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Damaged Bird Nests

Damaged Bird Nests

This shows where four cliff swallow nests were... on the crux of hourglass hi-ball left. Cliff swallows build their nests to be used for several years. They are migratory birds and the nests might seem abandoned during parts of the year. There is no way of knowing how this happened. This kind of damage endangers access. Be careful!

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Submitted by: moss1956 on 2003-08-04 | Views: 1959

Comment roughster on 2003-08-05
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Looking at the pic I wouldn't necessarily assume it was climbers. The nest on the right is still intact. I was floating a river today and noticed a bunch of nests, with about every other nest "blown up" just like in this pic. The nest were under a bridge about 60 feet up, so I doubt it had anything to do with climbers either. I think that the some nests get weak over time and eventually fall apart.

I think Darwin called it "Natural Selection" Birds that don't build them right the 1st time get to do it again or not reproduce.