Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
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With a fresh bag of bolts and hangers from the now-defunct PBC, my gear dries after a month in storage in a cave at the top of the Stormwatch Wall while I was away working in Portland, OR.
Submitted by: roninthorne on 2014-01-09 | Views: 2979
Been there, done that, many times. At least your stuff was still there when you returned.
No danger back in the day, Ed. My stuff was about three miles from where the horde was standing in line to repeat routes, on the far side of a canyon with no guidebook, in a cave that just looked like an overgrown alley betwen fins until you pushed through the brush. Not many climbers in AZ or any other state of the union who would have had the stones to even be there, much less look around enough to find and steal my gear. Heck, it took Marty Karabin and Rich LeMal YEARS to find me, and they were constantly active in the area, at that time.