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Great picture of the overhang on the other side!

Great picture of the overhang on the other side!

Juice, the overhang route on the other side, I'd like to see somone pull this roof!

Rating:Average Rating = 1.50/5 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 2

Submitted by: tharealtn on 2004-10-07 | Views: 1395

Comment smellyferret on 2005-07-29
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I was watching some guys do it a while back. I think they were saying that the first route to the right of the arete was only 12a, but that looked a little sand bagged to me.
Comment bloodyhands on 2007-10-29
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I did it and 12a sounds right. Plus, after you pull the lip it's only 5.9ish to the top.