Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
First he climbed up...
4-year-old Harry descending in his customary style from a granite pillar in Eagle, Idaho's fantastic park.
Submitted by: catalina on 2004-12-25 | Views: 1588

great shot! oh and "Where's the helmet parents!?" J/K :)

Did he return the catch for you?


fearless and total trust.

awesome trust... man what cajones that kid has already

OMG.... this is one of the coolest pics on the site. I dream that my (future) kids will have that much confidence and trust. What a kid. Great pic.

1) To scale highball...nice
2) Barefoot....sweet
3) Leaping into daddy's arms...awesome
Great shot.
2) Barefoot....sweet
3) Leaping into daddy's arms...awesome
Great shot.

No way!!!!

Commitment and trust, defined. Nice work.

I wish I trusted someone that much! That's amazing!
How did he even get up there?
base jumping: start 'em young ;-)

Big balls, little guy.

awesome pic.

that has to be one of the raddest things i've ever seen
YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! little rock monkey whith some serious CAHJONES!

great pic but lets hope he grows out of it before he is 16 eh?

I wish I had a spottere like that. Not even a crash pad, now thats confident spotting :D

Kids are so cool, and quite fearless!

You should keep your eyes on that kid if you expect to see him make it to five. Crazy Shot

The ultimate "reverse-dyno", and by a 4-year-old!

Bet your wife wasn't the one taking the picture, lol.

COJONES!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd say get him involved in the Olympics diving. Check out the form.

damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn that is awsome dude , what a kid , i wouldnt jump like him , is that a true photo?
Whoa! I wish I was 4 years old!

Does he miss very often?

To Infinity, and Beyond !

Cool pic. I live just down the road from that park... there's a little outdoor bouldering wall near the slides. :D

Oh, the irony: High ratings and positive comments for this, but endless castigation for adults who free solo.

As a climber, I think "Sweet!" a parent, I think "awwww, how cute!" an ER nurse, I think...."holy shit, don't drop him!!!!"

hey keinangst... he´s being spotted, I can asure you his life is not in danger... This is a great picture, I´d even like a full sized version of it.

child-like faith... tight

Great way to get him not to be afraid of falls....Excellenteee!!!

Cool photo

my new wallpaper

Wow, you really caught the moment of flight, awesome!
I'm not sure who has the bigger cajones, kid for taking flight or dad for being so sure he'll catch him!


Monkey-boy really can fly..

hey dad...what's up with those pants?
def a 10. this is way under rated. i mean its a four year old kid climbin bare foot then divin off a pillar. very sick.

new superman has just coming

Hang onto that little guy if you visit somewhere like Half Dome!!!

This would make a great poster... or post card or something. Title it "Faith."
The rest of us are just wimps... that kid is brave...points for the little guy.

Does not look real

Nice work on the photoshop editor!!! Or that is the sickest thing ever!
When I have kids I want them to be just like yours...Father of the year right here

i want him for a daddy!!

yürü beee
I want to be four again. great shot.

this pic gives me a knott in my stomach
I guess I'm behind the curve. My 4 year old wouldn't jump.

Dude that is badass

Sadly, my son is getting too big to do this with me. But, he used to, just not from so far above my head.
Delightful, literally, fills me with delight. I love the pointed toes! Was there a lot of deliberation, or did he just trust?


so sweeeeeet!
that's awesome!!!!
I have to laugh. Absolutely ridiculous. I love it.