Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Jam it hard !
Basti Frey jams really hard on the roof-crux of the Frankenjura classic "Bückling" 9- (5.12.c), Bärenschlucht. Photo by Jörg Zeidelhack.
Submitted by: climbnow1 on 2003-07-24 | Views: 892

Nice flaring schlep fest. 10 to 1 those monster forearms were a little worse for the wear after this.

Is this one of the pics submitted a few months ago ??? Still a great shot.
It´s one of the whole series ...

I love it... I remember when many of these went up... Good to see the progress. Looks a little too fat and desperate for my taste, but I sure can appreciate the "fight" it takes to get up these.

Have you changed the image size with photoshop or why is Bastis face so long and thin? (other possibilities: Basti pulled his head through the crack or placed a head-jam, that would explain his red colored face too…:-)
his head is kind of conehead - like but i think the angle makes it even more look like that .. :-)
mmmm... flaring crack... looks tough. great shot.

Great pic...I think the pic submitted a few months ago was called "Basti Frey Digging Deep"
That other one has been taken with a wider angle. Check it at