Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
Little Jay Holowach about to break the lip
Jason Holowach working the roof section of an unamed man-made crack in the Broadway Bridge Support Columns in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Photo by Cody Millar.
Submitted by: codysan on 2006-04-24 | Views: 3722

wow thats effing amazing. i want one.

thats bad-ass!

This photo was as far as Jay got. This is after 3 days of effort. I think he'll send the next time we go, because he didnt fall from fatigue, he fell because the concrete was so damn slick. Once you break the lip and get to that ledge it will be no problem, but the crux is going to be breaking the lip.
break the lip and lead it and send it to Urban Climber or whatever that rag is....make do with what ya got huh?

holy crap. I used to live in saskatoon. never thought of climbing the bridge.
Thats ammazing.

Damn your lucky, they fill in all those concrete gaps in new jersey. They are all way to shallow to jam, not that ive never thought of doing it.

I've always wondered if those highway cracks would be good hands? I like!

Resourceful, yes, but "lucky?" "Lucky" would be living in a place that is surrounded by, oh, rocks!

No..."Lucky" is right...
not everyone can live in the mountains...some of us have to have real jobs...
Cool pic...that would be great practice for clean splitters. Very nice.!!!
not everyone can live in the mountains...some of us have to have real jobs...
Cool pic...that would be great practice for clean splitters. Very nice.!!!
I Love It! I grew up climbing on bridges, but never on one with such an awesome crack/roof. Submit this to Urban Climber for sure.

Time to lead it. Lemme guess... 4 or 5 pieces... all the same size!

I never guessed I would road trip to Saskatchewan. The province just made my list!

What is your anchor system?

I don't live in the mountains either, Summer's Eve...

Looks like a serious splitter!

anchor system is just 2 sets of 2 120 cm slings girthhitched around concrete pillars at the top with 2 locking beaners.

i cant believe this hasnt been asked... what size?

well if you mean cam size A guide friend of ours thinks number 1 or 2 camalots, if you mean crack size its good hand and it flares out in the roof section a bit into big hands or tight fist(small hands).
bridge climbing, yeah. (I'm a 10 minute jog from several nice bridges)
I would say you are lucky if you live near real rocks and resourceful if you do something cool like climb a bridge. Resourceful is a compliment by the way. Makes me look at bridges in a whole new light. Great pic

thanks dude
Similar to the Georgia Viaduct columns near downtown Vancouver. I have always wanted to try these. Great job!!

What is the street version of this climb ?

what do you mean?

photoshop the rope out

if it's as slick as you're implying, would the lobes of cams catch on that concrete if you fell?

i dont really think so, personally I wouldnt trust my life to it, and Im pretty stoked to just top rope it. But my friend who has been a mountain guide for some time seems to think that cams would stick. Really for the vertical section you wouldnt need to place gear becuase it is so bomber and easy, and where the roof connects to the vertical section you could stick a peice that would hold. but what do I know Im just a sport climber from the praries.

very nice