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"Amadeus" the finger crack symphony

a real symphony jamming up this fingercrack corner called “ Amadeus 5.10b”-although I`m looking quiet different. Well protectable (single-pitch semi trad-route) with some Microfriends an a few nuts if your leading- but not if the belayer takes the pics. And did you believe that this crack-pic are made in an old quarry? Sure it is!

Rating:Average Rating = 3.89/5 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: kirk on 2003-10-10 | Views: 877

Comment petje on 2003-10-10
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Looks hard on there, Kirk! LOL
Next time we should be with more peeps and make some pics of you leading Kellerozzel!
No topropes!!!
Comment 4 out of 5 stars kirk on 2003-10-12
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sure w`ll met there,if I´ll ever recover- I`ve already led the KELLEROZZEL using all my size1# friends.
But you are right AMADEUS has got his own character only by leading.......shame on me!