Rock Climbing Photos : Comments
FA of Grungeskull
Another wide one in the Anomalies. Perhaps one of the stranger problems I've done. May 2006
Submitted by: atpeaceinbozeman on 2007-05-18 | Views: 4886

lmao - nice one Tom


you should tag this with "mustache" too
and how did you top it out? full curl up to stacked fists?
Looks like you can slap up that crack to the right and rotate into a left leg knee jam. But I've been wrong before.

If it weren't for the crashpad, you'd get blamed for staging this and rotating it upsided-down. nice FA, I love offwidths.

I'd like to see a video. How do you get into and out of that position?

To get into the starting position, do an inverted shoulder-stand on the pad and wedge feet as high as possible--then use all of your ab strength to do a curl to get hand hold. Also, see sequence at:
i would rather shit glass shards than climb any offwidth let alone a roof offwidth