Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
'It's all About Focus'
Breede's on-sighting of 'Burnt Offerings' 7a+ (5.11d) is caught in the refelection of his belayer's sunglasses. I think this shot makes for an unusual and interesting photo. Like most of my photos, what you see, is how the shot was taken with no computer trickery or enhancement.
Submitted by: grit-freak on 2005-03-01 | Views: 1248

Thanks, Coldclimb. I've seen so many good photos of yours on here, Im flattered.
If that was my nose I'd photoshop the hairs out. Maybe give myself a nosejob, too. But then I'm vain like that. Interesting shot though. Here's a 10 for amusements sake.
Wonderful shot!

Great Idea.

hmm hm hmmmm, nose hair!!!
yeah, how does it look with the nose cut a bit?

Mmmm, interesting comments, thanks. I deliberately didn't chop or edit out any of Andrew's (the belayer) facial features as I felt it was part of his character, and that of the photo too. I also wanted to keep the 'purity' of the photo. After all, God gave them to him so who am I to interfere?

whoa guys I think you've been away from real climbers too long...we don't trim our nose hairs. "please cut your nose hair!" what kinda climbers are you? great shot man. I think that the clarity of the cliff in the background is sweet.
This is a really cool pic... what did you use to shoot it?

Glad you like it, Climbersoze. I use a Nikon 8800 mostly, no filter with this shot.
nice one - and those hairs look to be on a mole, not on the nose itself. glad you kept 'em to scare the preening prissies. don't get 'em started on trimming in Community, mind you, they don't stop at the nose!

i understand the concept of keeping the "purity" of the photo. however a little photoshop of his nose would actually help the viewer focus on what was inteded to be the focal point of the picture instead of the hairs sticking out of what looks like a soon to appear zit I love the picture but I think a little photoshop would actually purify the intended purpose of the photo not destract. (judging by the comments everyone else was just as distracted as I was

wow cool photo, you really captured the moment of those nose hairs blowing in the wind. you should consider editing out the climber in the sunglasses as it distracts from the focal point of the nose hairs.
OK get rid of the nose hairs. And the mole. And the wrinkles. Comb the guy's hair while you're at it, why dontcha! Friggin' hippy . . . . God forbid a photo - or a person - should have unique characteristics. So much better to ignore imperfections and pretend "blemishes" don't exist. Did I mention the pansies are blooming early this year? I also think it's more fun if you don't notice the climber right away (and I didn't) - which added to the "oh cool" factor when I did see it. Kind of a gestaalt thingy.
excellent photo!!

great idea, different, innovative, original

Photo shop the nose to focus the viewer eh? Dem's some pretty words for "Fake picture." Photography 101 these days I reckon. The nose hair makes the shot imo. Nice work, au natural.

Scheisse, I only went away for a few days! What a debate this pic has started. Thanks for all your comments people - Leinosaur, you a funny guy, Im crying here LOL. Stupidboulderer has wit too. Consensus, I think leans in the favour of the nose hairs staying. Thank god, I hate, to quote Dingus, "dem Fake pictures" ...The guys I climb with aint pretty, but I loves 'em just the same. Im off to have a haircut and get me nails done ;-)
Now that is a great shot!
I'm with you guys on the "fake picture" side of things, the less photoshopping the better.
I'm with you guys on the "fake picture" side of things, the less photoshopping the better.

Reflections Rule!!!
Well done.
Reflections Rule!!!
Well done.