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A day late and about 15' short
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Partner russman

Jun 22, 2004, 2:21 AM
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Registered: Nov 2, 2000
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A day late and about 15' short
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OK....I have an Ethos Deluxe Slackline....been setting it up at local parks to try to play with....but I just moved into our NEW house about 2 months ago and want to put it up in our back yard to play with also.

We have a big fir tree on one side of the back yard and then nothing a telephone pole on the opposite side of the yard in a corner (about 60-70' away).

I rigged up an A-frame usign diagrams and pix I found thru numerous posts here and other slacking sites....but I messed up the 3 guide-lines (tie downs) for the A-frame and it kinda crumpled on me this evening.

What I am wondering, since the Ethos Kit has pre sewn tree slings on both it feesable to make my loop with the Tree-slings then put in 2 biners and then another chunk of webing to extend the length of the line to reach teh telephone pole so I have my second anchor point.

I know there will be some that say....just drop teh $20 and buy enough regular webbing to make it work without an extension....I may have too....but I have this kti already and want to try to make it work...any ideas?

I will try to post some pix describing the example in a few days or so....kinda hard to set this one up by myself with the length anywho.

Waiting for help? :oops:

Partner slacklinejoe

Jun 22, 2004, 3:12 AM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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It's possible to splice a line, but it's unbelivably annoying to walk across unless you get a really good flat splice (ie, sewn).

I'd just find a way of burying something at a proper distance from one of your anchors and use the A-frame to provide lift.

Partner russman

Jun 22, 2004, 3:21 AM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Hey SLJoe

thanx....I was not thinking of trying to sew or add walkable length to the line (obvously not clear there).

I was more thiking of just making an extension to the pre-sewn loop to get enough extra webbing to reach teh phone pole....I figure it will eb a while until I can walk the actual 50' line...let alone the extra 20 or so...after I get that down....I would be a "big spender" 8^)

I was tryign to stay away from burying anythign, as my yard is mostly all grass and I still mow and have a 3 YO and a 9 month old who will be running aroudn and playing in the back yard...looking to keep things easy for clumsy kidz.

thanx for the quick post


Jun 24, 2004, 7:29 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Did you try the three stakes method from the pic off of slackline bros site? Is this what crumbled? Is your A-Frame still in good shape? I

f so, here is what I'd try. Connect the slackline to the one tree that you have. Run the slackline towards that telephone pole. Use the base of the Telephone pole to construct an anchor out of webbing rather than using the provided tree slings on your pre-made kit. Clip this web into the rig on the end of the slackline (where the tree slings are sewn into the rig). Now you should have the slackline connected to the tree, at a height equal to your A-frame, and the other end anchored at the very base of the telephone pole with your webbing extension. Pull the slackline tight, but not as tight as usual. Now stand up the A-frame under the slackline towards the telephone pole. Make sure its at a slight angle back towards the pole and not towards where you are walking. This should work, assuming the distance from the telephone pole and the tree is good. Most of the time you would wrap your slackline around the top of the A-frame, but in this case it does not. If concerned about th A-frame falling over, this is where, in your case, you could use those pre-sewn tree slings to back-tie the A-frame into posistion....maybe.


Do you have a fence? If so, some fences are strong enough to use in place of the telephone pole as described above. Just girth hitch the very base, right at the ground, the main fence posts (at least two, but three is better) and equalize them to a single point at which the slackline can be connected. Add the A-frame and you should be good-to-go.

Best of luck!


Jun 24, 2004, 9:41 PM
Post #5 of 12 (2985 views)

Registered: Jun 5, 2004
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Do u have a truck??? If so, just do what i do, one end around the tree and the other end through an anchor in the truck bed. You can leave the tailgate up or down depending on what kinda truck you have b/c it might be too close to the ground w/o the tailgate up. To connect the slackline to the truck anchor all that u need to do is use a beaner to clip it in w/and your good to go.

Partner russman

Jun 27, 2004, 1:20 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Sean...that is kinda what I was thinking....usign teh A-frame also...and thenancoring towards teh bottom of the pole.

Yea, all 3 stakes that I had into teh ground pulled out....I have about 2.5' heavy duty "farm" manufactured stakes, and they just pulled when I stepped on the line to test it. I did build the A-frame to hold I will try the "prop-up" method.

The fence I have is deffinatly not strong enough....The Phone pole is the only think in the back yard that will work for the strength.

I will look at some webbing now and a few more biners and see what happens :wink:

Partner russman

Nov 9, 2004, 3:31 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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OK, well, I finally got the pix back form my line this summer. I posted in a different thread, but heard it was hard to see what I did, so I figured I would resurect my own and try to explain better in an effort to gain some help and try to have more fun next summer.

So on the one end, is the "Stock" Ethos Tightening system as described in this thread. From the article about setting up a line that coldclimb wrote, It looks like that is a version of the Ellington System.

On the other end, I had way to long to go to my second anchor, so I had to use a seperate piece of webbing all together.
You can also see I had to built an "A-Frame".

What I did was tie an overhand knot in one end of the webbing and thread in a biner (I know, not locking :roll: ).

From there, I wrapped it around the bottom of the phone pole, and back to the "pre-sewn" rap ring in the line rigging. Then back to the biner I put in the opposite end of the line, which wraps back up the the actual tightening buckle.

So from what I can gather, I have a form of the Ellington System on one end and then a "2 Biner method on the second end. My A-Frame is about 3.5-4' tall (I can't remember). The walkable line is 50', but for my fat arse, it is about 6' away from either anchor.

Insights, or ideas would be greatly apprecatied as far as how to either tighten the full length of the line so I could walk this monster, or ideas for shortening the line, but my anchors still are abotu 80' apart :cry:

Looking forward to ideas :idea: 8^)

Partner coldclimb

Nov 9, 2004, 5:46 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Hmm, I'm not really familiar with the ethos setup, but one thing you could do that would make more pulling power is add another system to the tightening end of the line, where you pull. The image below shows how I personally do this with a slack dog to grip the line. That setup theoretically doubles the mechanical advantage of my slack jack, or whatever other system is used. You can build an Ellington there for more MA. I just have it going through once, cause that's all I needed. It is possible to use a knot instead of a slack dog, you'll just have to untie it and retie it fairly often, which is annoying. I'm not aware of another way to grip the line though.

So yeah, you could set up something like I've got here if you want to take a bit more effort to get that line up. It works though, that's for sure. :)


Nov 10, 2004, 12:15 AM
Post #9 of 12 (2985 views)

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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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What is your tensioning system anchored to? Why do you need an a-frame on that side?

I think your problem is in your anchors. From what I see, you have a phone post and a tree(?), so you should not need an a-frame at all. Set your anchors higher, and anchor your tensioning system closer to the post. It takes many tries to get a line just right...good luck.

Partner russman

Nov 10, 2004, 2:32 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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What is your tensioning system anchored to? Why do you need an a-frame on that side?

The more I look at this stuff and mull this over, I do think you are right...I was using the A-Frame casue I was just gonna go straight out from my tree and then stake out the line (failed when my 3 stakes pulled sending me crashing)

I have a tree on the end with the "normal tightening end" and then the phone pole about 80' away on what should be the solid anchor end. Have you guys that have been doing this ever had a problem with havign a tightening system on both ends, without buying a full new rig, just to accomodate the length I have here, I am gonna need to have a tightening system on both ends.

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I think your problem is in your anchors. From what I see, you have a phone post and a tree(?), so you should not need an a-frame at all. Set your anchors higher, and anchor your tensioning system closer to the post. It takes many tries to get a line just right...good luck.

I agree....I think I will just set it up that way, gonna need more webbing :lol: , to accomodate and give me a little better MA....I may try to throw in another 2 or 3:1 Advantage, since I gotta relook at things 8^) thanx Chill and John


Nov 10, 2004, 2:54 PM
Post #11 of 12 (2985 views)

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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Could you also not sink a cement "post" into the ground, so that it was flush? That way you dont have to worry about it when you cut the grass or that your kids will nut into it.

Have a recessed eyelet or something that you could anchor to, use the Aframe and you have a shorter line.

80 feet does seem like a hassle, for everyday set-up, not to mention the difficulty.



Nov 10, 2004, 6:43 PM
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Re: A day late and about 15' short [In reply to]
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Have you guys that have been doing this ever had a problem with havign a tightening system on both ends, without buying a full new rig, just to accomodate the length I have here, I am gonna need to have a tightening system on both ends.

Although it would probably work to have a tensioning system on both ends of the line, it shouldn't be nessessary. I think another problem is that you are using your ethos line as your tension system. The Ethos line is designed to tension itself, at the length that it was manufactured. You will probably need a tensioning system with more "throw" to stretch a line across an 80' gap. You will need to stretch the line alot, around 10' at least, so your tension system should have at least 10' of throw.

Don't forget that your anchors need to be very strong and will take up some of the 80' distance. I would make the line between 65' and 70' long and try to stretch it to the full distance.

good luck dude...

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