Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
What an Ugly Crew!!!
This is a pic of the original set of Rangers working for the Park Police at the Garden of the Gods. That's me (Doug Widdis) on the left; I was responsible for everything over ten feet off of the base of the rocks. The older guy took care of tourist ques
Submitted by: polarwid on 2002-03-10 | Views: 814
Doug...You look like freakin' Barney Fife! Ugly is an understatement!ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Let me guess your the one with OUT the hat!!
He, he, he!!!!
Let me guess your the one with OUT the hat!!
He, he, he!!!!
Nope, I am the one in the SHORTS. Made it easier to climb and chase tourists off the rocks.

Do you get to pack heat when you climb? May be easier just to stay at the bottom and pluck the tourists off with your sidearm. I'll bet that guy holding his buckle would help you out, he looks like the shootin type. Best of luck..pete

Lookout CHIPS the park rangers are back in town..:)