Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Jayson Orton exits Mono
Jayson finishing Mono, a 29, through the big roof at the Mine, Cape Town
Submitted by: altelis on 2005-02-09 | Views: 1659

I like the mountains in the background, nice photo
Agh!I miss the Cape-cool pic!

Wow...that is an awesome pic...action shot in a crazy hang with incredible mountains in the background.
really cool

sigh.............looks sooo good
Man, I wish I was a climber when I was in Cape Town... Makes me sick.
personally I don't see the big deal. The pic seems too dark to me, and it would benifit from being quite a bit larger.

Heartfelt thanks to colo for summarizing what is best and most relevant about this picture.

no reason to be a front page pic... i can see the pixellation without any blowup at all.

Some climbers, who dont care much about photography like pics because theyre good shots of ...guess what...climbing! I agree its not a "good" picture, but it makes me miss climbing and reminds me of being on the rock again (even though Ive never done anything near that awesome:) ) So, Id say its a damn good shot.
Absolutely disagree with those above who say this is not a "good" picture. This is an incredible shot, with a very good, simple, striking composition. I like the darkness and contrast as well, at least on my laptop's screen. You're not using any technical photography "gimmicks" (limited depths of field, etc.), but this photo is nearly perfect in my book, and deserves the 10.

...I would suggest cropping more of the top part out.... if you scroll down and view it with the rock taking up about a third of the photo it looks much better.... sacrifice rock and emphasise the mountains. The lighting on the climber is good.... I give it a 9....

that is freakin awesome...


yeah i dont know if I would chalk up right there

wonderfull position
haha, if you knew what was coming you WOULD chalk up right there.

I think cropping out the mountains would also be cool - its an odd angle - almost like the photo was flipped upside down, and he was looking over the edge..