Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Big Bend yo
working a problem on a rock I don't know the name of in Moab. An amazing place on a beautiful day.
Submitted by: bigdski on 2004-03-21 | Views: 872
This would be a really cool shot if the bottom of the boulder weren't chopped out.
Yea good shot but it would have been better if u woulda zoomed out
indeed the zoom out wouldn't have hurt, however I didn't take the picture, so I couldn't do much about it... I probably wouldn't have done that well if I had taken it.

Big Bend, the flattop boulder...Dolomite Towers in the background...pretty sweet. There's some killer problems there...pretty stiff grades.
thanks dog... good to know

..but how can you tell where the next holds are???

Is this rock right next to the highway by any chance?

Yeah, it is.

Yeah, it is.

whoa.... where are the indians?

These rocks are on the River Road. mistymountainhop: I think you are talking about the boulders near the highway coming into Moab. Right Before the turn by Arches National Park. Those boulders are great. 2 of the Big ones there even have anchor bolts setup at the tops. Great training boulders. --btw Great Pic.
I miss home :( :(
I miss home :( :(
Pretty view...pretty crappy shot though. I give it a 10!

thats caled the nazi traverse v7