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Reviews for Basic Multipurpose Ascender Average Rating = 3.89/5 Average Rating : 3.89 out of 5

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Review 3 out of 5 stars

Review by: viciado, 2006-04-25

Works well for self belay on fixed rope, a rope block and an ascender but lacks a handle which is inconvenient for jugging (duh). I like it because it is lightweight and unobtrusive when racked.

Review 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: afiveonbelay, 2005-09-29

The Basic is just the Ascension without the handle

Review 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: dr_fil_good, 2005-08-10

Pros: Great for solo climbing. I still haven't used it in a hauling setup yet but I'm sure it'd be smooth as silk. Hasn't damaged my rope yet. The sheath hasn't slipped and I've taken a few decent falls when soloing.

Cons: I'd prefer a solo device I could use whilst leading. If you use the wrong bina it can get 'trapped' on a corner of the bina and will jam the rope, if you aren't concious of this you could be in for a big surprise when you get to the top of the climb!!! Another hassle, as pointed out by Adam, is the device really can lock up when loaded. If you've fallen off an overhang when soloing and you can't get back on the climb (as I've obviously experienced) you have to prussic up to the top of the ledge ... a pain in the backside ... oh yeah, and swapping from ascension to descension can be very very time consuming!!!

Overall: It's brilliant!!! I do really like it, especially now that I've worked out the cons I know how to prevent them or work with the situation.

Review 4 out of 5 stars

Review by: ajkclay, 2005-05-03

Easy to use, hard to muck up, the Basic is a good reliable self-belay device.

Would have rated a 5 if it didn't lock a little too much after loading.

Review 3 out of 5 stars

Review by: adamtd, 2005-03-05

I own it, but almost never use it. It works well for setting up a haul system to drag up your haul bag, but I don't use it much since my Ascentions work just as well.

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