Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
caught in the rain
nothing stops the french from climbing. The rain started and this poor guy (on ténére, I think) got soaked, but sent anyway.
Submitted by: mnanao on 2003-11-19 | Views: 1554
AMAZING. This is one of the best pics i have ever seen. I would love to see a full blown print of this image. Incredible detail.
This is the $#!&! Try and post it in a larger format - I want it for my desktop background. :D
at the risk of having people realize the detail isn't all that great :), here is the full sized jpg:
Still looks pretty awesome to me!! The detail comes out wonderfully even in the large picture. THats a really awesome shot!

wow!!! first words outta me? NU UH!! disbeleif. Woah, amazing pic...and well...i want it as my wallpaper. First time i've reeeeeally felt that! Amazing!
Beautiful shot, very nice.
GR8 shot man. sending in rain takes guts. kudos to the man.

Yeah, nothing stops them from slamming bolts in, either. Beautiful pic.

Says the guy with the pitons and the hammer...hah!

does he like pina coladas? sorry, had to say it since no one else was. this photo deserves a better scan (less sharpening). beautiful.

Get shot once again of a really great cliff. I think the climb in question may be in fact Mirage, at the redpoint crux no less. (Tenere takes the roof to the left)

I just love the amount of rain in this pic... and that you can actually see it. Very cool.

I may have to stop saying stuff about the french being cowards... nah, one person doesn't change a stereotype!!! nice shot all the same

so this guy can climb might that be because their troops can stand for hours with their arms up in the air.
The large version is fantastic. Keep up the great work!