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West Carbody

West Carbody

This is the west carbody canyon in Boise Idaho. I sometimes zip into and through this area on my way to other parts. Carbody has an intense trail that I will get out and sprint up and down 10 times, crawl back to my car and keep drooling I mean driving. Sweet lines in that canyon. I mention a 5.11d crack that I've worked a few times and it's in there. If you pass through often like I do... Boise is my junction for lots of travel then hit the cliffs. Tallest pitches are maybe 80 feet, average pitches in the 5.8-5.10 range are 60 feet and the really dicey 5.12+ is in the 30 to 60 feet range. All good stuff. If you like basalt. I recommend a thick grainy chalk.

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