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Mar 8, 2010, 3:52 PM
Post #5176 of 45342 (9172 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!


Mar 8, 2010, 3:57 PM
Post #5177 of 45342 (9170 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
Time to go eat some tasty shredded wheat and watch the morning news.

You eat the tree bark for breakfast too?

My friends give me such a hard time for eating the whole grain, Kashi-esque cereals. I like em though.

Good and good for ya...

I used to eat shredded wheat as a kid... unusual kid I was. I only like the frosted ones now.

Had some whole wheat pasta on Saturday... it's tricky getting that stuff to al-dente... its a fine line.


Mar 8, 2010, 3:59 PM
Post #5178 of 45342 (9168 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:

meeting Double D FTW!

Closing a bit of the PCI gap eh?

I missed Magnus when he was over here but I'm headed to Austin for work from the 8th to the 15th. Perhaps I'll run in to Kachoong.

Next month? Could be possible... we may be busy that week though...

Yeah, I'm headed down in a few days. It's gonna be a week full of putting names to faces, working and training. Not exactly a good time for all but I've never been to the "Hottest State" so I'm not gonna complain too much about a free ride.

I don't even know what part of Texas you're in. Are you familiar with Austin? Any worthwhile bouldering near by?

Sounds like a worthy journey... unfortuately it won't be too hot when you come down. I guess in Austin it may be ok round this time... perhaps a day or two in the 70's if you're lucky... or it could go the other way.

We're about 4 hours drive West of Austin. I've heard there's bouldering at McKinney Falls... may want to check out for info. Never been there. There's lot of other places too I've heard... check out this guide.

4 hours eh? Yeah, I doubt I'll be bumping in to you at the grocery store.Tongue

Thanks for the link though, I'll give it a look and see what I can find. A lot will depend on the hours we work, I might end up just hitting a local gym.

We just discussed going to Austin soon, but I think it won't be until later in the week of the 15th... oh well.

You'd probably have more fun if you head down to the Green Belt with your harness and shoes and jump on someones rope. The gym in Austin is teh suck IMO!

Hmmm. The problem is, I'm pretty much working during daylight hours and flights are already booked so staying thru the weekend isn't an option. Perhaps I'll just make do with exploring the city and save the climbing for a more opportune time.

Sounds like a plan, given your circumstances. I think we may be heading to Austin on Wed or Thur 17th or 18th.


Mar 8, 2010, 4:01 PM
Post #5179 of 45342 (9165 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
Lazlo wrote:

Shorts in the winter eh.

So you're one of THOSE people.Tongue

Must have weird Scandinavian genes...

...although, my wife has some of those genes and she hates the cold.


Mar 8, 2010, 4:03 PM
Post #5180 of 45342 (9163 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
Climbed the rock yesterday. Was fun.

Climbed with a new cat I meet on the knob. He did his first lead belaying and lead his first route yesterday and didn't hesitate a bit. Could be potential there, which is good, I need a new partner now that my brother is in college and has no time climbing the climbs.

Where's your nearest crag? Rag? What gym do you normally use? We used to head to the one in Richmond on occasion... it was decent.


Mar 8, 2010, 4:58 PM
Post #5181 of 45342 (9152 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.


Mar 8, 2010, 5:38 PM
Post #5182 of 45342 (9148 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Speaking of which. I need to stop talking to you and get my shit together.


so what's the weather like down there? is the snow all gone?

Yeah, snow is gone and we are starting to get back up to the 50-55 degree highs so climbing weather is just starting to settle in. Shady routes are still a bit much though.


Mar 8, 2010, 5:40 PM
Post #5183 of 45342 (9146 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
Time to go eat some tasty shredded wheat and watch the morning news.

You eat the tree bark for breakfast too?

My friends give me such a hard time for eating the whole grain, Kashi-esque cereals. I like em though.

Good and good for ya...

I used to eat shredded wheat as a kid... unusual kid I was. I only like the frosted ones now.

Had some whole wheat pasta on Saturday... it's tricky getting that stuff to al-dente... its a fine line.

I eat whole grain when ever it's convenient but you're right, the prep can be a bit different. And sometimes the flavors work out for the better and sometimes not so much but ultimately it is a hell of a lot better for you so...


Mar 8, 2010, 5:43 PM
Post #5184 of 45342 (9144 views)

Registered: Aug 31, 2006
Posts: 17771

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Climbed the rock yesterday. Was fun.

Climbed with a new cat I meet on the knob. He did his first lead belaying and lead his first route yesterday and didn't hesitate a bit. Could be potential there, which is good, I need a new partner now that my brother is in college and has no time climbing the climbs.

Where's your nearest crag? Rag? What gym do you normally use? We used to head to the one in Richmond on occasion... it was decent.

Old Rag is certainly the closest "real" climbing but there is a small outdoor spot right in Richmond called Manchester bridge. I haven't been to the gym in awhile but I do like Peak, it's one of the nicer and better run gyms I've climbed at. Where did you live that you were heading to Peak? Hampton Roads?


Mar 8, 2010, 6:22 PM
Post #5185 of 45342 (9135 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.

Wow... six word stories huh? That would be tough. One sentence stories could be kinda fun.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:24 PM
Post #5186 of 45342 (9133 views)

Registered: Jan 23, 2004
Posts: 15304

Re: [notapplicable] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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notapplicable wrote:
kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Climbed the rock yesterday. Was fun.

Climbed with a new cat I meet on the knob. He did his first lead belaying and lead his first route yesterday and didn't hesitate a bit. Could be potential there, which is good, I need a new partner now that my brother is in college and has no time climbing the climbs.

Where's your nearest crag? Rag? What gym do you normally use? We used to head to the one in Richmond on occasion... it was decent.

Old Rag is certainly the closest "real" climbing but there is a small outdoor spot right in Richmond called Manchester bridge. I haven't been to the gym in awhile but I do like Peak, it's one of the nicer and better run gyms I've climbed at. Where did you live that you were heading to Peak? Hampton Roads?

I've heard of that bridge place, but never got there. When my wife and I went, we'd go to the gym, so as to have all sorts of options, even in bad weather. Yeah, from the Roads area it was 90 min drive. So we'd always make a 3/4 day of it.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:32 PM
Post #5187 of 45342 (9130 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Good weekend everyone. Weather being good, bad or otherwise.
aye, the same to you matey, the same to you, too.Pirate

may the weather gods be kind ta ya and may ya get as mooch hikin' and climbin' as ya heart desires.

Took the older boy camping in the rain with his scout troop. Weather wasn't tooo bad. Although we got a fair bit of rain Saturday evening while we were trying to cook dogs. Everyone sleep in their car, as did we. Although I got the impression not everyone sleep as well as we did. Cool
Sunday we did go for a short nature hike lead by the ranger.
So overall, not too bad given the weather was somewhat less than optimal.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:36 PM
Post #5188 of 45342 (9130 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.

Wow... six word stories huh? That would be tough. One sentence stories could be kinda fun.

Yeah, that'd be tough, but there are folks who like those kinds of challenges. I could probably do it, but I'd have to really think about it.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:38 PM
Post #5189 of 45342 (9128 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Good weekend everyone. Weather being good, bad or otherwise.
aye, the same to you matey, the same to you, too.Pirate

may the weather gods be kind ta ya and may ya get as mooch hikin' and climbin' as ya heart desires.

Took the older boy camping in the rain with his scout troop. Weather wasn't tooo bad. Although we got a fair bit of rain Saturday evening while we were trying to cook dogs. Everyone sleep in their car, as did we. Although I got the impression not everyone sleep as well as we did. Cool
Sunday we did go for a short nature hike lead by the ranger.
So overall, not too bad given the weather was somewhat less than optimal.

that's cause you got a camper. woooo!!!

Why would anyone sleep in the car vs the tent, though? I'd much rather stretch out. Well, unless it meant putting it up and taking it down in the rain, but I've done that before OK.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:39 PM
Post #5190 of 45342 (9126 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
Time to go eat some tasty shredded wheat and watch the morning news.

You eat the tree bark for breakfast too?

My friends give me such a hard time for eating the whole grain, Kashi-esque cereals. I like em though.

Good and good for ya...

I used to eat shredded wheat as a kid... unusual kid I was. I only like the frosted ones now.

Had some whole wheat pasta on Saturday... it's tricky getting that stuff to al-dente... its a fine line.

again, try it with the chocolate milk. you won't be disappointed. trust me.


Mar 8, 2010, 6:41 PM
Post #5191 of 45342 (9123 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
notapplicable wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
Time to go eat some tasty shredded wheat and watch the morning news.

You eat the tree bark for breakfast too?

My friends give me such a hard time for eating the whole grain, Kashi-esque cereals. I like em though.

Good and good for ya...

I used to eat shredded wheat as a kid... unusual kid I was. I only like the frosted ones now.

Had some whole wheat pasta on Saturday... it's tricky getting that stuff to al-dente... its a fine line.

Ha, true that. Usually ends up as mush. Blah


Mar 8, 2010, 7:04 PM
Post #5192 of 45342 (9112 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Good weekend everyone. Weather being good, bad or otherwise.
aye, the same to you matey, the same to you, too.Pirate

may the weather gods be kind ta ya and may ya get as mooch hikin' and climbin' as ya heart desires.

Took the older boy camping in the rain with his scout troop. Weather wasn't tooo bad. Although we got a fair bit of rain Saturday evening while we were trying to cook dogs. Everyone sleep in their car, as did we. Although I got the impression not everyone sleep as well as we did. Cool
Sunday we did go for a short nature hike lead by the ranger.
So overall, not too bad given the weather was somewhat less than optimal.

that's cause you got a camper. woooo!!!

Why would anyone sleep in the car vs the tent, though? I'd much rather stretch out. Well, unless it meant putting it up and taking it down in the rain, but I've done that before OK.

One guy got his tent up before the rain started. But it didn't have fly, so it was all wet inside by the time it came to sleep. I only had our suburban, no trailer for just Jake and I. I've sleep in the back of the sub before, it rocks. I pull the rear seat out before the trip, the middle seat flops down and makes a flat area at least 4x8. Prolly a little longer. No pitching in the rain, no wet muddy tent to roll up or clean up latter, no worries about water at the seams or corners. Just fold up the pads, bags, and seats and ready to go. Love it.
Most guys had minivans or small SUV's. Which should have worked. One guy had a car that he reclined the front seats. Which I've done but is less than optimal.
We were less than 30 min from our house at a local county park. So to me that barely counts as camping. But it had a good number of primative camp sites, and group camp area that was spread out, a play ground for the kids, the river was flowing quite well from all the winter's rain that the kids got to explore. Only a part of the 80,000 acres are developed, the rest is natural. Ranger led a hike. Kids got to ask lots of questions. So it was all good.


Mar 8, 2010, 7:22 PM
Post #5193 of 45342 (9108 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Good weekend everyone. Weather being good, bad or otherwise.
aye, the same to you matey, the same to you, too.Pirate

may the weather gods be kind ta ya and may ya get as mooch hikin' and climbin' as ya heart desires.

Took the older boy camping in the rain with his scout troop. Weather wasn't tooo bad. Although we got a fair bit of rain Saturday evening while we were trying to cook dogs. Everyone sleep in their car, as did we. Although I got the impression not everyone sleep as well as we did. Cool
Sunday we did go for a short nature hike lead by the ranger.
So overall, not too bad given the weather was somewhat less than optimal.

that's cause you got a camper. woooo!!!

Why would anyone sleep in the car vs the tent, though? I'd much rather stretch out. Well, unless it meant putting it up and taking it down in the rain, but I've done that before OK.

One guy got his tent up before the rain started. But it didn't have fly, so it was all wet inside by the time it came to sleep. I only had our suburban, no trailer for just Jake and I. I've sleep in the back of the sub before, it rocks. I pull the rear seat out before the trip, the middle seat flops down and makes a flat area at least 4x8. Prolly a little longer. No pitching in the rain, no wet muddy tent to roll up or clean up latter, no worries about water at the seams or corners. Just fold up the pads, bags, and seats and ready to go. Love it.
Most guys had minivans or small SUV's. Which should have worked. One guy had a car that he reclined the front seats. Which I've done but is less than optimal.
We were less than 30 min from our house at a local county park. So to me that barely counts as camping. But it had a good number of primative camp sites, and group camp area that was spread out, a play ground for the kids, the river was flowing quite well from all the winter's rain that the kids got to explore. Only a part of the 80,000 acres are developed, the rest is natural. Ranger led a hike. Kids got to ask lots of questions. So it was all good.

ah yeah, I can totally see where a suburban makes for a nice camping vehicle.

sounds as if it was a good trip all around. maybe all that rain has been good for the outdoor type stuff. I mean, what, you haven't seen rain there in decades right?Tongue


Mar 8, 2010, 7:33 PM
Post #5194 of 45342 (9105 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:
Good weekend everyone. Weather being good, bad or otherwise.
aye, the same to you matey, the same to you, too.Pirate

may the weather gods be kind ta ya and may ya get as mooch hikin' and climbin' as ya heart desires.

Took the older boy camping in the rain with his scout troop. Weather wasn't tooo bad. Although we got a fair bit of rain Saturday evening while we were trying to cook dogs. Everyone sleep in their car, as did we. Although I got the impression not everyone sleep as well as we did. Cool
Sunday we did go for a short nature hike lead by the ranger.
So overall, not too bad given the weather was somewhat less than optimal.

that's cause you got a camper. woooo!!!

Why would anyone sleep in the car vs the tent, though? I'd much rather stretch out. Well, unless it meant putting it up and taking it down in the rain, but I've done that before OK.

One guy got his tent up before the rain started. But it didn't have fly, so it was all wet inside by the time it came to sleep. I only had our suburban, no trailer for just Jake and I. I've sleep in the back of the sub before, it rocks. I pull the rear seat out before the trip, the middle seat flops down and makes a flat area at least 4x8. Prolly a little longer. No pitching in the rain, no wet muddy tent to roll up or clean up latter, no worries about water at the seams or corners. Just fold up the pads, bags, and seats and ready to go. Love it.
Most guys had minivans or small SUV's. Which should have worked. One guy had a car that he reclined the front seats. Which I've done but is less than optimal.
We were less than 30 min from our house at a local county park. So to me that barely counts as camping. But it had a good number of primative camp sites, and group camp area that was spread out, a play ground for the kids, the river was flowing quite well from all the winter's rain that the kids got to explore. Only a part of the 80,000 acres are developed, the rest is natural. Ranger led a hike. Kids got to ask lots of questions. So it was all good.

ah yeah, I can totally see where a suburban makes for a nice camping vehicle.

sounds as if it was a good trip all around. maybe all that rain has been good for the outdoor type stuff. I mean, what, you haven't seen rain there in decades right?Tongue

yea, I know right, decades Crazy

getting a little tired of rain on the weekends right about now.


Mar 8, 2010, 7:43 PM
Post #5195 of 45342 (9101 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [donald949] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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donald949 wrote:

getting a little tired of rain on the weekends right about now.

i always loved rain midweek and hated rain on the weekends. here's hoping things turn around for you once the good season comes into full swing.


Mar 8, 2010, 8:05 PM
Post #5196 of 45342 (9093 views)

Registered: Mar 6, 2007
Posts: 15266

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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anyone interested in joining a fantasy baseball league this year?

free (no prizes either except bragging rights)
8 teams already, would like to have 10 to 12
draft is on march 21
draft is either live or automatic, depending on your preference
need two players or four players (one and three won't work due to head-to-head setup)
league tends to be the same general group of guys year to year


Mar 8, 2010, 9:07 PM
Post #5197 of 45342 (9091 views)

Registered: May 24, 2007
Posts: 11455

Re: [Gmburns2000] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Gmburns2000 wrote:
donald949 wrote:

getting a little tired of rain on the weekends right about now.

i always loved rain midweek and hated rain on the weekends. here's hoping things turn around for you once the good season comes into full swing.

Weather is suposed to be sunny for the next 10 days.
What to do?
Maybe some climbing.
Maybe get the family off to the mountains for some snow play.


Mar 9, 2010, 12:56 AM
Post #5198 of 45342 (9082 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 5079

Re: [kachoong] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.

Wow... six word stories huh? That would be tough. One sentence stories could be kinda fun.

Words are amazing things. One of my favorite writing styles is to intentionally break the rules. For instance; I wrote a story in first person based on someone who knew he was about to die and was writing his last mements. So the writting had tons of spelling and punctuation errors. The effect was to pull the reader in to a faster frenzied 'tempo' as they read; which meshed with the true tempo of the story in that moment.


Mar 9, 2010, 12:59 AM
Post #5199 of 45342 (9081 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 5079

Re: [Lazlo] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Lazlo wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.

Wow... six word stories huh? That would be tough. One sentence stories could be kinda fun.

Words are amazing things. One of my favorite writing styles is to intentionally break the rules. For instance; I wrote a story in first person based on someone who knew he was about to die and was writing his last mements. So the writting had tons of spelling and punctuation errors. The effect was to pull the reader in to a faster frenzied 'tempo' as they read; which meshed with the true tempo of the story in that moment.

Richard Matheson did something similar in a story called (I think) Father Thing


Mar 9, 2010, 1:06 AM
Post #5200 of 45342 (9078 views)

Registered: Nov 14, 2007
Posts: 5079

Re: [Lazlo] Sty's Post Count Increaser [In reply to]
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Lazlo wrote:
Lazlo wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
kachoong wrote:
Gmburns2000 wrote:
I've been busy all day. Just now getting productive, though.

wrote for a couple of hours and sent out / prepared a few short stories for submission. If I get my fourth one out tonight then I'll be happy.

How long is a short story supposed to be? Is it a rhetorical thing?

Once upon a time there lived a short story. It died in a puddle of remorseful naiivity, never knowing how long it should have become. The end!

It depends. My shortest one is 399 words, and my longest decent one is about 2700 words. I've written a couple that went about 8000 words, too, but I don't like them as much.

Anything longer than that starts to get into the murky long short story vs. novella waters. I've written a novella, too.

There are some publications that ask for what are called short-shorts. These are usally less than 500 words, but some can be less than 50 words. There's one publication that asks for a six-word short story. I kind of like the publications that ask for a one-sentence story. I've written one that was about 30 words long and I really liked it. Haven't submitted it anywhere, though. Gotta wait for that opportunity to present itself again.

In general, the publication defines what is a short story. Most give a min and / or max word count.

Wow... six word stories huh? That would be tough. One sentence stories could be kinda fun.

Words are amazing things. One of my favorite writing styles is to intentionally break the rules. For instance; I wrote a story in first person based on someone who knew he was about to die and was writing his last mements. So the writting had tons of spelling and punctuation errors. The effect was to pull the reader in to a faster frenzied 'tempo' as they read; which meshed with the true tempo of the story in that moment.

Richard Matheson did something similar in a story called (I think) Father Thing

Correction; Born of Man and Woman is the story. Father Thing is a Phillip K Dick story

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