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what brands of crash pads do the pros use?
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Jan 19, 2009, 5:10 AM
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Registered: Jan 14, 2009
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what brands of crash pads do the pros use?
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i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Partner climbinginchico

Jan 19, 2009, 5:13 AM
Post #2 of 30 (9368 views)

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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Whatever their sponsors give them. n00b


Jan 19, 2009, 6:19 AM
Post #3 of 30 (9337 views)

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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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They never fall, so it doesn't matter.


Partner hosh

Jan 19, 2009, 6:54 AM
Post #4 of 30 (9315 views)

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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.

PS, asking this question is a little like asking what brand of toilet paper they use. [roll]


(This post was edited by hosh on Jan 19, 2009, 6:55 AM)

Partner climbinginchico

Jan 19, 2009, 7:08 AM
Post #5 of 30 (9307 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Dude they don't wipe. Haven't you ever smelled a boulderer?Angelic


Jan 19, 2009, 7:47 AM
Post #6 of 30 (9294 views)

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Re: [curt] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Well played...


Jan 19, 2009, 7:56 AM
Post #7 of 30 (9290 views)

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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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I have a Black Diamond Drop Zone and no job, so all I do is climb, I guess that makes me a pro on a volunteer


Jan 19, 2009, 3:54 PM
Post #8 of 30 (9204 views)

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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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dont worry about what they use just buy a pad that everyone seems to like


Jan 19, 2009, 4:19 PM
Post #9 of 30 (9186 views)

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Re: [paclimber12] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Organic pads are pretty nice, i would suggest one. plus all the pros use themCrazy


Jan 19, 2009, 7:31 PM
Post #10 of 30 (9137 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I dunno, when was the last time you saw a boulderer place seven pieces in ten feet on a 5.8?

I have seen trad climbers wuss out on a number of problems that weren't all that high, hard or sketchy. It's not because they have no balls; it's because they've suddenly been put out of their element.

The boulderers I know that are the most safety conscious are also sport and trad climbers. Some of them have had people die or nearly die in their arms at the crag and they just don't want to see people get hurt. It's not that they need four pads, but when four are available then keep tossing them down until the holes are filled.


Jan 19, 2009, 7:58 PM
Post #11 of 30 (9122 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.

PS, asking this question is a little like asking what brand of toilet paper they use. [roll]


i use hosh brand tp.


Jan 19, 2009, 9:07 PM
Post #12 of 30 (9097 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.

PS, asking this question is a little like asking what brand of toilet paper they use. [roll]


Trad: 5.10b
10 B and you talk this much shit? HAHAHA I have no respect for YOU
Pfffft... don't worry i'm sure the Pro's will respect that you can't get off the ground on anything they do in the rain in sneakers

when was the last time you did V13 moves 20+ feet off the deck?

oh ever hear of Kevin Jorgeson? yea he's a real wuss.. oh he does that trad shit to.. FELL off gaia and turned around and sent next burn.

Get a clue man.. there are plenty of boulderers who would make you piss your little trad diapers


Jan 19, 2009, 9:17 PM
Post #13 of 30 (9082 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

Yeah, this guy is such a pussy, needing that foam mat to feel safe...

Fuckin' douchebags who think they are badass because they plug gear crack me the fuck up.


Jan 19, 2009, 9:35 PM
Post #14 of 30 (9068 views)

Registered: Mar 12, 2003
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Re: [xkolex] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Lindner is sponsored by Metolius so i'm sure he's rocking metolius.. i couldn't figure out what Graham is using these days.

but yea.. whoever pays them to use their shit they are going to use. I think Organics are becoming more popular out there. they make nice stuff.


Jan 19, 2009, 10:28 PM
Post #15 of 30 (9041 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
hosh wrote:
xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.

PS, asking this question is a little like asking what brand of toilet paper they use. [roll]

when was the last time you did V13 moves 20+ feet off the deck?

When was the last time you did?


Jan 19, 2009, 10:30 PM
Post #16 of 30 (9038 views)

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Re: [Valarc] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Valarc wrote:
hosh wrote:
Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

Yeah, this guy is such a pussy, needing that foam mat to feel safe...


Fuckin' douchebags who think they are badass because they plug gear crack me the fuck up.

I think we all know that is the exception, not the rule. I'm not bagging on boulderers, but cmon, you've never seen someone that was a bit "overspotted"?


Jan 19, 2009, 10:43 PM
Post #17 of 30 (9025 views)

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Re: [dynosore] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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I haven't either Dyno but i'm not the one climbing V1 on a rope shitting on people who climb a fuckton harder than they do and with less protection.

Unless there is a risk of me falling into a rock i would rather not be spotted.. so if anyone spots me it's their decision and not mine. I've seen pictures of people in Hueco and bishop and places where people just spot because they are there.. not because it's needed. They think they have to.

i hate wide generalizations.. sure some people probably suck at falling and would like a ton of spotters. The thread is about pro boulderer's whio on video and tend to either have 1-2 spotters on higher boulders or none at all to keep the video "clean"

when they aren't on video and want a bunch of crashpads it is protecting their investment.. they can't climb they don't make as much money. even then shit happens.. Ethan pringle messed up his ankle last year.. Paul Robinson broke his ankle in Switzerland this year


Jan 19, 2009, 10:59 PM
Post #18 of 30 (9014 views)

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Re: [jakedatc] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
I haven't either Dyno but i'm not the one climbing V1 on a rope shitting on people who climb a fuckton harder than they do and with less protection.

Unless there is a risk of me falling into a rock i would rather not be spotted.. so if anyone spots me it's their decision and not mine. I've seen pictures of people in Hueco and bishop and places where people just spot because they are there.. not because it's needed. They think they have to.

i hate wide generalizations.. sure some people probably suck at falling and would like a ton of spotters. The thread is about pro boulderer's whio on video and tend to either have 1-2 spotters on higher boulders or none at all to keep the video "clean"

when they aren't on video and want a bunch of crashpads it is protecting their investment.. they can't climb they don't make as much money. even then shit happens.. Ethan pringle messed up his ankle last year.. Paul Robinson broke his ankle in Switzerland this year

[sarcasm]see, those guys are pussies.[/sarcasm]


Jan 19, 2009, 11:04 PM
Post #19 of 30 (9012 views)

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Re: [dynosore] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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dynosore wrote:
I'm not bagging on boulderers, but cmon, you've never seen someone that was a bit "overspotted"?

Sure, but it has nothing to do with bouldering. There are sport climbers that take at every bolt instead of pushing and possibly taking a whip. There are trad climbers that plug ridiculous amounts of gear on climbs they've done a thousand times and continue to do because they know they will never have to take a fall.


Jan 19, 2009, 11:10 PM
Post #20 of 30 (9005 views)

Registered: Jul 30, 2008
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Re: [kriso9tails] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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if i were you i would start searching for sharma's cell phone number on google man. i mean what ever he uses is obviously the best fucking pad the world could offer. NASA probably hooks him up with gravitron foam.

Partner hosh

Jan 19, 2009, 11:50 PM
Post #21 of 30 (8982 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.


Super sketchy high balls? Yes. Spotters. Insane landings on jagged talus? Crash pads for sure. Working a problem 3 feet off the deck with a sandy landing and having ALL of your bro's spotting with 4 pads? Unnecessary. Yes, I have seen trad climbers over protect a line. Also unnecessary. I have also seen sport climbers stick clip easy starts when they could have just asked their belayer for a spot. Like I said, I can respect bouldering and boulderers. I also cannot climb as hard as many of the boulderers that I know. They're light years a head of me. However, why the mattress ranch under you when you're so low that your chalk bag is dragging in the dirt? Why have a spotter when he's got to crouch just to do his job? I simply don't understand.



Jan 19, 2009, 11:57 PM
Post #22 of 30 (8971 views)

Registered: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
hosh wrote:
xkolex wrote:
i was wondering what brands of crash pads the pros like sharma, grahm, and lindner use??

Who cares? Boulderers are panties. When was the last time you saw a trad climber 3 feet off the ground with 7 spoters and 4 crash pads? (Or even a sport climber, for that matter?)

I can respect how hard the climbing is when you're bouldering, but I have NO respect for the amount of "support" some boulderers think they need. It's just silly.


Super sketchy high balls? Yes. Spotters. Insane landings on jagged talus? Crash pads for sure. Working a problem 3 feet off the deck with a sandy landing and having ALL of your bro's spotting with 4 pads? Unnecessary. Yes, I have seen trad climbers over protect a line. Also unnecessary. I have also seen sport climbers stick clip easy starts when they could have just asked their belayer for a spot. Like I said, I can respect bouldering and boulderers. I also cannot climb as hard as many of the boulderers that I know. They're light years a head of me. However, why the mattress ranch under you when you're so low that your chalk bag is dragging in the dirt? Why have a spotter when he's got to crouch just to do his job? I simply don't understand.


What's necessary and normal can change from person to person. I figure each person has their own measure of their safety, so let them take the safety measures that they want as long as it doesn't interfere or endanger me.

Partner hosh

Jan 20, 2009, 12:00 AM
Post #23 of 30 (8967 views)

Registered: Dec 15, 2003
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Re: [getout87] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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Agreed. It's just funny to me. I can't imagine feeling like I need a crash pad when I'm 2 feet up, hard or not, and it's a soft sandy landing. The funny thing? I've seen the same boulderers who protect like that climb up several feet of a local 5.10 trad line and place their first piece of gear at 30 feet up. No spotter, bad landing, no crash pads, no problems. Why the sudden need for all the "extras" when there's no rope? Baffling to me. I guess I'm just not that insightful.



Jan 20, 2009, 12:05 AM
Post #24 of 30 (8961 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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For one... you have the pad there.. you might as well use it. You'd look really fucking stupid if you fell 3 feet and hit a random rock and smashed your tailbone or something.

Again you're picking out some random thing you saw and are generalizing. I've fallen horizontally from 3 feet onto dirt and it wasn't comfortable. The small granite stone inlays made it worse.

here ya go.. mock away.. but a fall straight onto my back while doing the next move... would hurt. I say would because i'm not dumb enough to do it without a pad. (damn you rump to jump.. damn youuuu)

I don't know what area you are at with people spotting on low problems.. i can see some Hueco problems when you're really horizontal and people want to keep your head from smashing the ground but don't think you're talking about that. either way you've seen a small sample and are trying to take on the whole group trying to say trad climbers are more bold.. . whatever man

YOuuuuuuu betcha!


Jan 20, 2009, 12:08 AM
Post #25 of 30 (8957 views)

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Re: [hosh] what brands of crash pads do the pros use? [In reply to]
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hosh wrote:
Agreed. It's just funny to me. I can't imagine feeling like I need a crash pad when I'm 2 feet up, hard or not, and it's a soft sandy landing. The funny thing? I've seen the same boulderers who protect like that climb up several feet of a local 5.10 trad line and place their first piece of gear at 30 feet up. No spotter, bad landing, no crash pads, no problems. Why the sudden need for all the "extras" when there's no rope? Baffling to me. I guess I'm just not that insightful.


because i bet they think 5.10 is really freaking easy. but V__ off the deck isn't easy and more likely to fall. and again.. if you HAVE a crashpad there.. you USE IT.. or someone else is using it and you just leave it there cuz it's stupid to move it. what are you going to do.. carry a crashpad all day and only open it up when you get on something taller than you think is ok to land?

I think it's funny watching trad climbers that can TR .10 sew up 5.6 with 15-20 pieces of gear because they like to carry the kitchen sink and use it all..

(This post was edited by jakedatc on Jan 20, 2009, 12:10 AM)

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