Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
mark on the F.A of night prowler
i tried this route about a year ago knowing that it had not being led.last week i tried it again on a shunt.i found it o.k.the next next day i got my belay bunny and headed out to lead the route.the bottom section has already being climbed some years ago.this section is 8 meters long,with no protection.your only gear is at your feet when you set off.the crux is the last move.i can honestly say i was a bit scared.although not desperate it concentrates your mind.i called it night prowler and graded it e6 6a about 5.12bx in u.s grade.
Submitted by: marks on 2005-11-22 | Views: 1472

If there's no pro, why not just boulder it? Beautiful pic.

e6 6a? one hell of a runout for that upscale!! to be honest, thats the highest upscale ive ever seen, what is the actually runout in m?

the arete starts 15mtrs up on a can just see the gear at the bottom of the pic.the crux is 8 mtrs above the gear

i'd still say thats a bit over...
Down to the nitty GRITTY! My palms are sweaty just looking at the pic. Got anymore like it?

forget bouldering it, just bolt it :D


YEAAA...GritStone...where a standard route becomes a hard one ´cause the lack of protection...I love it...