Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
no micro edges up here.
"ehhh...mother f$%&er...i think i'll place a cam...eeeehhhhhhh." ian climbs scarface.
Submitted by: wurst on 2006-03-05 | Views: 1945
Most Excellent!!!
nice send ian, great shot wurst. waht up robby balls if you're out there and get well soon brit.

no micro edges... but looks like theres a huge foothold! maybe stemming is in the picture? Good picture, nice to see a different perspective.
great photo! A ten from me.
that'll get the balls sweaty. fuckin hot
wow, this is one of the most unique scarface photos I've seen! right on.

Looks more like 'scararm' than scarface.

Very powerful...
This explain trad without needing to say a word.
Very powerful...
This explain trad without needing to say a word.

ian, you are the sexiest brit to ever smell so bad. nice photo, wurst -dk
great sharpness
great angle... awesome shot :)
Wish I was there now.

Nice to see a new angle on Scarface, which has the second-most overplayed "purty horizon shot" after Ironman Traverse.

can i do it??????????

i wish i knew how to lead climb but im just a begginer and im not old enough

Why is it 5.11, is it greasy or something?

Matt, lately I feel like I was at IC with y'all. Keep 'em coming!
Jeez, screw the cam, why didn't he just reach up and grab you?!?! (What lens & f-stop is that?)
Excellent pic!

Sick brah. ~Stoney

the lens is a 70-300. the shot was taken at f8.
valberga, it's 5.11 because of a slightly tricky start, and an overhanging thin hands section down lower. nice shot.

cant climb with the best climb with the wurst

hhhhmmmm....that's gotta be paco.

nice pics matt!! stop in boulder sometime

nice pic man 10 for sure