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Danno Getting Really High!

Danno Getting Really High!

Another great line off the boat! With a boulder problem right off the water (which I cheated standing on the boat rail), and then really easy climbing to the top, I was loving every minute of it! I ended up jumping off the upper ledge. Using both the frame rate on my computer and a printed image (with an engineering scale), I estimated the plunge to be about 65 feet. was scary!

Rating:Average Rating = 3.44/5 | Votes: 9 | Comments: 5

Submitted by: dbrayack on 2006-08-08 | Views: 1738

Comment 5 out of 5 stars j_ung on 2006-08-14
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Oh, sweet! That's one of the shots I took. Came out great. Damn... that's freaking high. Haha!
Comment dbrayack on 2006-08-15
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I used an ENGR scale to measure the height (assuming my height to be 5') and comfirmed with x = 0.5at^2, about 65 feet from where I jumped. It wasn't really bad either.
Comment 5 out of 5 stars rick_marsh on 2006-09-05
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lol... an awkward landing at that height would hurt
Comment gblauer on 2006-09-07
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"lol... an awkward landing at that height would hurt"
Funny, I was at summersville a few weeks ago, jumped off a 20 footer. My leg twisted awkwardly when I hit the water. Suffered a severe groin strain and had to flag down a boat to get out . (I couldn't walk at all). I can't imagine what 65 feet would feel like.
Comment kachoong on 2006-09-07
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Great stuff fella's!!! Now I wish we had gone and done that when we were up there in May. I've jumped off a 23m ledge into water with hiking boots and clothes on and even that still hurt. Can't imagine it in swimmers and climbing shoes.