Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Erongo Boulder
Typical granite boulder in the Erongo Mountains, Namibia, Africa.
Submitted by: ddt on 2005-10-02 | Last Modified: 2007-02-21 | Views: 4231
Holy Shit !!! Is that thing climbable? I want to see someone bouldering it to the top, jeje. i'm suddenly craving irish potatos...

Wow. Just wow. See that boulder? That thing is frickin huge.
damnnnnnnn , look , thats amazing , thx for publish
Lets bolt it!!!
Nice boulder ;)


I agree with we just need sour cream and cheese...

dude, someone could totally push that over...

There are no routes on the boulder. And yes... trust me, we DID try and push it over!

La Bola de Billar.

wow! that is incredible!

I like to get a car jack and lift it and roll it down hill, I never seen a potato that big

Radical! Makes Hampi look ridiculous .... should get old Mr Sharma over there!

If you start climbing one side, will it start to roll?

where's your crashpad, your going to need it
I don't know what to say...but that's a big rock!
How did it get that rounded? Just by wind?
Is that the boulder from Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Hey, I know that place. :-) The area used to be called "Bulls Party". No idea why...

Dayum! Never seen a cheeseball that big!

That's insane......can't wait to see Africa.

impressive! the ppl in the pic look like toy models. wow!!