go in there to clean the oil up.

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When possible Israel has even found the telephone numbers of buldings and told them to leave telephonicly.

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Israel has a list, BY NAME, of terrorists it knows for sure have been killed. That list is now about three to four hundred long. Those are only the terrorists it knows by name that have been killed.
I find it very difficult to believe how either of these statements could be accurate.

In reply to:
I can understand that. As for the list of names. Believe it or not. The names were attained by intelegence in lebanon and the list has actually been printed onto the fliers that israel drops onto the lebanese areas (Hizbollah breeding grounds) to warn them to leave, so that they can have proof (many of the names are from those towns) of what is really going on (and what could happen should they decide to stay) despite what Nasrahla is telling them. The list exists and is growing and is no secret here. I could past you clips of Israeli News but its in hebrew text.
That's fair enough. I would see though that that could fuel their determination (seeing/hearing of who has died). Isn't it a proud thing for these extremists to die for their cause?

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As for the phone call? I don't find it too hard to believe. It's not such a hard task. All the airforce and intellegence has to do after finding the physical address of a target is look in a phonebook. That they do it was admitted in hebrew by iether the minister of defense or the head of intellegense, I can't remember which. In my opinion it should have been said in English since it seems to be the outside world who suggests we do not do anough to avoid civilian casualties.
This is something I'm still not convinced would be an effective way to 'help' people leave. How do they know that the person on the end of the line isn't an Hezbollah? The warnings should be broadcast in Arabic to be most effective. I doubt they teach Hebrew in Lebanese schools.


Aug 8, 2006, 7:57 PM
Post #17 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2002
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As for civilian casualties on the lebanese side. There are many! Once again if you excpect terrorists to be given immunity because they hide behind their peers then Congradulations! You have just given a skirt for terrorists to hide behind and an "I'm sorry but sh*t happens" to all of their victims. Well Done! Everything must be done to seperate terrorist from civilian. That is obvious. Before Israel bombs an area it anounces by dropping flyers from the air and anouncing with magaphone that everyone should leave. When possible Israel has even found the telephone numbers of buldings and told them to leave telephonicly. After that my friend, you can not complain.
That just makes it all ok? You probably even expect them to come to you saying "thanks for the heads up mate".
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And as for the numbers of casualties, Israel has a list, BY NAME, of terrorists it knows for sure have been killed. That list is now about three to four hundred long. Those are only the terrorists it knows by name that have been killed. You can assume the total amount of killed terrorists is about double that.
let's see, a list of 400 and i can assume the total amount of killed terrorists is about double that? That means about 800 of the dead are terrorists, now I'm not a mathematician, but that 's awfully close to the total amount of lebanese dead in this conflict. And an awful lot of women, children, elderly that are terrorists in your book. Let me guess, that list of names was also taken from the phonebook?
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Overlord? We used the kidnapings as an excuse to kill lebanese and palistinians? You are one sick puppy.
Then again, that was my point, wasn't it.
play nice now, a little less hatred makes life so much more fun


Aug 8, 2006, 8:47 PM
Post #18 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Kachoong :) they are in arabic. if it were in hebrew it may as well be in chinese.

"thanks for the heads up mate". That made me laugh. No, we don't expect a thanks. And yes, that does make it all ok, at least as OK as is posible under the circumstances.
And yes you pass Math101. however, there is room there for between 500 and 200 civilian casualties. Enough for you? Please explain to me why it is that any fact that somehow doesn't paint Israel as a monster must be rediculous or a lie. Why is it so dificult for you to believe that the women and children are included in that number? You sound almost disapointed.
As an excersize on phsychology, why did you automaticaly regard it as a lie? Even though there is nothing to disprove it? interesting.

And yes you are right. I apologize to overlord. That comment was uncalled for. Suffice to say that we both consider each others value systems as corupt.


Aug 8, 2006, 9:31 PM
Post #19 of 87 (2132 views)

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For Geneva Convention reasons, you warn civilians before you attack urban areas. And you don't have to sign that treaty to be brought to trial in Nuremberg. Israel has too clear a memory of the last major spate of war crimes trials to let any of their people show up there too.

Bigga is illustrating a fascinating point that never grows old. So long as anyone, Israeli, Hizbollah, anyone, cares more about revenge than his own children, this cycle will repeat itself. We have gone so far past the point of solving the original problem that it doesn't matter who is in the right or in the wrong. It doesn't matter. Think about that.

And Dingus is right, we need to cut our aid to Israel and let them swim or sink on their own. But we don't. Why? First is the very vocal pro-Israeli lobby in the states. And the other reason is that we all still kind of stare at our shoes and go awkwardly quiet when anyone mentions the last time we let Israel (as a people, they weren't yet a nation) try to swim on its own.

To say that I'm indifferent is inaccurate. I truly believe that if the US hopes to force a solution this problem, then it needs to get all of the nations involved, the Egyptians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the Syrians to not allow terrorists to stay in their borders. Then we cut ties with Israel. Simple as that. Let the civil war exhaust itself and once that's finished, peace may reign. But I know why it won't happen, so I can no longer be upset when peace consistently fails to take hold.


Aug 8, 2006, 9:49 PM
Post #20 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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To say that I'm indifferent is inaccurate. I truly believe that if the US hopes to force a solution this problem, then it needs to get all of the nations involved, the Egyptians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the Syrians to not allow terrorists to stay in their borders. Then we cut ties with Israel. Simple as that. Let the civil war exhaust itself and once that's finished, peace may reign. But I know why it won't happen, so I can no longer be upset when peace consistently fails to take hold.

If the US cuts ties with Israel, they will be surrounded by Islamic nations that want Israel destroyed. Backed into a corner like that, they'd be much more likely to escalate the war and exercise the nuclear option.

Not good.


Aug 8, 2006, 10:06 PM
Post #21 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Oct 30, 2001
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FWIW, an e-mail from a friend and mentor who is working in Egypt as a medic for the Air Force. This is his take on the Lebanon/Israel situation, after living in the region for several years. He's an atheist, so religious opinion doesn't play into it (i.e., he ain't a Jew.):

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The scary though for the day was that the current situation might spread, Israel wouldn't do well, and could go nuclear. Obviously I didn't express myself well. That being said, this IS an important issue and I have received some truly misinformed comments back.

I have NO sympathy for Hamas or Hezbollah. I think Israel going out of their way to recruit for them, however, is a bad idea. Holding the government of Lebanon responsible for Hezbollah, when Syria JUST withdrew their troops is ludicrous. It makes great rhetoric, but no sense. Doing things that strengthen the politics of Hamas right now (they WERE going down the tubes) is a bad idea. Doing things that increase support for Hezbollah is a bad idea.

If the government of Israel (religion has nothing to do with it, unless you are an Arab and convinced that all your problems are "The Jews" fault) pulled back to the boundaries they had been given initially, not what they expanded to via invasion, AND the U.N. would live up to it's written commitment to create a Palestinian state beside Israel (see the original U.N. resolution and documents) then there would be no issue that terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists could use to recruit/foment strife.. The entire issue (which everyone seems to forget) is based on Israel taking additional territory by force of arms, building settlements there (declared illegal by the World Court, that ruling supported by almost every country in the world except the U.S.), displacing the people who formerly lived there. Those people (described by some Arabs I know as "The trash of the Middle East, worse that then the Iraqi's", which is why no other country will take them in) are the Palestinians, often the same ones displaced when Israel was formed (again forcibly and without compensation).

That being said, this is NOT about facts and reason...this is about motivating an entire generation of terrorists. The terrorists leaders need recruits. They also need a target. Israel supplies both and an external enemy to keep the terrorists in power. Most of the terrorist leaders have NO real world skills or credentials. To keep prestige and power, they must have someone to fight. Israel is that someone. If you actually listen to the "fundamentalist Islamist" leaders (they are neither - most of what they do is prohibited in the Koran), their goal has grown - first, it was get rid of Israel, then it was make a Islamic empire Spain to Iraq, now some are saying they won't stop until the entire world is under Islamic rule. Doing things like killing lots of civilians in Lebanon without a clear and present danger" only makes the bad guys recruiting easier.

There is NO doubt that Hezbollah is a real live terrorist organization, supported by Syria (Sunni) AND Iran (Shiite, as bizarre as that is). They deserve to be SQUASHED LIKE A BUG.

The problem is not that Israel's OBJECTIVE is wrong - it isn't. However, their approach and timing are masterpieces of stupidity. Had there been a "clear and present danger" where they had non choice, that would be one thing. The FACT of these rockets is a danger, but they aren't new. However, Israel has given ZERO indication that the rockets were why they attacked Lebanon. This is advertised as being a response to a raid on a military position (so technically not even one of Hezbollah's "terrorist" attacks) and is killing civilians in droves (who were warned to get out, but like many in Louisiana, won't leave their homes, decided to trust in God, and died). Israel may be "right", but what they are accomplishing is driving moderate Muslims into the extremist camps and uniting the rest of the Middle East against them.

If Hezbollah had launched a long range missile - just one - Israel's actions would NOT be helping terrorist recruiters as much as what did happen. While there is NO question that everyone in the region wants Israel to GO AWAY, and going away dead is preferred, the fact is that peace WAS becoming possible. As Lebanon's government got stronger after dumping Syria's influence, as Hamas was busy destabilizing itself after winning the election, Israel invaded and destroyed a country. They have (1) destroyed any chance of a moderate government in Lebanon (2) united Hamas and Fatah (3) increased support for Hezbollah many fold. Israel had not once since this started indicated ANY "clear and present danger". 6 soldiers were killed and two kidnapped - long history of the same and it's well known that Israel WILL trade prisoners. Instead, Israel started a war, THEN Hezbollah started firing rockets.

Remember, there (at least) five sides:
(1) Hamas (Shiite Muslim terrorists elected to Palestine government),
(2) Non Hamas (more or less Fatah) Palestinians
(3) Hezbollah (Sunni Muslim terrorists elected to Lebanon government and supported by Sunni Syria)
(4) Lebanese not part of Hezbollah (many Christians) - most of whom will NOW support Hezbollah, regardless of their religion
(5) Israel

Until one has at least a sense for how these groups interact - see Iraq for how unrestrained Sunni's (Saddam) treat Shiites and vice versa (now) - it is IMPOSSIBLE to understand what is happening.

Further, remember that Hamas and Hezbollah were elected into their government in elections that the U.S. pushed for.

The total situation is, IMHO, hopeless of resolution and based on the response to Israel (be they right, wrong or somewhere in between) there will NOW be ZERO chance of peace in the next two generations. THAT is what scares me - if Israel feels like their survival is threatened, they might go to nucs. (That's what I said in the first Email)

I rather clearly labeled the Arab thinking as such, not my own - based on mass Emails that I am included in from my Arab friends - who were pro-US until a week ago. However, I don't have a great answer for them. The root cause of all this, remember, is that Israel keeps taking territory outside it's U.N. boundaries and building settlements on it, displacing Palestinians who have no place to go. It's another real issue as to whether or not the U.N. actually started this when they created Israel. The Palestinians were displaced but offered an homeland of their own, but that promise wasn't kept. Israel got theirs and then nothing else happened. My impression is that U.S./Britain/France assumed that Syria would take them in and they would"go away". Bad assumption.

Israel's current actions are right up there with the U.S. disbanding the Iraqi Army and sending it home (with weapons, but with NO money to support their families) - sounded like the right thing to do - you don't want to have an Army in the country you just conquered - but it spawned a big chunk of the insurgency. Israel will be reaping the bitter fruit of this work for the next 20 years at least, if they survive.

Understand that if Israel can accomplish any part of what they want (and my perception is that they haven't been doing well, although that may be changing), Israel, in the short term, WILL be safer - they will have gotten the current rockets out. However, Iran has LOTS more rockets and now the rest of Lebanon - the people who didn't support Hezbollah - may start at least tolerating Hezbollah, if not supporting them. Long term, I think they will have accomplished little except make their political situation worse by a factor of 10 or more. I HOPE I am wrong, but I point to my track record of predictions over the last few years.

Notice how frequently you hear the word "revenge" - these people, all 5 sides - LIVE for revenge. They make the Hatfields and the McCoys look like bosom buddies.

Now, my original comment was very simple - I am afraid that this could escalate, and if Israel feels that it's existence is threatened, some of their government being no more rational than the Islamic side, they could easily decide to use nucs. Israel is recruiting for their opponents, which makes this more likely to spread.

BTW, there IS one (sort of) positive piece, if you didn't notice, although I think it won't have any real effect. The fact that the long range missiles came from Iran clearly validated in everyone's minds that Iran is a threat (duh...) and the U.N. finally voted to head for sanctions.. However, of course, it won't do any good...just as in Iraq, the people will suffer, the leaders won't, so they don't care, and they will keep building their nuc weapons and we will have to deal with the (literal) fallout in not too many years. The longer we let Iran go, the worse it will be. EVERY DAY we wait to STOP (militarily) Iran, we increase the chance of a large radioactive cloud floating around the world. Israel's nucs should be clean - Iran's will NOT be.

I see no way out of the present situation. Palliation is to strengthen those who would oppose Iran and Syria (not worry about "spreading democracy" - which lost us the Iraq election, the Iran election and the Palestinian election), continue to support Israel (although I think they have gotten in over their head and at some point, we will be faced with either go to total war with them or drop them) and pray hard. The time when one could hope to make Israel move back inside it's legal borders was gone about a week or so ago, I fear. My base fear is that this IS the start of a world war - the U.S. and Israel against essentially all Muslim countries. Remember the population numbers and the relative regard for life. "QUANTITY" has a "QUALITY" all it's own (quote stolen, but don't from whom). It will not be pretty. The only problem is that "world war" right now is one we would lose without nucs. As long as we are oil dependent, we can't declare open war against all the oil producers without destroying our economy and, BTW, our ships, planes and tanks need fuel; without it, our "military might" becomes paperweights. (Note: The monarchy in Saudi is hanging on by it's teeth, in case you haven't noticed. Don't think that country will be on "our" side. We can't protect the oil production in Iraq now, much less in a war.) Don't kid yourself, things ARE going the wrong way. BTW, I don't think there IS a peaceful option anymore - I REALLY, REALLY hope I'm WRONG!


Aug 8, 2006, 10:29 PM
Post #22 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
Posts: 365

Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I agree with you totaly. One extra point though, if ties would be cut with Israel so should any intervention aimed at stopping Israel at winning a war. I often wonder how many lives have been lost as a result of a modern sentiment that there should be no losers, which causes wars to drone on for years and years under a diferent mask, causing more loss of life than is necessary.

I also think it would be healthy for Israel to stand on its own two feet. Though keep in mind that aid has come also with prevention. For example the Lavi Aircraft. When Israel designed a new military aircraft it called the Lavi which was supposed to be the most advanced fighter plane in the world, America getting very worried about losing the market for top Fighter Jets, got israel not to produce the plane in return for tons of 'presents'. (I don't know much about what the Lavi was supposed to be, but for the amount America forked over at the time for us to stop building it, it must have been pretty awesome)

My point is while I agree that it would probably be the best thing for Israel to learn how to live without America as a crutch, America is not allied with Israel for the fun of it, but (besides for being ellected) it is obviously in America's best interest also. I also beleave the picking your friends has alot to do with it.

And so I don't believe the connection will ever be cut. While Israel takes alot from america it has also invented some of the worlds top technology, alot military, which America is now using. Israel is the number 3 country in the world with most U.S Patents per Capita, preceded by japan and taiwan, and America gets first benefit of them, often before Israel.

In todays world no country exists in a vacume, so while I can see benefits in it I dont think it is realistic. It would be nice though for efforts to be made to make Israel more self reliant.


Aug 8, 2006, 10:35 PM
Post #23 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Jan 8, 2003
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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FWIW, reno, your buddy's not wrong. What we're witnessing today in the Mideast is indeed the prelude to WWIII.


Aug 8, 2006, 10:50 PM
Post #24 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: May 25, 2002
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Re: Lebanon, the truth!!! [In reply to]
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I think your friends article is quite brilliant. Good food for thaught.

I would like to make it clear though what he means when he sais Israels legal borders. He is not refering to lebanon since we pulled out of lebanon already. Every one who talks on the subject of our borders makes it sound like we just can't help ourselves and attack whoever we can for land.

In short, since Israel's independance in 48, its been attacked three times, 1948,67,74. All this was as a result of our neighbours wanting our cake and bit off more than they could chew. All three wars are recognized internationaly (except by the arab world) as being forced on us, including 67 when we fired the first shot and put them down before they could get to us.
Each time we drove the invading armies back to there borders... and further when talking of places that have military advantage over the 'previous Israel'. Now the international comunity may believe that one has to return all land taken, even if you didn't start the war but quite simply Israeli's beg to differ.. Its that simple. And that wont change. Israel started as a sliver, and the arabs through there own aggression made it bigger. When I say bigger, it is still smaller the South Africa's Kruger National park Nature reserve (yes, just for animals. Imagine how small it was then). Now they want it back. But the reason behind all the conflict is the same reason that made them attack Israel three times already.

So to say that israel just can't keep to its borders is, to say the least, unfair.


Aug 8, 2006, 11:42 PM
Post #25 of 87 (2132 views)

Registered: Oct 13, 2003
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To say that I'm indifferent is inaccurate. I truly believe that if the US hopes to force a solution this problem, then it needs to get all of the nations involved, the Egyptians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the Syrians to not allow terrorists to stay in their borders. Then we cut ties with Israel. Simple as that. Let the civil war exhaust itself and once that's finished, peace may reign. But I know why it won't happen, so I can no longer be upset when peace consistently fails to take hold.

If the US cuts ties with Israel, they will be surrounded by Islamic nations that want Israel destroyed. Backed into a corner like that, they'd be much more likely to escalate the war and exercise the nuclear option.

Not good.

Or....finally try to use a liiittle more diplomacy. Just a tad.

But I agree with your point .

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