Gear : Reviews
Reviews for M2
Average Rating : 4.00 out of 5
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Review by: rockmaninoff, 2005-02-23
Professional digital/analog tranceiver. I have one M1 and one M2. The M2 has greater range and a few other minor changes. The M1 is easier to use in the dark, as the LED illuminates if you are moving in the right direction. The M2 uses the LED differently, and LCD is used instead of the LED to tell you to move forward. I prefer the M1, myself, but that's partly because I've never been buried. Very comfortable and unobtrusive to wear. Easy to use. I would recommend continuing an analog search pattern until the digital distance meter reads 20 meters or so. If analog is abandoned too early, the digital signal is sometimes lost.
Practice makes perfect with all tranceivers.
Practice makes perfect with all tranceivers.