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Can I kick your dog?
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Dec 13, 2004, 6:02 PM
Post #1 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
Posts: 130

Can I kick your dog?
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2 wkds in a row I have seen someones lunch get attacked by roaming crag dogs..

In a situation where your/a dog gets into a pack and eats your/someones lunch...would you mind someone disciplining your dog?

I know discipline w/ animals has to happen right away or it confuses them.

I once had a dog nose his way into my pack and obliterate my lunch.. The owners thought it was funny.. I was w/o lunch...

So dogowners.. what do you do if your dog eats someones lunch...?


Dec 13, 2004, 6:12 PM
Post #2 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Jan 9, 2003
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Leave the dog alone. Kick the owner. Metaphorically that is. I think a dog owner wouldn’t have to pay too many people compensation for their dogs behaviour before they start to leave it on their leash. In most parks having your dog off its leash is often punishable by issuing a fine. I think the owner should have at least paid you for the loss of your lunch. 5-10 bucks sounds fair.

Partner tyify

Dec 13, 2004, 6:13 PM
Post #3 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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My dogs are WAY to smart for how disobidient they are. Alaskan Huskies: Some of the smartest but hardest to train dogs ever. I would discipline them but I always doubt that it has any effect...


Dec 13, 2004, 6:15 PM
Post #4 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Id kick the damn dog. Even if it was my dog you'd have permission to get it out of your stuff. Then if the owners gave you guff tell them to keep their pet on a leash.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:20 PM
Post #5 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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riffle through the owner's pack and take some food or water out and consume it.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:22 PM
Post #6 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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I would never kick/discipline another persons dog. Not because I think it's cruel (I know that dogs must be disciplined in order to understand that they've done something wrong) but mostly because you never know how a dog will act when recieving discipline from someone who is not their owner. Let the dog do it's thing (maybe try and get it out of the pack without threatening it), then confront the owner. If the owner is any kind of decent person, he/she should recomp you for your losses and/or either give you some of their lunch or offer to buy you a new one.

I think if this ever happened to me, I'd be incredibly incredibly bitter towards the owner, but the thought of trying to show the dog that he did wrong wouldn't cross my mind. I don't mess with other people's dogs, as I have no idea how aggressive that dog is when provoked.



Dec 13, 2004, 6:24 PM
Post #7 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Yeah, what Sed said. Or rather, I would'nt hit the dog by any means, maybe a light tap on the nose if it's still in the pack. As for lunch, I would definitely encounter the owner and demand he/she forward a comparable amount of munchies, dollars, or virgins. Or just munchies. The latter two can't quite be consumed for energy.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:24 PM
Post #8 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Well it's the owners responsability to discipline the dog. But as for food. There are a few things a dog knows. Gotta eat, sleep, and get laid. And for them it's every dog (or person) for themselves. At home they probly know that getting into the garbage is bad. But if they can get away with it they will do it. So when it goes through someones bag they know they are stealing. So you gotta challange the dog. Chase it off or yell at it. I LOVE dogs. And I love my dog. But if someone else is not looking after they're dog and it gets into my stuff, then I have the right to take action. And if he growls.......thats my food....bring it on biotch. :twisted:

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 13, 2004, 6:29 PM
Post #9 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Sep 1, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Curious - did the owners offer any food. I think that's shitty cause I know when I get hungry, I get a little cranky


Dec 13, 2004, 6:34 PM
Post #10 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Oct 20, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Start a fire and get ready for the biggest hotdog you will ever have :twisted: .
This has happened to me. I picked up the dog (shepard) by the back of the neck and returned him to the owner. I would have taken the dog owners' lunch to replace mine, but he didn't have anything I wanted.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:40 PM
Post #11 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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don't kick the dog man. it's not the dog's fault it has idiotic owners. go to the owners and request some sort of compensation and request that they leash their dogs, especially at crags with leash rules ( you can use the argument that complaints about unleashed dogs could easily lead to access issues)


Dec 13, 2004, 6:41 PM
Post #12 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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The nose is the most sensitive spot on a dog. Act accordingly.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:41 PM
Post #13 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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riffle through the owner's pack and take some food or water out and consume it.
Yah! Then step on his rope, pee in his boot, and then bite and/or hump his belayers leg!!

Partner j_ung

Dec 13, 2004, 6:44 PM
Post #14 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Speaking as one who regularly brings his dog the crag, yeah, discipline my dog. The OP had a great point in that dogs don't learn the lesson unless you catch them red-handed and impose the appropriate response on the spot. If I caught my dog in your pack, I would smack her and I don't mind if you do the same.

Now if you can just figure out which dog is mine.

Also, don't assume this to mean that I or any other person around will be understanding if you impose some penalty that far exceeds the crime, i.e., kicking, hitting with a stick, roasting over a spit or what have you. Punishment is one thing. Animal cruelty is another entirely.

And yes, if my dog eats your lunch, it's my fault and I owe you food or appropriate monetary compensation.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:45 PM
Post #15 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Feb 26, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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If a dog eats Your lunch, pees on your bag, or humps your rope, take it up with the owner. The dog dusn't know that this is wrong, It's the owners falt for not teaching the dog this. Ferther more, I love my dog like I would love a son, and if someone tuches him with any more force then petting him, this person and I will have a BIG PROBLEM, no matter what my dog did.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:45 PM
Post #16 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Sep 25, 2002
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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i was face to face with the owners after my incident and they just thought it was soo funny.. no offers of anything and it was the first time i had seen anything like that and was baffled..

from now on I kick dogs.. i dont even deal with the owners

Partner jammer

Dec 13, 2004, 6:48 PM
Post #17 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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riffle through the owner's pack and take some food or water out and consume it.

Simple and to the point. The owner needs to reimburse you for your loss. BUT ... if you kick the dog without talking to the owner first, well, if it was my dog and you kicked it without talking to me first, it would definitely be more then food you'd be missing.

Partner bad_lil_kitty

Dec 13, 2004, 6:49 PM
Post #18 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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i was face to face with the owners after my incident and they just thought it was soo funny.. no offers of anything and it was the first time i had seen anything like that and was baffled..

from now on I kick dogs.. i dont even deal with the owners

I can't get over that owners would find this funny and not offer to compensation w/ some food or drink... As cheeky as I am on these boards, I am too intolerant of plain rudeness...

I wouldn't kick a dog though.


Dec 13, 2004, 6:59 PM
Post #19 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Jul 26, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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As a dog owner if you haven't trained your animal enough to know better or respect strangers by keeping its distance then you should kick the owner. THat animal should not be at the crag.

I will caution however, if you kick my dog you better be prepared to deal with him. While he is well trained and rather friendly, I don't think you could kick him hard enough to make him run off. You have a better chance of having a rather large (130lb Akita) and pissed off animal on your hands.

So bad dog at crag is a no. Someone owes you a lunch.



Dec 13, 2004, 7:02 PM
Post #20 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: May 17, 2003
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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If you kick the dog, and it rips your throat out in self defense, would you be upset or would you be thinking, "maybe I should have used my superior brain functionality in a more rational manner?"

You should never kick a dog unless it's attacking you and you can't grab it by the collar/neck. Kicking a dog is not a way to make a dog behave. It's a great way to scare a dog and perhaps get bitten.

However, if a dog was getting into your pack you should discipline it, no matter who's dog it is. I realize that some (most perhaps) people have no idea how to train animals but nearly all dogs respond to the "dog voice" which is a low stern sound that any canine that has spent much time around humans will identify as something that means business. They won't necessarily pay attention to it straight away but it does give the signal that they are doing something they shouldn't be and gets their attention. For me, the dog voice will freeze a bad dog 8 times out of 10, and more if they are in my stuff. Moving towards it and saying "hey" works for the other one. Grabbing the dog by the neck, standing over it and staring it down and saying, "no" works for the odd dog that is really really hungry or, perhaps, has just never had any training.

Dogs are just like little kids between the ages for 1 and 3 or so. Would you kick a 2-year old for getting into your pack--okay, don't answer that. What I mean is do you think that is the lazy way to deal with a situation or a constuctive way to deal with it? What if it was a bear, would you kick it or attempt to reason with it? Probably the latter, since the bear might take offense to being kicked and you might feel less comfortable offending a bear (btw, I've used the dog voice effectively with bears in populous ares, like Yosemite, as they too know when they're doing something they aren't supposed to).

The point I'm trying to make is that dogs don't want to be bad or disruptive (well, most of the time anyway). They want to understand people and do what they're supposed to but, like kids, they will push this line as far as they think they can get away with. For example my dog will tap the refrigerator when he's with someone new to see how they react because sometimes someone will open it and give him something out of it. He knows it won't work, most likely, but until you are tested he's gotta try. Often times, dogs just haven't been trained or don't know the rules. But they are perceptive and aren't idiots. Unless they've had absolutely no training and not spent any time at all in civilazation they have some knowledge of right and wrong and, almost always, consider humans to be their superiors. And, to some degree, they will listen to you. So if you talk to the dog like it's a little kids being bad it's far more likely to respond favorably than use some type of instintual reactionary response.

And if that doesn't work, try saying "woof".


Dec 13, 2004, 7:03 PM
Post #21 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Jul 6, 2002
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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I think you should have had your food stashed a little better. I've had more problems animals like squirrels and marmots snooping around. You must have been sport climbing or bouldering. I also think the dog owner needs to feed their dog.


Dec 13, 2004, 7:07 PM
Post #22 of 116 (7718 views)

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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Dec 13, 2004, 7:08 PM
Post #23 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Aug 17, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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You could punish my dog if she did that, but she will attack you back.

Partner taualum23

Dec 13, 2004, 7:12 PM
Post #24 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Damn, hasbeen, that's twice I need to congratulate you and welocme your comments. If you're not careful, well though out responses will become the norm here at, and I'll have to go elsewhere for inane chatter, flaming and trollfests.

Oh, and OP, I occassionally bring my dog and my friends dogs to the crag. They are, almost without excpetion, VERY well behave d and trained dogs. If they (unlikely) ever got into your lunch (also made unlikely because they are very, very rarely off-leash) and you yelled in your 'dog voice' at them, great, good for you. If you kicked my dog, you would have to deal with getting yourself to the hospital without your lunch. He's a chow/sheppard/pit mix, and his owner carries a .357 S&W J-frame.

Bad dog.


Dec 13, 2004, 7:13 PM
Post #25 of 116 (7718 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2004
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Re: Can I kick your dog? [In reply to]
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Well I suppose the most obvious thing to do would be to eat the DOG for lunch. (Do they really taste like chicken?) Guy I work with came from SE Asia in the early 70's and he swears by 'em. Could be the start of a whole new campfire activity. Bring your best recipe!

Seriously, I think that dog owners who bring Fido along and then let him roam free really suck. Unless you have the perfectly behaved, very well trained companion, pleeeeeze don't bring him. I dearly love dogs. My Aussie is about the nicest dog I've ever known. But she rarely goes with me because while I'm climbing, she doesn't like to be left below. Smart as she is, she can't climb for $hit. I was recently at a gathering and some guy (a nice enough guy) had his 2 dogs (nice enough dogs) and while he was blasting of on a route hollered down, "Hey, could you keep an eye on Dumb and Dumber for me? (I forget their real names but these ones fit). Well no one wanted to volunteer so D & D spent a couple of hours annoting everyone within 100 yards of the face. Sniffing through packs, tromping on coiled ropes etc, etc. Yeah, I'd say leave them at home and everyone will be happier.

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