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Understandable guide to getting in shape
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Nov 8, 2006, 2:16 AM
Post #1 of 63 (9500 views)

Registered: Nov 7, 2006
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Understandable guide to getting in shape
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Alright, I have been looking at a lot of forums where people are asking about getting in better shape to climb. I am not going to pretend I know a lot about climbing specific programs, but I do know a bit about getting in shape. The main problem that I see though, is that people are making things way to complicated. It is good to explain things to people in detail sometimes, but for the most part, your average guy is not going to remember all of the intricate details. He may even mix up some important information.

I am one of the fitness training leaders in my squadron, and I have written a guide that deals with improving your overall fitness. I have gotten a lot of good feedback on it, and I have seen some good results. It is kind of long, but the information is simplified so that most people should be able to understand and comprehend it.

The only thing I would say is that when it comes to working out, you may want to modify the routine a little to be more climber specific. For example, more focus on legs, forearms, core strength etc.

I am going to break the guide into 2 posts so that it is easier for those who only want to read about certain areas. Hope this helps. For those who don't like to read, here is the quick version.

Cut this way down since people didn't like the other version.

::Avoid saturated fats and foods that are high in sugar whenever possible. Whenever there is a wheat version available, get that instead (pasta, bread, crackers etc.)

::Drink healthier. Drinks lots of water. Other than that, stick to juices.

::Only eat until you no longer feel hungry. If you feel full you have eaten too much.

::Instead of eating xxx calories over 2 meals, split that number of calories into 4-5 meals.

::Cook your own food. Cooking at home is normally much healthier than eating out. Cheaper also.

::Exercise 3-5 times a week. Make sure to do a minimum of 30 mins of sustained exercise, and increase workout tempo as your fitness level increases.


Nov 8, 2006, 2:18 AM
Post #2 of 63 (9493 views)

Registered: Nov 7, 2006
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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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Things you have to get rid of no questions asked
Science stuff about sugar
Your new diet
Working out
Gym Workouts

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First thing is first.
Working out in the gym may not be enough to make a decent amount of VISIBLE difference. Women store fat in different places than men do. For women, most of the fat is stored in the hips, thighs, and in the mid section. This creates the pear shape that is seen in many women. That being said, it is often more difficult for women to see results from working out alone. Take your abs for example. Every person on the planet has perfect abs. The problem is that you can not see those perfect muscles because there is a layer of fat on top of them. So, you can work out all you want. Your muscles WILL get stronger. They WILL get nicer. But you WILL NOT be able to visibly tell unless you modify your diet to help your body drop the fat.

A few things about the previous paragraph. Working out will build more muscle, and muscle helps the body burn fat. Just not nearly enough as a good balanced diet will. By eating right, and upping your physical activity, you will be able to slim down, and get your body looking the way you want it to. It won’t be easy though. However, it does get easier once you settle in to a routine, and your body gets used to eating healthier. This normally takes 3-5 weeks. Therefore, your first 5 weeks need to be pretty strict. Try not to miss days working out, and try not to cheat on your diet.

The hardest part about working out is getting out the door. Once you actually get out of the house, your body will start getting ready for an active day. Until you settle into your routine, you body will not feel like getting out the door. You will think to yourself that you really don’t feel like going to the gym. Don’t let that stop you. Just get out the door, and that feeling will go away.

The hardest part about eating healthy is cravings. Everyone has them. The thing to remember is that 5 seconds worth of chewing pleasure is going to totally throw a wrench into your routine. There is no magical way to make cravings stop. You just have to have a little will power. Ask yourself what is more important. 5 seconds of pleasure, or your goal. The cravings start to go away, and eventually those super greasy burgers and super fat candy bars will not even seem appealing to you.

Now, we know that nobody is perfect. We will eat something here and there that we probably shouldn’t. One thing to note though is that there is a list of things that you should NEVER eat if you are serious about your diet. You have to kiss these things goodbye if you want to be able to get rid of the fat and keep it off.


The things you have to get rid of no questions asked:
Soda-It is one of the single worst things consumed by over weight people. Substitute with healthy juice like orange juice or cranberry juice. Apple juice is not a good sub since it is loaded with a ton of sugar.

Sugar in general- I don’t mean to get rid of ALL sugar. What I am saying here is that there is a ton of things that you can get without sugar. For example, use wheat bread instead of white bread. White bread has a lot of sugar in it. This is bad. I will explain below. A good general rule is if there is a wheat type of food available. Get the wheat type. Wheat pasta is good, and does not taste much different. Wheat crackers etc.

Snack foods- By snack foods, I mean stuff like cake, candy bars, chips, chocolate etc. Snacking is GOOD. Eating a small meal every 3 hours or so is good for your metabolism. Keeps your metabolism working all day long. The thing is that you need to eat healthy stuff as a snack. Oranges are perfect. Apples are good. Most vegetables are great. A small sandwich with lean meat. Can of tuna fish. Instead of thinking cake or candy, think of snacking on fruit, veggies, or a small portion of lean meat.

Science stuff about sugar-
Sugar is the devil when it comes to the human body. It causes you to waste energy trying to burn it. This is energy that could be used burning fat. That is the simple way of thinking. Here is the technical way.

When you eat sugar, the presence of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids in the intestine stimulates the pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts on many cells in your body, especially those in the liver, muscle and fat tissue. The insulin tells your body to stop breaking down fatty acid, as well as glucose. It also tells your body to start making fat from glycerol and fatty acids. It also makes your body stop breaking down proteins into amino acids. Which otherwise would help in muscle building.


Your new diet

First, a few rules
1. No soda or carbonated/caffeinated beverages…ever
2. Limit your fast food to one meal a week. And stick to non fried stuff if you can. Cook. When you make your own meals, they tend to be more healthy, and you know exactly what you are putting in. This will save you money also. Which is good, because healthy foods cost more at the store sometimes.
3. NEVER EVER eat so much that you feel like you are full. Your body knows how much it needs to eat. You feel hungry when you have not eaten enough. If you no longer feel hungry, you have eaten enough. So eat until you are no longer hungry. NOT until you are full. If you are feeling full, you have eaten too much.

The plan
We will start by saying that a diet is ANYTHING you eat. You are on a diet right now. What you want to be on is a healthy diet. The first thing you need to understand is how to burn fat. This is a pretty open question because there are tons of ways to do it. You can use tons of different diet methods, take supplements, or just stop eating in general. Is every way healthy? No way. Will they work? A lot of them will, but they will cause other problems. So how do you go about losing weight and burning away the fat? Well there is really only one thing that you have to understand.

Every single human body on the planet has a certain number of calories it needs to sustain itself per day.

That’s it. It is that simple. If you eat more than that, the extra calories are stored away as fat. If you eat less, the body will look to other sources of energy. The primary place it will look is to the fat that has stored for such an occasion.

So what you need to figure out is if you are currently eating more than your body needs, less than it needs, or just enough. If you keep gaining weight, you are probably eating more. If you are staying at the same weight, you are eating the correct amount of calories.

What you need to do is actually eat a little bit less than your body needs. Note that I said a little bit. 500 calories a day is about the most you want to shave off. This should allow you to lose about 2 lbs per week. This may not seem like much, but it is 8 per month and 96 in a year!

Wait wait WAIT! If it is that simple, why do I need to work out?
Because working out is going to up your metabolism and actually raise the number of calories that your body needs. This is because your body is using more energy. So it needs to convert more calories. That means more fat gets burned!

So what should I eat
The short version is that you want to look for foods that don’t have any saturated fat (that is the bad one) and no sugar. This can be difficult at times, depending on what you like to eat. But what you are looking for is a balanced diet with as little of these 2 things as possible. I will break it down for you. This is what you should buy at the store.
Note: Always get low fat when possible.

Lean Hamburger Pork Chops Steaks Fish
Shell Fish Chicken (skinless and not fried) Turkey Ham

Fresh Vegetables
Lettuce Other Greens Cucumbers Carrots
Asparagus Zucchini Radishes Tomatoes
Green Beans Onions Green Onions Peppers
Cauliflower Broccoli Peas Celery
Potatoes Corn Sweet Potatoes Squash

Fresh Fruits
Bananas Apples Oranges Pears
Peaches Nectarines Grapefruit Berries

Frozen Foods
Green Beans Peas Mixed Vegetables Carrots
Chicken Breasts Fruit Juice Bars Blueberries Corn
Fish Fillets Onions Vegetarian Burgers Shrimp

Canned Foods
Black Beans Tomatoes Marinara Sauce Tuna
Salmon Pinto Beans White Beans Pineapples

Grains and Cereals
Whole Grain Bread Whole Grain Pasta Whole Grain Cereal Oatmeal

Dairy and Eggs
Low Fat Sour Cream Low Fat Milk Cheddar Cheese Butter
Low Fat Cream Cheese Colby Cheese Mozzarella Cheese Yogurt

Herbs and Spices Sesame Oil Low Fat Dressings Mustard
Low Fat Mayonnaise Honey Low Sodium Soy Sauce Walnuts
Pumpkin Seeds Mixed Nuts Walnuts Pecans
Flax Seeds Olive Oil Walnut Oil Garlic

100% Fruit Juice Sparkling Water Tomato Juice Herb Tea


Nov 8, 2006, 2:20 AM
Post #3 of 63 (9493 views)

Registered: Nov 7, 2006
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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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Working out
Working out is the part that has the most options. There are so many ways to get in shape. No matter what you do, as long as you are getting your heart beat up and doing some solid physical activity, you are going to be making muscles stronger and your cardio system more efficient. This will allows for fast, HEALTHY, overall gains.

Now I am going to go through the plan that I use. Not to say this is THE plan to use, it is just an example of A plan. Your plan can be anything from swimming 3-5 times a week to working out at a gym, to joining a sports team. I will also explain why my plan is set up the way it is. First off, I use a 3 day workout plan, and I use it to stay in shape based off of the military physical fitness test standards.

These 3 days are where I focus on my muscle building. The plan is as follows.

Note: All sets are done until you cannot do another rep. Take 45 seconds to rest and do the next set until you cannot do another rep. For making muscles bigger, use heavier weight and do less reps. Use the amount of weight that will allow you to do 10 reps or so before fatigue. To tone up your muscles do less weight with more reps. Use the amount of weight that will allow you to fatigue at around 15-20 reps.
It is very important that you have good form. That means that you only need to lift the amount of weight you can do without messing up your form. Bad form makes the exercise pointless. It also increases your chance of pulling a muscle or even tearing one.
Here is a good link for seeing how to do each exercise
Do 10 minutes of cardio before your workout to warm your muscles up and to help relieve any discomfort that you are feeling in your recovering muscles from the previous workout.

Monday: Chest and Triceps
Flat Bench Press - 4 sets
Incline Dumbbell Press - 3 sets
Dumbbell Flyes - 2 sets
Dips - 3 sets
Cable Press Downs - 2 sets

Tuesday: Back and Biceps
Pull-ups - 4 sets
Bent Over Barbell Row - 3 sets
Seated Cable Row - 3 sets
Barbell Curls - 3 sets
Seated Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets

Thursday: Shoulders, Traps and Abs
Seated Barbell Press - 4 sets
Single-Arm Lateral Raises - 3 sets
Barbell Shrugs - 4 sets
Various ab workouts (pick 2-3)- crunches, leg raises, situps, hip thrusts, side bends, weighted situps, crunches with your legs bent, not bent, straight up in the air.

Wed and Fri are normally cardio only days.

Ok, here is the reason for doing it this way. The first thing you need to understand about setting up a plan is that any exercise that you perform will work out more than one muscle. There are two types of muscles that are worked. Primary and secondary. Primary muscles are the ones that are directly being focused on. Secondary are the ones needed to help the primary muscles perform the action. For example, I split shoulders and chest by a few days. That is because about every chest exercise uses triceps as a secondary. So I work the chest, then finish off the triceps…I have fatigued both chest and triceps on Monday. I then give those muscles 3 days rest before doing my shoulder exercise because most of those will also use the triceps as a secondary. If I tried to do shoulder the day after chest or triceps workouts, my triceps would wear out before I get a good shoulder exercise, therefore making the exercise pointless. The same goes for back and bicep. They go together because the bicep is a secondary muscle for back exercises. So I do bicep after my back workout and not the other way around.

There are a lot of ways to do your cardio. Swimming, running, biking, skating. Anything that gets you breathing heavy will work for cardio. That being said, there are a few key points. You need to get your heartbeat up. Generally 30 minutes of cardio on your non workout days will be good. This is in addition to the 10 minutes of cardio that you do before your workouts. That should give you 90 minutes of cardio per week if you do not do any cardio on the weekend. This is a pretty good number, especially for the first few months that you work out.
The other thing to look at is when to do your cardio. It depends on what you want out of it. Personally, I want it for getting back into overall shape. Getting fit. Not really for the visible aspects as much as the health benefits. If this is the case, any time of the day is good. Any time that you can do cardio will be great for upping your metabolism, burning fat, and getting your cardio system in good running order.
However, if you want to burn the most fat, the best way to do your cardio is first thing in the morning. The reason is that when you wake up, you have not eaten in 8 hours or so. When you run, your body will NEED to burn something for energy. It will look for food and burn it for energy. If there is no food (there won’t be in the morning), it will target fat.

Using all of this info (I know, it’s damn near a book), you should have no problem getting your body to look and feel the way you want it to. One thing to note is this is all free. I am giving you straight info. You can go with fad diets and all of that stuff, but most of them are moreless to get your money by selling books or equipment. If you have any questions, shoot me a message or email. If I don’t know the answer, I will find it for you. Another good source is the people at your local gym. They get paid to get you into shape. Because that will keep you coming to their gym. Just be weary of when they try to sell you supplements. Most of the stuff you get from supplements will be just as good when you get it from stuff like fish, veggies, fruits etc. Basically eating healthy is way better than taking pills.
The most important thing is just sticking to it. You do that and you will be golden.


Nov 8, 2006, 3:01 AM
Post #4 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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Sugar is the devil when it comes to the human body. It causes you to waste energy trying to burn it.

That's not true. If it were true, then sugar would be a godsend to dieters. Wasting energy while burning calories would be helpful for losing weight. In fact, those annoying people who can eat as much as the want and never gain weight can do so because their bodies are really good at wasting energy.

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This is energy that could be used burning fat.

You are confused. Burning fat doesn't require a net input of energy.

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When you eat sugar, the presence of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids in the intestine stimulates the pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin.

The body secretes insulin primarily in response to an increase of sugar in the blood.

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Insulin acts on many cells in your body, especially those in the liver, muscle and fat tissue. The insulin tells your body to stop breaking down fatty acid, as well as glucose.

This is misleading. The most important effect of insulin is to increase glucose burning in muscle cells.

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It also makes your body stop breaking down proteins into amino acids. Which otherwise would help in muscle building.

You seem really confused here. Where do you think the protein comes from that your body breaks down? It comes from your muscles! So saying that reduction in protein breakdown is detrimental to muscle building is an utter logical contradiction.

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Your body knows how much it needs to eat.

No it doesn't. That's why we have an obesity epidemic. In all likelihood we are programmed by evolution to overeat when food is abundant. That worked well during our evolution because times when food was abundant were rare. It made sense to build up fat reserves whenever possible in order to survive the next period of food shortage.

The problem is in the modern world there are no periods of food shortage. We are constantly surrounded by an abundance of food, and thus left to our bodies' natural tendencies, we overeat and get fat.

Numerous studies have shown that "cognitive restraint" is an important factor in successful weight loss. That is, it is important not to "listen to your body" but to consciously override your body's appetite signals.



Nov 8, 2006, 3:05 AM
Post #5 of 63 (9493 views)

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The main problem that I see though, is that people are making things way to complicated.

You don't say? :?

Leave the body split workout routine for the bodybuilders.

and you concepts of nutrition are a littel off...


Nov 8, 2006, 3:18 AM
Post #6 of 63 (9493 views)

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This is simple.

Stop eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream every night and do some sit-ups. I hate fatties.


Nov 8, 2006, 3:25 AM
Post #7 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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Hey I figured out how to get in shape for climbing,
go climbing.


Nov 8, 2006, 4:47 AM
Post #8 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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Jay, I have read the stuff that you typed up, and I can tell that you study all of this pretty hardcore. That's fine. I assumed when I put this up that you would come in and butcher what I wrote. Reason being that I wrote up a guide that is made to come across in a way that is NOT all scientific and what not. That means that some of the stuff is going to sound funny or off to you. Sure, I could break out the exact scientific definitions of everything in there, but if they wanted that they could either a)look at your stuff, or b)read any book on nutrition.

I am just trying to tell people what to do to get into shape without getting all technical.

And to anykineclimb, just because you don't care to read about how to put together a gym routine, that does not mean that others don't. Even if it is just one or two people. I put that portion in a separate reply for that reason. If you don't want to read it..don't.


Nov 8, 2006, 5:11 AM
Post #9 of 63 (9493 views)

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And to anykineclimb, just because you don't care to read about how to put together a gym routine, that does not mean that others don't. Even if it is just one or two people. I put that portion in a separate reply for that reason. If you don't want to read it..don't.

Actually I DID read it. like I said, leave the split routines for the body builders and PLEASE put down your copy of Muscle and Fitness. I've been in plenty of fitness centers with these sheep blindly following these stupid routines, doing hours of crunches; hoping for that sixpack. hundred of curls in front of the mirror and lets not forget the bench press! WTF?!

you want simple? start at the beginning what is "in shape"? what is "fitness"

Go from there.


Nov 8, 2006, 5:28 AM
Post #10 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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So you are saying that a workout routine like the one above is for bodybuilders? Because I use it to build muscle endurance and overall strength. It seems to work just fine for me. It is working for a lot of the guys that are following the same program here where I work.

Furthermore, I by no means said this is the program you have to follow if you want to get in better shape. I actually said that more than likely, those who want to get in shape for climbing should probably alter the program to be more climbing specific.

Seriously, if you disagree with something, why not post an alternative that you feel is better instead of being negative. What exactly did you do in the fitness center? Because from what I gathered so far, you spend your time watching other people work out.


Nov 8, 2006, 5:51 AM
Post #11 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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wow....simplified? I love how people just post 6 screen lengths of info because they think everyone wants to read it. I would expect something simple on getting in shape like "burn more calories than you take in" because, even though I'm no nutritionist, it really is that simple.


Nov 8, 2006, 5:59 AM
Post #12 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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fricckinfracck :: I read through the nutritional segment you posted above--thanks for summing up the basics for people out there who are unaware of how important a role food plays in your health and the effectiveness of exercise. I appreciate that you include what to eat as well as why you should be eating it. To conclude, I would like to reiterate that the sooner you begin to distance yourself from consuming soda, coffee, and fast food the sooner you will begin to lose interest in those types of food. It's a great feeling when your body hesitates to eat greasy, fried food and actually craves something wholesome and nourishing.

To jt :: for Christ's sake, who are you to strike down ff as if you were Zeus riding high on your cloud for taking the time to put together a generally useful and helpful guide for people. Stumbling upon your line by line dissection and blatant disapproval of ff's post made me sick. You succeeded in derailing the purpose and intent of this thread AS THE FIRST PERSON TO REPLY. Your qualms are mostly personal and could just as easily have been addressed in a PM. Lastly, you could at least have had the grace to thank ff for his effort in putting this post together, alas so many people lack even a shred of decency these days :(


Nov 8, 2006, 6:14 AM
Post #13 of 63 (9493 views)

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Try The Making of a 'Rockprodigy'.

"The Self-Coached Climber" book also has some simple exercises that focuses on climbing. Not to put down your work but compared to what I see in those references, yours do look like a bodybuilders workout scheme.

I'm no nutritionist, but if jt512 says there's something wrong with the facts, you'd might like to double check your work. He does have the credentials to back his words. :wink:

Anyway, I'd say good effort on putting up something for everyone to use. If you can accept criticism and improve your work, that would be better.


Nov 8, 2006, 6:26 AM
Post #14 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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FF, I do have to give you credit for getting to the fitness center on a regular basis and doing something. Can't say much for the millions of Americans who's only concept of exercise is lift that Super Big Gulp of Diet Coke to their mouth.

I criticize your routine because it can be so much better. I call it a body builder routine because thats exactly what it is. Weider has made millions of of magazines and videos selling the same tired routine. Why exactly do you need to do THREE different types of chest exercises? not to mention the isolation movements of your bicep curls and tricep pressdowns.

You also seem to be forgetting a few things. First off are your legs, you know, those sticks that move you around all day? I take you think running is "enough" to work your legs or some nonsense. Working your legs (squats, namely) will do more for your fitness than you know. Also, on you"back and bis day" what about your lower back? you sure do like to do a lot of ab work (to check out in the mirror, I'm sure) but you NEED to work your lower back also and the rest of your core.

Like I keep saying, your routine is that of a bodybuilder. Sure its great if you want to wear a string bikini and some spray on tan but seriously there are better routines out there. you don't need to bulk up to be strong. this is especially crucial in climbing where you want strength but minimize weight. how do you do that? well for one, you NEVER work to failure on a regular basis. Frankly, I was shocked that you do that. thats bad juju. maybe do maxeffort once a month, but not all the time!

As for what I do at the FC? I do what Coach tells me...

Konaboy, you do know what JT512 does for a living, right??


Nov 8, 2006, 6:28 AM
Post #15 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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FF, I do have to give you credit for getting to the fitness center on a regular basis and doing something. Can't say much for the millions of Americans who's only concept of exercise is lift that Super Big Gulp of Diet Coke to their mouth.

I criticize your routine because it can be so much better. I call it a body builder routine because thats exactly what it is. Weider has made millions of of magazines and videos selling the same tired routine. Why exactly do you need to do THREE different types of chest exercises? not to mention the isolation movements of your bicep curls and tricep pressdowns.

You also seem to be forgetting a few things. First off are your legs, you know, those sticks that move you around all day? I take you think running is "enough" to work your legs or some nonsense. Working your legs (squats, namely) will do more for your fitness than you know. Also, on you"back and bis day" what about your lower back? you sure do like to do a lot of ab work (to check out in the mirror, I'm sure) but you NEED to work your lower back also and the rest of your core.

Like I keep saying, your routine is that of a bodybuilder. Sure its great if you want to wear a string bikini and some spray on tan but seriously there are better routines out there. you don't need to bulk up to be strong. this is especially crucial in climbing where you want strength but minimize weight. how do you do that? well for one, you NEVER work to failure on a regular basis. Frankly, I was shocked that you do that. thats bad juju. maybe do maxeffort once a month, but not all the time!

As for what I do at the FC? I do what Coach tells me...

Konaboy, you do know what JT512 does for a living, right??


Nov 8, 2006, 6:44 AM
Post #16 of 63 (9493 views)

Registered: Nov 7, 2006
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Re: Understandable guide to getting in shape [In reply to]
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I am glad this is getting onto a more friendly track :) . So much easier to discuss things in a neutral situation. Anyways, it IS a bodybuilder routine if you do it a specific way. I do it with more reps and less weight to build strength. I am not a big guy at all. I do like to do ab workouts, but not so much for looking in the mirror as for strengthening the midsection to improve overall performance. Another thing to note, which I added to my posts, is that my training routine is based around military fitness testing which involves running, pushups, situps, and BMI.

Like I said, Jay knows his stuff. That is obvious. But my intent was just to make a sectionalized post that would allow people to find a section they are curious about and read a general overview of the whats and whys. I edited it to add a "quick version", and changed the title since you are right to say that simplified was the wrong word to use.

Konaboy, thanks for the good word. I was starting to think it was a huge mistake to post anything at all. Even though I was just trying to be helpful :)

added:Hey that crossfit site looks pretty cool. So you sign up, and they send you something every day with what to do in the gym/track?


Nov 8, 2006, 7:21 AM
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I'll boil it down even simpler in these two posts:

a) shut cakehole...


Nov 8, 2006, 7:22 AM
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b) move legs, ass, and arms with steady, occasional ferocity...


Nov 8, 2006, 1:32 PM
Post #19 of 63 (9493 views)

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Hi fricckinfracck, it is brave and noble of you to put your head to the buzzsaw just to help all of us get a handle on out fat bottoms! Thanks for the input and the intent. One thing I am amazed no one else stuck you for: You will burn like (exactly) one pound a week if your burn 500 excess calories a day (not two pounds). It’s the same old eat less and better, workout more mantra really. Climbers are always trying to get as light as possible and generally get all the strength training they need (or think they need) by climbing, thus the resistance to your “bodybuilding” routine. I have read again and again that there is bloody little you can do in a gym, strength wise, that benefits climbing. Pull-ups are even under debate. At any rate, thanks for putting your two cents in. It looks like you predicted the flame, once I started reading your post I started thinking ‘oh god, what is jt512 going to do to this poor soul?’. Don’t sweat it, it must be a terrible burden on Jay to possess such a great breadth of knowledge, and to be right all of the time. Heck, I find it difficult just to be an idiot!


Nov 8, 2006, 2:32 PM
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Re: Getting in shape..simplified [In reply to]
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When you eat sugar, the presence of glucose, amino acids or fatty acids in the intestine stimulates the pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin.

The body secretes insulin primarily in response to an increase of sugar in the blood.

Maybe the OP laymanized it, but I figured he was talking about incretins.

(but I do agree with your "primarily" statement).


Nov 8, 2006, 4:11 PM
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jt512, do you disagree with any of the CONCLUSIONS. I am fine if the reasoning is not the best. I actually spotted a few of the things you brought up, but to the best of my knowledge the conclusions on how to lose weight are correct. The bickering about the reasoning is not going to matter to the goal audience.

ff, thanks for summing things up. I actually think this IS concise. People won't do anything consistently without understanding some of the reason for why. You provided enough detail that someone can validate the why, but not so much to bore a person's eyes out of their skull.

everyone criticizing the exercises should relax.... He did state several times how he recommends reforming the exercises to your needs. ff recommends doing multiple sets to failure at around 15-20 reps. There is only 45 seconds pause in between sets that he is recommending. In my experience with crossfit, there was much more body building and explosive power than in John Long's workout from hell. In fact, ff's workout seems to be extremely close to the workout from hell, and since a world recognized climber promotes this maybe you should consider it. The workout from hell has several phases though. ff's routine would not provide a peak, but would be easier for the GOAL AUDIENCE to maintain over a lifetime, and a long term goal is needed to succeed in weight loss.

The lack of leg and back exercises is valid in my opinion, but I have different goals then ff.


Nov 8, 2006, 7:17 PM
Post #22 of 63 (9493 views)

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I am just trying to tell people what to do to get into shape without getting all technical.

Except that you did, in fact, get technical. You bring up insulin, for instance, and get it completely wrong. If you're going to bring up technicalities, at least get them right. There is no point in confusing the issue with nonsense.



Nov 8, 2006, 7:24 PM
Post #23 of 63 (9493 views)

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fricckinfracck :: I appreciate that you include what to eat as well as why you should be eating it.

To jt :: for Christ's sake, who are you to strike down ff as if you were Zeus riding high on your cloud for taking the time to put together a generally useful and helpful guide for people. Stumbling upon your line by line dissection and blatant disapproval of ff's post made me sick. You succeeded in derailing the purpose and intent of this thread AS THE FIRST PERSON TO REPLY.

OK, next time I'll wait for you to thank the OP for explaining "why," even though the reasons given were inaccurate. You seem to equally value correct and incorrect explanations. How strange.

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Your qualms are mostly personal and could just as easily have been addressed in a PM.

My "qualms" were not even remotely personal. They were scientific.



Nov 8, 2006, 7:32 PM
Post #24 of 63 (9493 views)

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Well said, one more thing to add. "Turn off your and throw it out your window, better yet sell it and buy a better stereo," Kurt Cobain.


Nov 8, 2006, 7:51 PM
Post #25 of 63 (9493 views)

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Re: Understandable guide to getting in shape [In reply to]
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jt512, do you disagree with any of the CONCLUSIONS.

It's hard to tell what his conclusions are! He contradicts himself all over the place. I agree with his recommendation to minimize saturated fat intake, but then he specifically recommends a number of foods that are notoriously high in saturated fat (eg, cheese, steak, pork, ham, hamburger...). I agree that a 500 kcal/day energy deficit is a good goal, but disagree that it will produce a 2 lb/wk loss of body fat; as sweetchuck said, it would be only about 1 lb/wk. He also never says how to attain that 500 kcal/day deficit. He says your body knows when it has had enough food. It doesn't, as I explained; people are exquisitely "designed" by evolution to overeat. That is why I counsel dieters to carefully count calories. His weight-lifting routine seems to have no relation to rock climbing. A climber would be better off going to the climbing gym twice a week than doing the weight lifting routine in the post.

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I am fine if the reasoning is not the best. I actually spotted a few of the things you brought up...

...People won't do anything consistently without understanding some of the reason for why. You provided enough detail that someone can validate the why, but not so much to bore a person's eyes out of their skull.

I don't understand your reasoning. You seem to be saying that correct and incorrect reasoning are equally valid; that all people want is a reason, whether it is right or not.

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everyone criticizing the exercises should relax.... He did state several times how he recommends reforming the exercises to your needs.

Then why did he suggest those exercises at all? I don't get it. Why post a lengthy exercise routine on a rock climbing site that is totally inappropriate for rock climbers. He's essentially saying: here's an exercise routine that isn't very appropriate for you. What's the point?

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In fact, ff's workout seems to be extremely close to the workout from hell, and since a world recognized climber promotes this maybe you should consider it.

Largo's workout from hell was devised like 30 years ago. No knowledgeable climbing coach today would recommend a routine even remotely like the workout from hell.


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