Gear : Reviews
Reviews for Red 457 (Barryvox 3000)
Average Rating : 4.00 out of 5
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Review by: willthethrill, 2005-02-03
This is the easiest tranciever to use. I have used the tracker and all the ortovox models and I love the Barryvox. It takes some getting used to the buttons but with practice they are a dream. The switch to analog is easy for those who prefer it. The multiple burail mode is intuative and easy to use. Good for beginners and the analog for pros. The only concern is that I have seen condensation build up beneath the LCD cover. I work at an outdoor retailer and have seen a couple trancievers returned for this reason. It seems to happen when doing long, long approaches and getting very sweaty. I sent mine back for inspection and there was nothing wrong so I am happy. This could make some people worry so thats why the 4
Review by: snorro, 2004-09-17
This little red bug gets you there fast! It's very light and super easy to use. I've been really happy with it so far.